Okanj Bara – important center of floristic and ecosystem diversity of the Tisa River Basin (Serbia)
Okanj Bara – important center of floristic and ecosystem diversity of the Tisa River Basin (Serbia)
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Title: | Okanj Bara – important center of floristic and ecosystem diversity of the Tisa River Basin (Serbia) |
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Article_Title: | Okanj Bara – important center of floristic and ecosystem diversity of the Tisa River Basin (Serbia) |
Authors: | Biljana PANJKOVIĆ*, Ranko PERIĆ, Vida STOJŠIĆ |
Affiliation: | Institute for Nature Conservation of Vojvodina Province |
Abstract: | More than 75% of Vojvodina province (Serbia) are agricultural and mostly degraded landscape intermingled with more or less isolated remnants of natural and seminatural vegetation on areas which are unfavourable for amelioration into arable land (steep loess walls, sandy areas, saline marshes and meadows) or they are included within protected areas. Many of them were proved to be important centers of floristic and ecosystem diversity in Serbia and Pannonic region, especially for steppe and halophytic vegetation. Unfortunately, significant part of this valuable sites are unprotected and under great antropogenic influences which emphasize need for their protection. One of these important sites is saline lake Okanj bara near Tisa river in Vojvodina (Serbia) with specific and endangered types of saline habitats. Based on field research, herbarium and literature survey new floristical and ecological data are presented. In accordance with data from related literature more than 400 taxa and 58 syntaxonomical units (7 classes, 12 orders, 16 alliances, 20 associations) were observed. In group of protected and rare typical species as well as species with insufficiently known distribution in Serbia were recorded: Plantago schwarzenbergiana Schur, Aster tripolium L. subsp. pannonicum (Jacq.) Soó, Cirsium brachycephalum Juratzka, Trifolium angulatum Waldst. & Kit., Allium atropurpureum Waldst. & Kit., Scilla autumnalis L., Silene viscosa (L.) Pers., Salvia austriaca Jacq., Salsola soda L., Scirpus lacustris L. subsp. tabernaemontani (C. C. Gmelin) Syme in Sowerby, Crypsis aculeata (L.) Aiton, Artemisia santonicum L., Limonium gmelinii (Willd.) O. Kuntze and others. |
Keywords: | biodiversity, protection, Okanj bara, Lower Tisa, Banat |
References: |
Anačkov G.(2009): Taxonomy and chorology of genus Allium L. in Serbia [Taksonomija i horologija roda Allium L. 1754 u Srbiji].-University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences. (PhD Thesis, manuscr.) [in Serbian] Nejgebauer V., Živković B., Tanasijević Đ. M., Miljković N. (1971): Pedological map of Vojvodina [Pedološka karta Vojvodine].-Institute for agricultural research, Novi Sad. [in Serbian] |
Read_full_article: | pdf/21-2011/21-4-2011/SU21-4-2011-Panjkovic.pdf |
Correspondence: | Panjković Biljana, Institute for Nature Conservation of Vojvodina Province, Radnička St. 20a, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia, Tel. +38121/ 4896-301, Fax. +38121/ 6616-252, email: panjkovic@zzps.rs |
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Read full article |
Article Title: | Okanj Bara – important center of floristic and ecosystem diversity of the Tisa River Basin (Serbia) |
Authors: | Biljana PANJKOVIĆ*, Ranko PERIĆ, Vida STOJŠIĆ |
Affiliation: | Institute for Nature Conservation of Vojvodina Province |
Abstract: | More than 75% of Vojvodina province (Serbia) are agricultural and mostly degraded landscape intermingled with more or less isolated remnants of natural and seminatural vegetation on areas which are unfavourable for amelioration into arable land (steep loess walls, sandy areas, saline marshes and meadows) or they are included within protected areas. Many of them were proved to be important centers of floristic and ecosystem diversity in Serbia and Pannonic region, especially for steppe and halophytic vegetation. Unfortunately, significant part of this valuable sites are unprotected and under great antropogenic influences which emphasize need for their protection. One of these important sites is saline lake Okanj bara near Tisa river in Vojvodina (Serbia) with specific and endangered types of saline habitats. Based on field research, herbarium and literature survey new floristical and ecological data are presented. In accordance with data from related literature more than 400 taxa and 58 syntaxonomical units (7 classes, 12 orders, 16 alliances, 20 associations) were observed. In group of protected and rare typical species as well as species with insufficiently known distribution in Serbia were recorded: Plantago schwarzenbergiana Schur, Aster tripolium L. subsp. pannonicum (Jacq.) Soó, Cirsium brachycephalum Juratzka, Trifolium angulatum Waldst. & Kit., Allium atropurpureum Waldst. & Kit., Scilla autumnalis L., Silene viscosa (L.) Pers., Salvia austriaca Jacq., Salsola soda L., Scirpus lacustris L. subsp. tabernaemontani (C. C. Gmelin) Syme in Sowerby, Crypsis aculeata (L.) Aiton, Artemisia santonicum L., Limonium gmelinii (Willd.) O. Kuntze and others. |
Keywords: | biodiversity, protection, Okanj bara, Lower Tisa, Banat |
References |
Anačkov G.(2009): Taxonomy and chorology of genus Allium L. in Serbia [Taksonomija i horologija roda Allium L. 1754 u Srbiji].-University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences. (PhD Thesis, manuscr.) [in Serbian] Nejgebauer V., Živković B., Tanasijević Đ. M., Miljković N. (1971): Pedological map of Vojvodina [Pedološka karta Vojvodine].-Institute for agricultural research, Novi Sad. [in Serbian] |
*Correspondence: | Panjković Biljana, Institute for Nature Conservation of Vojvodina Province, Radnička St. 20a, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia, Tel. +38121/ 4896-301, Fax. +38121/ 6616-252, email: panjkovic@zzps.rs |