Botanical gardens of the European Union and ex situ conservation

Botanical gardens of the European Union and ex situ conservation

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Article_Title: Botanical gardens of the European Union and ex situ conservation
Authors: Marcel Grec, Aurel Ardelean
Affiliation: ”Vasile Goldiş” Western University Arad, Faculty of Natural Sciences
Abstract: Many botanical gardens in the European Union are also elite institutions worldwide significance in botanical research, plant conservation, education and horticulture. They include more than 100 germplasm banks, which not only conserves collections of spontaneous, but also species of agricultural interest, being one of the most important genetic reserves in the world. Botanical gardens have played an important role in many cultures and civilizations throughout the ages. They fulfill various roles and functions so that it is not easy to define what a botanical garden. However, a convenient definition is that they are institutions which documented collections of living plants kept for purposes of scientific research, conservation, monitoring and education Botanic Gardens Conservation International 1999. Strengthening the major centers of botanical gardens as systematics and taxonomy research in plant taxonomy provides the basis for all applied and integrated approaches to science and plant species and habitat protection or management programs. The importance of placing the subject in numerous taxonomic and conservation of biological diversity permissive custom has been made in the Global Taxonomical Initiative. Guarded and important documentary artifacts, structures and collections of historical and cultural heritage is a rich and varied extensive collections held in botanic gardens. An important biological inheritance is kept in an extensive collection of botanical gardens, plants, bringing together plants from widely separated locations and often inaccessible to study in controlled conditions. Promote botanic gardens as a tourist attraction in most countries with well-developed botanical gardens regard as important tourist wealth. Many now rely on income from visitors who pay to visit these gardens. Larger institutions have sections of public relations and marketing who employ trained personnel, but in smaller gardens such promotion is carried out by untrained employees specifically for this work.
Keywords: botanical gardens, conservation, monitoring, plant taxonomy
References: A. Ardelean, I. Covaci – Macea University Botanical Garden, Arad, 2002
Botanical Garden of Padua, (presentation guide) Padova 2002
Botanical Garden of Tubingen (presentation guide), Tubingen 2001
V. Cristea, Micle F., F. Crisan, Le Jardin Botanique Camerino, "Alexandru Borza \", 1997
Diaconescu Basil – Botanical Garden in Romania, Scientific and Encyclopedic Publishing House, Bucharest, 1985
Micle Felician, Alexandra Suteu, Sorana hentai, Ana-Maria Csergo-Botanical Garden \ "Alexandru Borza \" in Cluj-Napoca. Cluj-Napoca: Cluj University Press Publishing. (2002)
Pop E – I Jardin Botanique de Cluj., Cluj-Napoca, 1966
Ratiu O., F.-Micle Botanical Garden. Guide, Cluj-Napoca, 1978
Anca Sirbu – Botanical Gardens Association in Romania, a European integration step hope, Ed Hello, Bucharest, 2001.
Topa E-Guide Botanical Garden in Cluj., Cluj-Napoca, 1956
EO Wilson, Peter FH – Biodiversity, National Academy Press, Waschington DC, 1988, p. 21 to 27 May.
Cell Biology, Lito course, IM Timisoara, 1985 – N. Frasinel, Aftina Tosic
Practical cell biology, Lito IM Timisoara, 1990 – N. Frasinel
Cellular and molecular biology Ed.Mirton Timisoara, 1994 – N. Frasinel, Doina Verdes
Cell and Molecular Biology Part I, Ed.Eurobit, Timisoara, 1997 – Aftina Tosic, Doina Verdes, M. Berceanu, Ioana Muntean, Delia Berceanu
Molecular Biology of the Cell, Garland Publishing, Inc.. NY – Bruce Alberts, Dennis Bray, Julia Lewis, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, James D. Watson
Histology medical, vol Med Ed, Bucharest, 1987 – Diculescu I., Doina Onicescu
Cell and Molecular Biology, Ed.Sitech, Craiova, 1997 – Fr Mixich
Andrei, M., 1997 – The general morphology of plants, Encyclopedic Publishing House, Bucharest
Andrew M., 1978 – Plant Anatomy, Ed Teaching and Teacher, Bucharest
Anghel, I., 1979 – Cytology plant Didactic and Pedagogical Publishing House, Bucharest
Cache-Cosma, D., 1987 – in vitro methods crops, Ceres Publishing House, Bucharest
Ciobanu, I., 1971 – Plant Morphology, Didactic and Pedagogic Publishing House, Bucharest
Popescu, G., 2000 – Botany, University Publishing House, Craiova
Şerbănescu-Jitariu, G., 1975 – Morphology and anatomy of plants, University of Bucharest
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Correspondence: Marcel GREC "VASILE GOLDIŞ” Western University Arad, Faculty of Natural Sciences Str. Nalbei nr. 1., zip code:310248 Arad, Romania,Faculty of Natural Sciences; phone:0746180456;

Read full article
Article Title: Botanical gardens of the European Union and ex situ conservation
Authors: Marcel Grec, Aurel Ardelean
Affiliation: ”Vasile Goldiş” Western University Arad, Faculty of Natural Sciences
Abstract: Many botanical gardens in the European Union are also elite institutions worldwide significance in botanical research, plant conservation, education and horticulture. They include more than 100 germplasm banks, which not only conserves collections of spontaneous, but also species of agricultural interest, being one of the most important genetic reserves in the world. Botanical gardens have played an important role in many cultures and civilizations throughout the ages. They fulfill various roles and functions so that it is not easy to define what a botanical garden. However, a convenient definition is that they are institutions which documented collections of living plants kept for purposes of scientific research, conservation, monitoring and education Botanic Gardens Conservation International 1999. Strengthening the major centers of botanical gardens as systematics and taxonomy research in plant taxonomy provides the basis for all applied and integrated approaches to science and plant species and habitat protection or management programs. The importance of placing the subject in numerous taxonomic and conservation of biological diversity permissive custom has been made in the Global Taxonomical Initiative. Guarded and important documentary artifacts, structures and collections of historical and cultural heritage is a rich and varied extensive collections held in botanic gardens. An important biological inheritance is kept in an extensive collection of botanical gardens, plants, bringing together plants from widely separated locations and often inaccessible to study in controlled conditions. Promote botanic gardens as a tourist attraction in most countries with well-developed botanical gardens regard as important tourist wealth. Many now rely on income from visitors who pay to visit these gardens. Larger institutions have sections of public relations and marketing who employ trained personnel, but in smaller gardens such promotion is carried out by untrained employees specifically for this work.
Keywords: botanical gardens, conservation, monitoring, plant taxonomy
References: A. Ardelean, I. Covaci – Macea University Botanical Garden, Arad, 2002
Botanical Garden of Padua, (presentation guide) Padova 2002
Botanical Garden of Tubingen (presentation guide), Tubingen 2001
V. Cristea, Micle F., F. Crisan, Le Jardin Botanique Camerino, "Alexandru Borza \", 1997
Diaconescu Basil – Botanical Garden in Romania, Scientific and Encyclopedic Publishing House, Bucharest, 1985
Micle Felician, Alexandra Suteu, Sorana hentai, Ana-Maria Csergo-Botanical Garden \ "Alexandru Borza \" in Cluj-Napoca. Cluj-Napoca: Cluj University Press Publishing. (2002)
Pop E – I Jardin Botanique de Cluj., Cluj-Napoca, 1966
Ratiu O., F.-Micle Botanical Garden. Guide, Cluj-Napoca, 1978
Anca Sirbu – Botanical Gardens Association in Romania, a European integration step hope, Ed Hello, Bucharest, 2001.
Topa E-Guide Botanical Garden in Cluj., Cluj-Napoca, 1956
EO Wilson, Peter FH – Biodiversity, National Academy Press, Waschington DC, 1988, p. 21 to 27 May.
Cell Biology, Lito course, IM Timisoara, 1985 – N. Frasinel, Aftina Tosic
Practical cell biology, Lito IM Timisoara, 1990 – N. Frasinel
Cellular and molecular biology Ed.Mirton Timisoara, 1994 – N. Frasinel, Doina Verdes
Cell and Molecular Biology Part I, Ed.Eurobit, Timisoara, 1997 – Aftina Tosic, Doina Verdes, M. Berceanu, Ioana Muntean, Delia Berceanu
Molecular Biology of the Cell, Garland Publishing, Inc.. NY – Bruce Alberts, Dennis Bray, Julia Lewis, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, James D. Watson
Histology medical, vol Med Ed, Bucharest, 1987 – Diculescu I., Doina Onicescu
Cell and Molecular Biology, Ed.Sitech, Craiova, 1997 – Fr Mixich
Andrei, M., 1997 – The general morphology of plants, Encyclopedic Publishing House, Bucharest
Andrew M., 1978 – Plant Anatomy, Ed Teaching and Teacher, Bucharest
Anghel, I., 1979 – Cytology plant Didactic and Pedagogical Publishing House, Bucharest
Cache-Cosma, D., 1987 – in vitro methods crops, Ceres Publishing House, Bucharest
Ciobanu, I., 1971 – Plant Morphology, Didactic and Pedagogic Publishing House, Bucharest
Popescu, G., 2000 – Botany, University Publishing House, Craiova
Şerbănescu-Jitariu, G., 1975 – Morphology and anatomy of plants, University of Bucharest
*Correspondence: Marcel GREC "VASILE GOLDIŞ” Western University Arad, Faculty of Natural Sciences Str. Nalbei nr. 1., zip code:310248 Arad, Romania,Faculty of Natural Sciences; phone:0746180456;