Data to the knowledge of the macrolepidoptera fauna of the Sălaj-region, Transylvania, Romania (arthropoda: insecta)
November 17, 2014
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Article Title: | Data to the knowledge of the macrolepidoptera fauna of the Sălaj-region, Transylvania, Romania (arthropoda: insecta) |
Authors: | Bálint Zs, Katona G., Ronkay L. |
Affiliation: | Department of Zoology, Hungarian Natural History Museum |
Abstract: | We provide 984 data of 88 collecting events originating from the Sălaj-region of western Transylvania, Romania. These have been assembled in the period between 22. April, 2014 and 10. September, 2015. Geographical, spatial and temporal records to the knowledge of 98 butterflies (Papilionoidea) and 225 moths (Bombycoidea, Drepanoidea, Geometroidea, Noctuoidea and Sphingoidea) are given representing the families (species numbers in brackets) Hesperiidae (8), Lycaenidae (28), Nymphalidae (28), Papilionidae (3), Pieridae (13) Riodinidae (1), Satyridae (17) (Papilionoidea); Arctiidae (11), Ctenuchidae (1), Lymantriidae (1), Noctuidae (119), Nolidae (2), Notodontidae (6) Thyatiridae (4), (Noctuoidea); Drepanidae (3) (Drepanoidea); Geometridae (73) (Geometroidea); Lasiocampidae (2), Saturniidae (1) (Bombycoidea); Sphingidae (2) (Sphingoidea). According to the most recent catalogue of the Romanian Lepidoptera fauna 31 species proved to be new for the region Sălaj. The following 43 species have faunistical interest, therefore they are briefly annotated: Agrochola humilis, Agrochola laevis, Aplocera efformata, Aporophila lutulenta, Atethmia centrago, Bryoleuca felina, Calyptra thalictri, Chazara briseis, Colias chrysotheme, Coscinia cribraria, Cupido osiris, Cyclophora albipunctata, Cymatophorima diluta, Drepana curvatula, Dryobotodes monochroma, Eilema caniola, Eilema palliatella, Eucarta amethystina, Eucarta virgo, Euphydryas aurinia, Eupithecia inturbata, Euxoa cos, Euxoa distinguenda, Everes alcetas, Hemaris tityus, Leptidea major, Lycaena thersamon, Maculinea arion, Maculinea teleius, Maniola tithonus, Meganephria bimaculosa, Noctua interjecta, Nothocasis sertata, Nymphalis xanthomelas, Perconia strigillaria, Phyllophila obliterata, Plebejides sephirus, Pyrgus armoricanus, Rhyacia lucipeta, Scotochrosta pulla, Scotopteryx vicinaria, Selidosema plumaria, Shargacucullia gozmanyi. Amogst them Euxoa cos, Plebejides sephirus and Scotopteryx vicinaria turned to be the most remarkable findings. |
Keywords: | Macrolepidoptera, Romania, region Sălaj, new records, faunistics. |
*Correspondence: | Bálint, Zs., Department of Zoology, Hungarian Natural History Museum, Baross u. 13., H – 1088, Budapest, Hungary; email: |