New diazoethers with potential applications in medical laser domain

New diazoethers with potential applications in medical laser domain

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Article_Title: New diazoethers with potential applications in medical laser domain
Authors: Teodor Octavian Nicolescu1, Florica Nicolescu1, Aurel Ardelean2, Dorina Ardelean2, Corina Dalia Toderescu2, Aurelia Hulbar2
Affiliation: 1University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” Bucharest, Romania
2”Vasile Goldis” Western University, Arad, Romania
Abstract: Laser therapy includes today various types of lasers. They are classified by composition and experimental parameters: the ruby laser, semiconductor laser, Nd: YAG laser, Ar+ laser, excimer laser, dye laser, CO2 laser, Ne-He laser, free electron laser.
The present study is focused on the laser dyes synthesis because of the advantages it brings this experimental parameter. Dye laser is an acordable laser, the wavelength depends on the energetic level of the transition.
Diversity of active medium is determined by a relatively large number of organic structures: xanthine dyes, coumarin, pyrazoles, salts etc. (Tărăbăşanu C., et al, 2000).
An important application is tumor laser therapy; it uses a dye absorber, this allows the selective destruction of tumor cells. Another benefit of dye laser is microsurgery, which provide localized damage of a substrate and selective absorption of monochromatic radiation (Dumitraş D.C., 1999).
Keywords: diazoethers, barbiturates sodium salt, diazo compounds dyes, laser medical applications
References: D. C. Dumitras, “Biofotonica. Bazele fizice ale
aplicatiilor laserilor in medicina si biologie”,
Editura All Educaţional, Bucureşti 1999, pag 1-174
V.M. Gorduza, C. Tărăbăşanu, et al, Coloranţi Organici,
Aplicaţii Neconvenţionale, Editura Uni-Press C-68,
Bucureşti, 2000, ISBN 973-98967-1-5
M. Iovu, T.O. Nicolescu, Chimie Organică – Metode
experimentale, Editura Universitară „Carol Davila”,
Bucureşti, 2009, ISBN 978-973-708-3494
T. Karu, „Molecular mechanism of therapeutic effect of
low intensity laser irradiation”, Lasers Life Sci.2(l),
1998, pag. 53-74
A. F. Mester, J. B. Snow and P. Shaman, Photochemical
effects of laser irradiation on neuritic outgrowth of
olfactory neuroepithelial explants, Otolaryngology:
Head And Neck Surgery, 105 (3):449–456,
September, 1991
T. O. Nicolescu – a,a’-Bis[N-pirazolil] şi a,a’-Bis[Nimidazolil]
xilileni substituiţi, biologic activi,
Editura Tehnoplast, Bucureşti, 2009, ISBN 978-
R. A. Vacca, E. Marra, E. Quagliariello, “Increase of both
transcription and translation activities following
separate irradiation of the in vitro system components
with He-Ne laser “, Biochem. Biophys., 1994, pag.
Fitz-Ritson D., Lasers and their therapeutic applications
in chiropractic., J. Can. Chiropr. Assoc., 45(1):26–
34, 2001
Read_full_article: pdf/21-2011/21-2-2011/SU21-2-2011Nicolescu.pdf
Correspondence: Teodor Octavian Nicolescu, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” Bucharest, Romania

Read full article
Article Title: New diazoethers with potential applications in medical laser domain
Authors: Teodor Octavian Nicolescu1, Florica Nicolescu1, Aurel Ardelean2, Dorina Ardelean2, Corina Dalia Toderescu2, Aurelia Hulbar2
Affiliation: 1University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” Bucharest, Romania
2”Vasile Goldis” Western University, Arad, Romania
Abstract: Laser therapy includes today various types of lasers. They are classified by composition and experimental parameters: the ruby laser, semiconductor laser, Nd: YAG laser, Ar+ laser, excimer laser, dye laser, CO2 laser, Ne-He laser, free electron laser.
The present study is focused on the laser dyes synthesis because of the advantages it brings this experimental parameter. Dye laser is an acordable laser, the wavelength depends on the energetic level of the transition.
Diversity of active medium is determined by a relatively large number of organic structures: xanthine dyes, coumarin, pyrazoles, salts etc. (Tărăbăşanu C., et al, 2000).
An important application is tumor laser therapy; it uses a dye absorber, this allows the selective destruction of tumor cells. Another benefit of dye laser is microsurgery, which provide localized damage of a substrate and selective absorption of monochromatic radiation (Dumitraş D.C., 1999).
Keywords: diazoethers, barbiturates sodium salt, diazo compounds dyes, laser medical applications
References: D. C. Dumitras, “Biofotonica. Bazele fizice ale
aplicatiilor laserilor in medicina si biologie”,
Editura All Educaţional, Bucureşti 1999, pag 1-174
V.M. Gorduza, C. Tărăbăşanu, et al, Coloranţi Organici,
Aplicaţii Neconvenţionale, Editura Uni-Press C-68,
Bucureşti, 2000, ISBN 973-98967-1-5
M. Iovu, T.O. Nicolescu, Chimie Organică – Metode
experimentale, Editura Universitară „Carol Davila”,
Bucureşti, 2009, ISBN 978-973-708-3494
T. Karu, „Molecular mechanism of therapeutic effect of
low intensity laser irradiation”, Lasers Life Sci.2(l),
1998, pag. 53-74
A. F. Mester, J. B. Snow and P. Shaman, Photochemical
effects of laser irradiation on neuritic outgrowth of
olfactory neuroepithelial explants, Otolaryngology:
Head And Neck Surgery, 105 (3):449–456,
September, 1991
T. O. Nicolescu – a,a’-Bis[N-pirazolil] şi a,a’-Bis[Nimidazolil]
xilileni substituiţi, biologic activi,
Editura Tehnoplast, Bucureşti, 2009, ISBN 978-
R. A. Vacca, E. Marra, E. Quagliariello, “Increase of both
transcription and translation activities following
separate irradiation of the in vitro system components
with He-Ne laser “, Biochem. Biophys., 1994, pag.
Fitz-Ritson D., Lasers and their therapeutic applications
in chiropractic., J. Can. Chiropr. Assoc., 45(1):26–
34, 2001
*Correspondence: Teodor Octavian Nicolescu, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” Bucharest, Romania