Removal of organic materials and plant nutrients in a constructed wetland for petrochemical wastewater treatment
September 17, 2012
Removal of organic materials and plant nutrients in a constructed wetland for petrochemical wastewater treatment
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Title: | Removal of organic materials and plant nutrients in a constructed wetland for petrochemical wastewater treatment |
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Article_Title: | Removal of organic materials and plant nutrients in a constructed wetland for petrochemical wastewater treatment |
Authors: | Anita Czudar, István Gyulai, Péter Keresztúri, István Csatári, Szilvia Serra Páka, Gyula Lakatos |
Affiliation: | University of Debrecen, Department of Applied Ecology, Debrecen, Hungary |
Abstract: | The constructed wetland system of Bogdány Petrol Ltd. was formed in the 1970s for the post-treatment of petrochemical wastewater. Before leading to the constructed wetland, the wastewater is treated both mechanically and chemically. The constructed wetland system consists of three ponds with extended vegetation cover. Dominant macrophytes are Phragmites australis, Typha latifolia and Typha angustifolia, while among other plant species, Bidens tripartitus, Carex acutiformis, Ceratophyllum demersum, Lemna minor, Potamogeton pectinatus and Scirpus lacustris can be found on the area. The aim of our research was to examine the effect of the pond-system on removal of organic matters and plant nutrients from the wastewater. Organic matter removal was examined through COD and BOD values, while elimination of main plant nutrients was reflected by the data of different forms of phosphorous and nitrogen. |
Keywords: | constructed wetland, organic matters, nutrient removal, petrochemical wastewater treatment, CODaCr, BOD5 |
References: | Ansola G, Gonzalez JM, Cortijo R, de Luis E, Experimental and full-scale pilot plant constructed wetlands for municipal wastewater treatment. Ecological Engineering, 21, 43-52, 2003. Baldwin DS, Mitchell AM, Rees GN, The effects of in situ drying on sediment-phosphate interactions in sediments from an old wetland, Hydrobiologia, 431, 3-12, 2000. Baldwin DS, Mitchell AM, The effects of drying and re-flooding on the sediment and soil nutrient dynamics of lowland river-floodplain systems: a synthesis. Regulatory Rivers: Resource Management, 16, 457-467, 2000. Bezbaruah AN, Zhang TC, Performance of a constructed wetland with a sulphur/limestone denitrification section for wastewater nitrogen removal. Environmental Science and Technology, 37, 1690-1697, 2003. Braskerud BC, factors affecting phosphorous retention in small constructed wetlands treating agricultural non-point source pollution. Ecological Engineering, 19, 41-61, 2002. Brix H, Arias C, Del Bubba M, Media selection for sustainable phosphorous removal in subsurface flow constructed wetlands. Water Science and Technology, 44, 47-54, 2001. Chavan PV, Dennett KE, Marchand EA, behaviour of pilot-scale constructed wetlands in removing nutrients and sediments under varying environmental conditions. Water Air Soil Pollut., 192, 239-250, 2008. Ciria MP, Solano ML, Soriano P, Role of macrophyte Typha latifolia in a constructed wetland for wastewater treatment and assessment of its potential as a biomass fuel. Biosystems Engineering, 92, 535-544, 2005. Cooper PF, Job GD, Green MB, Shutes RBE, Reedbeds and constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment. WRc, Swindon, UK, 1996. Dierberg FE, Juston JJ, DeBuska TA, Pietro K, Gu B, Relationship between hydraulic efficiency and phosphorous removal in a submerged aquatic vegetation-dominated treatment wetland. Ecological Engineering, 25, 9-23, 2005. Felföldy L, A biológiai vízminősítés. Vízügyi Hidrobiológia, 16, VGI, 1987. Grec A, Studies and researches regarding the management of the aquatic habitats in Salaj County. Sustainable development priorities. Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldis, Arad, Economic Science Series, 18, 469-480, 2008. Haberl R, Grego S, Langergraber G, Kadlec RH, Cicalini AR, Dias SM, Novais JM, Aubert S, Gerth A, Thomas H, Hebner A, Constructed wetlands for the treatment of organic pollutants. JSS-J Soils and Sediments 3, 109-124, 2003. Jordan TE, Whigham DF, Hofmockel KH, Pittek, MA, Nutrient and sediment removal by a wetland receiving agricultural runoff. Journal of Environmental Quality, 32, 1534-1547, 2003. Kadlec RH, Knight RL, Treatment wetlands. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA, 1996. Kuschk P, Wiessner A, Kappelmeyer U, Weissbrodt E, Kastner M, Stottmeister U, Annual cycle of nitrogen removal by a pilot-scale subsurface horizontal flow in a constructed wetland under moderate climate. Water Research, 37, 4236-4242, 2003. Lakatos G, 1998. Constructed wetlands in Hungary, In: Constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment in Europe. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands, 191-206, 1998. Lakatos G, Kiss KM, Kiss M, Juhász P, Application of constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment in Hungary. Water Science Technology, 33, 331-336, 1997. Luederitz V, Eckert E, Lange-Weber M, Lange A, Gersberg RM, Nutrient removal efficiency and resource economics of vertica l flow and horizontal flow constructed wetlands. Ecological Engineering, 18 , 157-171, 2001. Mitsch WJ, Gosselink JG, Wetlands (3rd ed.). New York, NY, USA, John Wiley and Sons, 2000. Reddy GB, Hunt PG, Phillips R, Stone K, Grubbs A, Treatmnet of swine wastewater in marsh-pond-marsh constructed wetlands. Water Science and Technology, 44, 545-550, 2001. Reddy KR, Smith WF, (Eds.), Aquatic plants for water treatment and resource recovery. Magnolia Publishing, Orlando, FL, USA, 1987. Scholz M, Lee BH, Constructed wetlands: A review. The International Journal of Environmental Studies, 62, 421-447, 2005. Sun GZ, ZhaoYQ, Allen S, Enhanced removal of organic matter and ammonia-nitrogen in a column experiment of tidal-flow constructed wetland system. Journal of Biotechnology, 115 (2), 189-197, 2005. Tang X, Suiliang H, Scholz M, Li J, Nutrient removal in pilot-scale constructed wetlands treating eutrophic river water: Assessment of plants, intermittent artificial aeration and polyhedron hollow polypropylene balls. Water Air Soil Pollut, DOI 10.1007/s11270-008-9791-z, 2008. Verhoeven JTA, Meuleman AFM, Wetlands for wastewater treatment: opportunities and limitations. Ecological Engineering, 12, 5-12, 1999. Vymazal J, Removal of nutrients on various types of constructed wetlands. The Science of the Total Environment, 380, 48-65, 2007. Wand H, Vacca G, Kuschk P, Krüger M, Kastner M, Removal of bacteria by filtration in planted and non-planted sand columns. Water Research, 41, 159-167, 2007. |
Read_full_article: | pdf/21-2011/21-1-2011/SU21-1-2011Czudar.pdf |
Correspondence: | Czudar A., University of Debrecen, faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Applied Ecology, 4032 Debrecen, Egyetem tér 1., Hungary, Tel. +36 52 512-900/22606, e-mail: |
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Article Title: | Removal of organic materials and plant nutrients in a constructed wetland for petrochemical wastewater treatment |
Authors: | Anita Czudar, István Gyulai, Péter Keresztúri, István Csatári, Szilvia Serra Páka, Gyula Lakatos |
Affiliation: | University of Debrecen, Department of Applied Ecology, Debrecen, Hungary |
Abstract: | The constructed wetland system of Bogdány Petrol Ltd. was formed in the 1970s for the post-treatment of petrochemical wastewater. Before leading to the constructed wetland, the wastewater is treated both mechanically and chemically. The constructed wetland system consists of three ponds with extended vegetation cover. Dominant macrophytes are Phragmites australis, Typha latifolia and Typha angustifolia, while among other plant species, Bidens tripartitus, Carex acutiformis, Ceratophyllum demersum, Lemna minor, Potamogeton pectinatus and Scirpus lacustris can be found on the area. The aim of our research was to examine the effect of the pond-system on removal of organic matters and plant nutrients from the wastewater. Organic matter removal was examined through COD and BOD values, while elimination of main plant nutrients was reflected by the data of different forms of phosphorous and nitrogen. |
Keywords: | constructed wetland, organic matters, nutrient removal, petrochemical wastewater treatment, CODaCr, BOD5 |
References: | Ansola G, Gonzalez JM, Cortijo R, de Luis E, Experimental and full-scale pilot plant constructed wetlands for municipal wastewater treatment. Ecological Engineering, 21, 43-52, 2003. Baldwin DS, Mitchell AM, Rees GN, The effects of in situ drying on sediment-phosphate interactions in sediments from an old wetland, Hydrobiologia, 431, 3-12, 2000. Baldwin DS, Mitchell AM, The effects of drying and re-flooding on the sediment and soil nutrient dynamics of lowland river-floodplain systems: a synthesis. Regulatory Rivers: Resource Management, 16, 457-467, 2000. Bezbaruah AN, Zhang TC, Performance of a constructed wetland with a sulphur/limestone denitrification section for wastewater nitrogen removal. Environmental Science and Technology, 37, 1690-1697, 2003. Braskerud BC, factors affecting phosphorous retention in small constructed wetlands treating agricultural non-point source pollution. Ecological Engineering, 19, 41-61, 2002. Brix H, Arias C, Del Bubba M, Media selection for sustainable phosphorous removal in subsurface flow constructed wetlands. Water Science and Technology, 44, 47-54, 2001. Chavan PV, Dennett KE, Marchand EA, behaviour of pilot-scale constructed wetlands in removing nutrients and sediments under varying environmental conditions. Water Air Soil Pollut., 192, 239-250, 2008. Ciria MP, Solano ML, Soriano P, Role of macrophyte Typha latifolia in a constructed wetland for wastewater treatment and assessment of its potential as a biomass fuel. Biosystems Engineering, 92, 535-544, 2005. Cooper PF, Job GD, Green MB, Shutes RBE, Reedbeds and constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment. WRc, Swindon, UK, 1996. Dierberg FE, Juston JJ, DeBuska TA, Pietro K, Gu B, Relationship between hydraulic efficiency and phosphorous removal in a submerged aquatic vegetation-dominated treatment wetland. Ecological Engineering, 25, 9-23, 2005. Felföldy L, A biológiai vízminősítés. Vízügyi Hidrobiológia, 16, VGI, 1987. Grec A, Studies and researches regarding the management of the aquatic habitats in Salaj County. Sustainable development priorities. Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldis, Arad, Economic Science Series, 18, 469-480, 2008. Haberl R, Grego S, Langergraber G, Kadlec RH, Cicalini AR, Dias SM, Novais JM, Aubert S, Gerth A, Thomas H, Hebner A, Constructed wetlands for the treatment of organic pollutants. JSS-J Soils and Sediments 3, 109-124, 2003. Jordan TE, Whigham DF, Hofmockel KH, Pittek, MA, Nutrient and sediment removal by a wetland receiving agricultural runoff. Journal of Environmental Quality, 32, 1534-1547, 2003. Kadlec RH, Knight RL, Treatment wetlands. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA, 1996. Kuschk P, Wiessner A, Kappelmeyer U, Weissbrodt E, Kastner M, Stottmeister U, Annual cycle of nitrogen removal by a pilot-scale subsurface horizontal flow in a constructed wetland under moderate climate. Water Research, 37, 4236-4242, 2003. Lakatos G, 1998. Constructed wetlands in Hungary, In: Constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment in Europe. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands, 191-206, 1998. Lakatos G, Kiss KM, Kiss M, Juhász P, Application of constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment in Hungary. Water Science Technology, 33, 331-336, 1997. Luederitz V, Eckert E, Lange-Weber M, Lange A, Gersberg RM, Nutrient removal efficiency and resource economics of vertica l flow and horizontal flow constructed wetlands. Ecological Engineering, 18 , 157-171, 2001. Mitsch WJ, Gosselink JG, Wetlands (3rd ed.). New York, NY, USA, John Wiley and Sons, 2000. Reddy GB, Hunt PG, Phillips R, Stone K, Grubbs A, Treatmnet of swine wastewater in marsh-pond-marsh constructed wetlands. Water Science and Technology, 44, 545-550, 2001. Reddy KR, Smith WF, (Eds.), Aquatic plants for water treatment and resource recovery. Magnolia Publishing, Orlando, FL, USA, 1987. Scholz M, Lee BH, Constructed wetlands: A review. The International Journal of Environmental Studies, 62, 421-447, 2005. Sun GZ, ZhaoYQ, Allen S, Enhanced removal of organic matter and ammonia-nitrogen in a column experiment of tidal-flow constructed wetland system. Journal of Biotechnology, 115 (2), 189-197, 2005. Tang X, Suiliang H, Scholz M, Li J, Nutrient removal in pilot-scale constructed wetlands treating eutrophic river water: Assessment of plants, intermittent artificial aeration and polyhedron hollow polypropylene balls. Water Air Soil Pollut, DOI 10.1007/s11270-008-9791-z, 2008. Verhoeven JTA, Meuleman AFM, Wetlands for wastewater treatment: opportunities and limitations. Ecological Engineering, 12, 5-12, 1999. Vymazal J, Removal of nutrients on various types of constructed wetlands. The Science of the Total Environment, 380, 48-65, 2007. Wand H, Vacca G, Kuschk P, Krüger M, Kastner M, Removal of bacteria by filtration in planted and non-planted sand columns. Water Research, 41, 159-167, 2007. |
*Correspondence: | Czudar A., University of Debrecen, faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Applied Ecology, 4032 Debrecen, Egyetem tér 1., Hungary, Tel. +36 52 512-900/22606, e-mail: |