The purpose of the multiple elutions for the determination of organochlorine pesticides in complex fodder

The purpose of the multiple elutions for the determination of organochlorine pesticides in complex fodder

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Title: The purpose of the multiple elutions for the determination of organochlorine pesticides in complex fodder
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Article_Title: The purpose of the multiple elutions for the determination of organochlorine pesticides in complex fodder
Authors: Adriana Chiş1*, Cornelia Purcărea2 Cristina Horga3
Affiliation: 1 University of Oradea, Faculty of Environment Protection, Oradea, Romania
2 Institute for Public Health Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Abstract: This paper presents the results of the determination (qualitative and quantitative) of organochlorine pesticides in complex fodder for nursing cows by gas chromatography. The applied method requires the use of three subsequent elutions with 200 ml ethylic ether/light petroleum each, in variable proportions. The paper analyses the appearance of the compounds in relation with the used eluents in order to identify if this massive consumption of solvent is really necessary. The practical determinations proved that the use of one particular eluent is enough for a specific level of certainty.
Keywords: fodder, organochlorine pesticides, variable elution
References: Bai, Y., L. Zhou, J. LI, 2006, Organochlorine pesticide (HCH and DDT) residues in dietary products from Shaanxi province, People’s Republic of China, Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 76, 422-46
Bradley, R.L. Jr, 2003, Moisture and total solid analysis, Chap. 6, in Part II, Food Analysis, Third Edition, Springer Science (Suzanne Nielsen Ed.), USA Kluwer Academic New York, 81-103
Chiş Adriana – Studies regarding the optimization of the solvent consumption in the determination of organochlorine pesticides from green foder Vol.20/2010 a Studia Universitatis “Vasile Goldis”, Seria Stiintele Vietii. ,ISSN 1584-3463, pag 81-87
EFSA, a, 2005, Opinion of the Scientfic Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain on a request from the Commission related to Gamma – HCH and other hexachlorocyclohexanes as undesirable substances in animal feed, The EFSA Journal, 250, 1-39
EFSA, a, 2006, Opinion of the Scientfic Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain on a reques tfrom the Commission related to Endosulfan as undesirable substances in animal feed, The EFSA Journal, 234, 1-31
EFSA, b, 2005, Opinion of the Scientfic Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain on a reques from the Commission related to Endrin as undesirable substances in animal feed, 2005, The EFSA Journal, 286, 1-31
EFSA, b, 2006, Opinion of the Scientfic Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain on a reques tfrom the Commission related to DDT as undesirable substances in animal feed, The EFSA Journal, 433, 1-69
EU, 2006, Quality Control Procedures for pesticides Residues Analysis, Document nr. SANCO/10232/2006, Brussels, 2006 specialreport/pesticides_index_en.htm,
Gill, JPS, Aulakh, RS, Mundi, JPS and Sharma, JK, 2001, Pesticides residues in animal feed: a potential source of public health hazard. Paper in Post Conference proceeding of International Conference on Pesticides, Environment, Food Security from 19-23, November 2001 held at New Delhi. pp. 160-163.
Gocan S., 1998, High-performance cromatography, part I, gas chromatography, Dacia Publishing House, Cluj Napoca
Kannan, K, Tanabe, S, Ramesh, A, Subramanian, A and Tatsukawa, R, 1992, Persistent Organochlorine residues in foodstuffs from India and their implication on human dietary exposure. J. Agric. Food Chem., 40: 518-524.
LEGIS – program informatic referitor la legislatia din Romania
Schenck, F.J. and J. Hobbs, 2004, Evaluation of a quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged and safe (QuEChERS) approach to pesticide residue analysis, Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol.73(1), 24-30
Singh, R, Kumari, B, Madan, VK, Kumar, R and Kathpal, TS, 1997, Monitoring of HCH residues in animal feed. Indian J. Anim. Sci., 676: 250-52.
Škrbič, B. and Z. Predojevič, 2008, Levels of Organochlorine Pesticides in Crops and Related Products From Vojvodina, Serbia :Estimated Dietary Intake, Environ. Contam. Toxicology, 54(4), 628-623
SR EN 12393-2, 2003, Produse alimentare negrase. Metode multireziduu pentru derminarea gaz-cromatografică a reziduurilor de pesticide, Partea 2 : metode de extracţie şi purificare
SR EN 12393-3, 2003, Produse alimentare negrase. Metode multireziduu pentru derminarea gaz-cromatografică a reziduurilor de pesticide, Partea 3 : Determinare şi teste de confirmare
Tadeo, J. L., (ed.), 2008, Analysis of Pesticides in Food and Environmental Samples, CRC Press, Taylor & Frances Group Boca Raton , London, New York
Wang G, X.-P., Yao T.-D., Cong Z-Y., Yan X.-L., Kang S.-C., Zhang Y., 2007, Distribution of persistent Organic Pollutants in Soil and Grasses Around Mt. Qomolangma, China, Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 52(2), 153-162.
Read_full_article: pdf/21-2011/21-1-2011/SU21-1-2011Chis.pdf
Correspondence: Chiş A. M., University Of Oradea, Department Of Food Control, Environment Protection Faculty, No. 26 Gen, Magheru Bd., Oradea, 410048, Tel +40-744-696943, E-Mail : andichis

Read full article
Article Title: The purpose of the multiple elutions for the determination of organochlorine pesticides in complex fodder
Authors: Adriana Chiş1*, Cornelia Purcărea2 Cristina Horga3
Affiliation: 1 University of Oradea, Faculty of Environment Protection, Oradea, Romania
2 Institute for Public Health Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Abstract: This paper presents the results of the determination (qualitative and quantitative) of organochlorine pesticides in complex fodder for nursing cows by gas chromatography. The applied method requires the use of three subsequent elutions with 200 ml ethylic ether/light petroleum each, in variable proportions. The paper analyses the appearance of the compounds in relation with the used eluents in order to identify if this massive consumption of solvent is really necessary. The practical determinations proved that the use of one particular eluent is enough for a specific level of certainty.
Keywords: fodder, organochlorine pesticides, variable elution
References: Bai, Y., L. Zhou, J. LI, 2006, Organochlorine pesticide (HCH and DDT) residues in dietary products from Shaanxi province, People’s Republic of China, Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 76, 422-46
Bradley, R.L. Jr, 2003, Moisture and total solid analysis, Chap. 6, in Part II, Food Analysis, Third Edition, Springer Science (Suzanne Nielsen Ed.), USA Kluwer Academic New York, 81-103
Chiş Adriana – Studies regarding the optimization of the solvent consumption in the determination of organochlorine pesticides from green foder Vol.20/2010 a Studia Universitatis “Vasile Goldis”, Seria Stiintele Vietii. ,ISSN 1584-3463, pag 81-87
EFSA, a, 2005, Opinion of the Scientfic Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain on a request from the Commission related to Gamma – HCH and other hexachlorocyclohexanes as undesirable substances in animal feed, The EFSA Journal, 250, 1-39
EFSA, a, 2006, Opinion of the Scientfic Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain on a reques tfrom the Commission related to Endosulfan as undesirable substances in animal feed, The EFSA Journal, 234, 1-31
EFSA, b, 2005, Opinion of the Scientfic Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain on a reques from the Commission related to Endrin as undesirable substances in animal feed, 2005, The EFSA Journal, 286, 1-31
EFSA, b, 2006, Opinion of the Scientfic Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain on a reques tfrom the Commission related to DDT as undesirable substances in animal feed, The EFSA Journal, 433, 1-69
EU, 2006, Quality Control Procedures for pesticides Residues Analysis, Document nr. SANCO/10232/2006, Brussels, 2006 specialreport/pesticides_index_en.htm,
Gill, JPS, Aulakh, RS, Mundi, JPS and Sharma, JK, 2001, Pesticides residues in animal feed: a potential source of public health hazard. Paper in Post Conference proceeding of International Conference on Pesticides, Environment, Food Security from 19-23, November 2001 held at New Delhi. pp. 160-163.
Gocan S., 1998, High-performance cromatography, part I, gas chromatography, Dacia Publishing House, Cluj Napoca
Kannan, K, Tanabe, S, Ramesh, A, Subramanian, A and Tatsukawa, R, 1992, Persistent Organochlorine residues in foodstuffs from India and their implication on human dietary exposure. J. Agric. Food Chem., 40: 518-524.
LEGIS – program informatic referitor la legislatia din Romania
Schenck, F.J. and J. Hobbs, 2004, Evaluation of a quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged and safe (QuEChERS) approach to pesticide residue analysis, Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol.73(1), 24-30
Singh, R, Kumari, B, Madan, VK, Kumar, R and Kathpal, TS, 1997, Monitoring of HCH residues in animal feed. Indian J. Anim. Sci., 676: 250-52.
Škrbič, B. and Z. Predojevič, 2008, Levels of Organochlorine Pesticides in Crops and Related Products From Vojvodina, Serbia :Estimated Dietary Intake, Environ. Contam. Toxicology, 54(4), 628-623
SR EN 12393-2, 2003, Produse alimentare negrase. Metode multireziduu pentru derminarea gaz-cromatografică a reziduurilor de pesticide, Partea 2 : metode de extracţie şi purificare
SR EN 12393-3, 2003, Produse alimentare negrase. Metode multireziduu pentru derminarea gaz-cromatografică a reziduurilor de pesticide, Partea 3 : Determinare şi teste de confirmare
Tadeo, J. L., (ed.), 2008, Analysis of Pesticides in Food and Environmental Samples, CRC Press, Taylor & Frances Group Boca Raton , London, New York
Wang G, X.-P., Yao T.-D., Cong Z-Y., Yan X.-L., Kang S.-C., Zhang Y., 2007, Distribution of persistent Organic Pollutants in Soil and Grasses Around Mt. Qomolangma, China, Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 52(2), 153-162.
*Correspondence: Chiş A. M., University Of Oradea, Department Of Food Control, Environment Protection Faculty, No. 26 Gen, Magheru Bd., Oradea, 410048, Tel +40-744-696943, E-Mail : andichis