Species-rich Nardus grasslands from the northern part of the Bihor mountains

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Article Title: Species-rich Nardus grasslands from the northern part of the Bihor mountains
Authors: Togor G, C., Burescu P.
Affiliation: University of Oradea, Faculty of Sciences, Biology Department, PhD Student, 1 University St., Oradea, Romania
University of Oradea, Faculty of Environmental Protection, 26 Gen. Magheru St., 410048 Oradea, Romania
Abstract: This paper presents phytocoenologic, ecological and eco-protective research made in the priority habitat 6230* – Species-rich Nardus grasslands, on siliceous substrates in mountain areas, identified in the northern part of Bihor Mountains. The phytocoenoses of the three studied associations: Violo declinatae – Nardetum Simon 1966, Festuco rubrae – Nardetum strictae Csürös et Resmeriţă 1960 and Carici – Nardetum strictae (Resmeriţă 1984) Pop et Resmeriţă 1986, assigned the alliance Potentillo – Nardion Simon 1959 – grows on large surfaces located at altitudes ranging from 900-1585 m, on acidic soils compacted more or less, used as pastures. The 26 phytocoenologic samplings conducted and summarized in tables include a number of 82 species revealed. Among these, there are a number of vulnerable species (Arnica montana, Pedicularis limnogena), endemic (Thymus bihoriensis), rare (Sagina saginoides, Campanula serrata, Pseudorchis albida, Dactylorhiza maculata, Viola dacica), included in the Red List.
Keywords: Violo declinatae – Nardetum, Festuco rubrae – Nardetum strictae, Carici – Nardetum strictae, Bihor Mountains, Red Listed plants
*Correspondence: Togor George Claudiu, University of Oradea, Faculty of Sciences, Biology Department, 1 University St., Oradea, Romania, tel. 0040-740-092-797, e-mail: togorg@gmail.com