Water quality assessments on a natural wetland (Igrice-marsh) on the basis of chemical parameters and macroinvertebrate taxa
January 1, 2012
Water quality assessments on a natural wetland (Igrice-marsh) on the basis of chemical parameters and macroinvertebrate taxa
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Title: | Water quality assessments on a natural wetland (Igrice-marsh) on the basis of chemical parameters and macroinvertebrate taxa |
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Article_Title: | Water quality assessments on a natural wetland (Igrice-marsh) on the basis of chemical parameters and macroinvertebrate taxa |
Authors: | György VINCZE, István JÁNOS, Zsolt T. HÖRCSIK, Zsolt KOTROCZÓ, Sándor SZABÓ |
Affiliation: | College of Nyíregyháza, Institute of Biology, Nyíregyháza, Hungary |
Abstract: | The basic aim of the present study is the water quality assessment of the Igrice marsh (Nature Conservation Area, situated in boundary of town of Nyíregyháza, northeastern part of Hungary) using by bioindication and chemical analysis. The phenomenon of biofiltration is well known: the different wetlands are efficient at removing nutrients and pollutants from through-flowing water by means of their plant communities (mainly reedy, tussocky and large sedge areas). Considering the thought mentioned above, the basic questions of this study were the followings: how does the quality of water flowing through the marsh change and how is it manifested in the presence or even absence of the different macroinvertebrate taxa and in the chemical parameters? The water quality assessment was made by using the Belgian Biotic Index (BBI), an index based on the presence or absence of aquatic macroinvertebrate taxa and by chemical parameters (conductivity, pH, NO2-, NO3-, NH4+, Cl-, Fe2++Fe3+, orthophosphate). In accordance with the expectations, the results indicated that stream water, flowing through the marsh has been improved in quality by biofiltration processes of the wetland ecosystem. It could be seen based on the presence of the taxa indicating better water quality and the positive changes in the chemical features at the outflow part of the canal. As a conclusion, it could be established that the Igrice-marsh is able to improve the quality of the through-flowing water effectively. Nevertheless, using this wetland for such a function is not possible, because the habitat of the marsh is protected and there is no information about the effective buffer capacity of the area. |
Keywords: | Igrice-marsh, water chemistry, Belgian Biotic Index (BBI), macroinvertebrate, water quality |
References: | De Pauw, N. and Vanhooren, G., Method for biological quality assessment of watercourses in Belgium. Hydrobiologia, 100(1), 153-168, 1983. De Pauw N., Van Damme D., De Vaate A. B., Manual for Macro-invertebrate Identification and Water quality Assessment, Integrated Training Programme for Implementation of the Recommended Transnational Monitoring Strategy for the Danube River Basin,( commissioned by the European Commission, CEC PHARE/TACIS, Vienna: pp. 225), 1996. Gabriels W, Goethals P. L. M., De Pauw N., Implications of taxonomic modifications and alien species on biological water quality assessment as exemplified by the Belgian Biotic Index method. Hydrobiologia, 542, 137-150, 2005. Groffman P. M, Gold A. J. and Jacinthe P. A., Nitrous oxide production in riparian zones and groundwater. Nut. Cycl. Agroecosystems, 52, 179–186, 1998. Machefert S. E., Dise N. B, Goulding K.W.T. and Whitehead P.G. Nitrous oxide emission from a range of land uses across Europe Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 6(3), 325–337, 2002. MSZ 12749: Felszíni vizek minősége, minőségi jellemzők és minősítés. 1993. Petri A., P. Holló I., Nagy L. Zs., Adatok a Dél-Alföld kis és közepes méretű vízfolyásainak makroszkópikus vízi gerinctelen faunájához, 2. rész. Acta Biol. Debr. Oecol. Hung. 20, 181–191, 2009. Verhoeven J. T. A., Arheimer B., Yin C. and Hefting M. M., Regional and global concerns over wetlands and water quality. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 21(2), 96-103, 2006. |
Read_full_article: | pdf/21-2011/21-4-2011/SU21-4-2011-Vincze.pdf |
Correspondence: | György Vincze, College of Nyíregyháza, Institute of Biology, Str. Sóstói 31./B., H-4401, Nyíregyháza, Hungary, Tel. +3642599400, Fax. +3642402488, email: vinczegy@nyf.hu |
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Article Title: | Water quality assessments on a natural wetland (Igrice-marsh) on the basis of chemical parameters and macroinvertebrate taxa |
Authors: | György VINCZE*, István JÁNOS, Zsolt T. HÖRCSIK, Zsolt KOTROCZÓ, Sándor SZABÓ |
Affiliation: | College of Nyíregyháza, Institute of Biology, Nyíregyháza, Hungary |
Abstract: | The basic aim of the present study is the water quality assessment of the Igrice marsh (Nature Conservation Area, situated in boundary of town of Nyíregyháza, northeastern part of Hungary) using by bioindication and chemical analysis. The phenomenon of biofiltration is well known: the different wetlands are efficient at removing nutrients and pollutants from through-flowing water by means of their plant communities (mainly reedy, tussocky and large sedge areas). Considering the thought mentioned above, the basic questions of this study were the followings: how does the quality of water flowing through the marsh change and how is it manifested in the presence or even absence of the different macroinvertebrate taxa and in the chemical parameters? The water quality assessment was made by using the Belgian Biotic Index (BBI), an index based on the presence or absence of aquatic macroinvertebrate taxa and by chemical parameters (conductivity, pH, NO2-,NO3-, NH4+, Cl-, Fe2++Fe3+, orthophosphate). In accordance with the expectations, the results indicated that stream water, flowing through the marsh has been improved in quality by biofiltration processes of the wetland ecosystem. It could be seen based on the presence of the taxa indicating better water quality and the positive changes in the chemical features at the outflow part of the canal. As a conclusion, it could be established that the Igrice-marsh is able to improve the quality of the through-flowing water effectively. Nevertheless, using this wetland for such a function is not possible, because the habitat of the marsh is protected and there is no information about the effective buffer capacity of the area. |
Keywords: | Igrice-marsh, water chemistry, Belgian Biotic Index (BBI), macroinvertebrate, water quality |
References: | De Pauw, N. and Vanhooren, G., Method for biological quality assessment of watercourses in Belgium. Hydrobiologia, 100(1), 153-168, 1983. De Pauw N., Van Damme D., De Vaate A. B., Manual for Macro-invertebrate Identification and Water quality Assessment, Integrated Training Programme for Implementation of the Recommended Transnational Monitoring Strategy for the Danube River Basin,( commissioned by the European Commission, CEC PHARE/TACIS, Vienna: pp. 225), 1996. Gabriels W, Goethals P. L. M., De Pauw N., Implications of taxonomic modifications and alien species on biological water quality assessment as exemplified by the Belgian Biotic Index method. Hydrobiologia, 542, 137-150, 2005. Groffman P. M, Gold A. J. and Jacinthe P. A., Nitrous oxide production in riparian zones and groundwater. Nut. Cycl. Agroecosystems, 52, 179–186, 1998. Machefert S. E., Dise N. B, Goulding K.W.T. and Whitehead P.G. Nitrous oxide emission from a range of land uses across Europe Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 6(3), 325–337, 2002. MSZ 12749: Felszíni vizek minősége, minőségi jellemzők és minősítés. 1993. Petri A., P. Holló I., Nagy L. Zs., Adatok a Dél-Alföld kis és közepes méretű vízfolyásainak makroszkópikus vízi gerinctelen faunájához, 2. rész. Acta Biol. Debr. Oecol. Hung. 20, 181–191, 2009. Verhoeven J. T. A., Arheimer B., Yin C. and Hefting M. M., Regional and global concerns over wetlands and water quality. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 21(2), 96-103, 2006. |
*Correspondence: | György Vincze, College of Nyíregyháza, Institute of Biology, Str. Sóstói 31./B., H-4401, Nyíregyháza, Hungary, Tel. +3642599400, Fax. +3642402488, email: vinczegy@nyf.hu |