Comportamentul alimentar si starea de nutritie la un grup de adolescenti din orasul Pucioasa…
July 7, 2004
Comportamentul alimentar si starea de nutritie la un grup de adolescenti din orasul Pucioasa, judetul Dambovita
Autori: Corina Aurelia Zugravu1*, Tiberiu Tebeica2
Afiliere: 1Institutul de Sanatate Publica Bucuresti, 2UMF “Carol Davila” Bucuresti
THE NUTRITIONAL STATUS AND BEHAVIOR IN A GROUP OF ADOLESCENTS FROM PUCIOASA TOWN, COUNTY OF DAMBOVITA. The study had in target the nutritional behaviour and its psychological determinative factors in a group of 417 teens. We used a questionnaire with 25 multiple choice topics. At the end of the research, we formulated some recommendations in order to improve the nutritional habits.
Keywords: nutritional habits, teenagers, smoking, exercise, BMI