The river Tamis (Timi, Tamish, Tamis) water quality according to microbiological, hydrobiological..

The river Tamis (Timis, Tamish, Tamis) water quality according to microbiological, hydrobiological and biochemical parameters


Autori: Matavuly Milan1, Kogálniceanu-Odobescu Svetlana2, Gayin Slavka1, Dîrgean Corina Carolina2, Nemes Karolina1, Simeunovicy Yelica1, Radnovicy Dragan1, Stoykovicy Yovana3, Nikolicy Tiyana3

Afiliere: 1Faculty of Sciences, Department of Biology and Ecology, University of Novi Sad, S&Montenegro, 2Western University „ Vasile Goldiş” of Arad, Faculty of Biology, 3Research Association of Students of Biology and Ecology, “Yosif Panchicy”, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, S&M


CALITATEA APEI RÂULUI TAMIS (TIMIŞ, TAMISH, TAMIŠ) ÎN LEGĂTURĂ CU PARAMETRII MICROBIOLOGICI, HIDROBIOLOGICI ŞI BIOCHIMICI. The Danube-Krish-Morish-Tisza (DKMT) Euro-region is very rich in surface waters, being traditionally a recipient of industrial and municipal wastewater. Belonging to the environments that are most exposed to pollution, they deserve more focussed attention considering the transboundary flowing water quality, especially because these waters have been used as potable water resources, as well as water for the food industry processess, for agricultural irrigation, sport and recreational purposes and for anticipated transportation. The long-term investigations point to the trend of impairment of the water quality of all Transboundary Rivers. One of the most endangered water-flow in the Banat Region is the Tamish River. Hopefully, improvement of information exchange between Romanian end Serbian state institutions, NGO’s and the public, will speed up the implementation of international conventions with the aim of prevention of harmful and irreparable effects of transboundary flowing waters. With regard to surface water management, the Water Framework Directive requires Member States to „protect, enhance and restore all bodies of surface water with the aim of achieving «good surface water status» by year 2005. Therefore, ecological status of the River Tamis water was estimated in the Romanian part at five sampling sites (1. Caransebeş, 2. Lugoj, 3. Bazdsunou, 4. Sag, 5. Rudna) and in the Serbian part of Banat (1. Jasha Tomicy, 2. Botosh, 3. Idvor, 4. Panchevo upstream, 5. Panchevo downstream of the town) in the frame of project of regional cooperation of the Faculty of Biology of the „Vasile Goldiş” University De Vest, Din Arad, and the Faculty of Sciences of the Novi Sad University, concerning joint investigation of water quality of transboundary rivers, in 2005, according to microbiological, biochemical and hydrobiological parameters (number of indicating bacteria, nutrient content, chlorophyll a content, water phosphatase activity, etc. Also, much higher number of oil-degrading bacteria in Serbian stretch of river, indicate the increased specific pollution of the river water by oil and its derivatives, especially downstream of Panchevo oil refinery. Seasonal dynamics of the content of chlorophyll “a” and water phosphatase activity level pointed out in all of cases the oligo-mesotrophic status of the River Tamis water in the Romanian stretch of river, but the most often mesotrophic status in Serbian stretch of the Tamish River. Taking into account regional circumstances which are negatively affecting the water quality, and the transboundary flow effect, the water quality analyses in 2005 revealed as a rule satisfactory good water quality of the Romanian part River Tamish water, and tendencu of decreasing quality of the river water downstream of the Botosh village, belonging to the Serbian part of river.


Keywords: The Tamish River, Water quality, The Banat Region, Romania – Serbia