Experimental studies of fenugreek seed treatment on rats intoxicated with ethanol

Experimental studies of fenugreek seed treatment on rats intoxicated with ethanol

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Article_Title: Experimental studies of fenugreek seed treatment on rats intoxicated with ethanol
Authors: George C. Pribac, Constantin Craciun, Corina Rosioru, Aurel Ardelean, Maria Czapar, Endre Mathe, Iuliana Simeoni, Aurelia Covaci, Cecilia Avram, Simona Damian, Liana Mos
Affiliation: ¹ “Vasile Goldis” Western University, Arad, Romania
² “Babes-Bolyai” University, Department Of Biology, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
³ University College of Nyiregyhaza, Hungary
Abstract: Our paper was done using an in vivo experimental model, in which animals were administered two differents doses of grounded seeds, on the background of ethanol intoxication. Because of their content in polyphenolic flavonoids, Trigonella foenum graecum seeds have antioxidant and membrane-protective effects, as reported by several Indian research teams. In this geographical area, fenugreek is used not only for its curative effects, but also as a flavoring food supplement. Most studies focused on the hypoglycemiant and antidiabetic properties of fenugreek seeds; there are also a few evidences regarding their utilization in preventing alcoholic liver pathology. Animals were adult male Wistar rats weighing 180-200 g, divided into four groups: a control (C) group, which received a standard diet and water ad libitum; an ethanol-treated group (EtOH) which received the same standard diet and 10% (v/v) ethanol in the water; two groups which had the same ethanol solution instead of drinking water, and their diet contained 5% and 10%, respectively, fenugreek flour (EtOHTr5 and EtOHTr10). The alcohol and fenugreek flour were administered daily, for 30 days. At the end of the treatment period, animals were killed and liver samples were collected, for histological and ultrastructural investigations. The liver of EtOH animals showed macro- and microvesicular fat infiltrations, as well as inflammation in the periportal regions, which are the first areas subjected to neutrophil invasion. Ethanol induced major modifications in hepatocyte nuclei, which had an irregular outline and large heterochromatin areas. Hepatocytes fatty infiltration was accompanied by dilatation of sinusoids, altered function of Ito cells and proliferation of smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER). Mitochondria became condensed, electrondense, with dilated cristae. In EtOHTr5 and EtOHTr10 groups, which received fenugreek flour and ethanol, the structural and ultrastructural modifications caused by alcohol intoxication were much attenuated, better results being obtained with 5% fenugreek. SER proliferation was substantially reduced and the appearance of mitochondria was similar to the one in control animals. The lipid droplets followed the normal transit from parenchimal cells to Ito cells, which preserved their function as lipocytes. Periportal inflammation was also diminished. The majorities of parenchymal cells nuclei preserved their spherical shape and were predominantly euchromatic, with little, evenly dispersed heterochromatin. Our results plead for the utilization of Trigonella seeds as a dietary supplement, to prevent cellular alteration and the onset of steatosis and fibrosis, in subjects with liver conditions produced by excessive drinking.
Keywords: hepatoprotective effects – Trigonella seeds – hepatocyte ultrastructure
References: Adam S., Tinca E., Kiss E. Cercetări comparative privind hiperlipemia animalelor de laborator indusă experimental si efectul protector al extractelor de Herba Chelidonii. Congr. Nat. Farmacie, VII, p.402, Bucuresti, 1979.
Adam S. Studii privind compozitia chimică – continutul in flavone – a speciei Chelidonium mayus L. Simpozion de flavonide, IMF Cluj-Napoca, p. 23, 1984.
Arias I.M., The liver biology and pathology. Fifths edition. Ed. Wiley- Blackwell, 2009.
Bacon R.B., O’Grady J.G., Di Bisceglie M.A., Lake R.J., Comprehensive clinical hepathology, second edition, Ed. Elsevier Mosby, 2006.
Bloom W., Fawcett W.D., A textbook of histology. Tenth edition. Ed. W.B. Saunders Comp., 1975.
Boyer D.T., Wright T.L., Manns P.M., Hepatology. A text book of liver disease. Fifth edition, vol. I. Ed. Saunders – Elsevier, 2006.
Brodie B.B., Butler W.M. , Horning M.G. Alcohol-induced trigliceride deposition in liver through derangement of fat transport. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. ;9:432-435, 1991.
Bruni C., Porter R.K., The fine structure of the parenchymal cell of the normal rat liver. Amer. J. Pathol., 46, 691 – 755, 1965.
Ciobanu C., Craciun C., Ardelean A., Rusu M. A., Puică C., Roman I., Barbu-Tudoran L., Tămaş M., Silaşi R., Investigaţii structural-funcţionale privind efectele extractului hidroalcoolic de Chelidonium mayus asupra ficatului şi rinichiului şobolanilor intoxicaţi cu CCl4. Analele SNBC, vol. VIII, 104 – 130, 2003.
Ciobanu C., Ardelean A., Rusu M. A., Craciun C., Puică C., Silaşi R., Roman I., Barbu-Tudoran L., Tămaş M., Cercetări histologice, histoenzimatice, histochimice şi electronomicroscopice privind influenţa unui extract bioactiv de Berberis vulgaris asupra ficatului şi rinichiului şobolanilor intoxicaţi cu CCl 4. Analele SNBC, vol. VIII, 131 – 158, 2003.
Ciulei I., Grigorescu E., Stănescu U., Plante medicinale, fitochimie şi fitoterapie, vol. II, Ed. Med. Bucureşti, 1993.
Craciun C., Electron microscopy investigations on rat hepatocytes in acute allyl alcohol intoxication and after Tropofar treatment, In: Pathological models in toxicological studies, Sixth Int. Simp. On Drug Toxicity, Cluj-Napoca, 3-5 Sept, 252-271, 1985.
Craciun C., Checiu I., Craciun V., Ultrastructural changes in the mouse fetal neocortex following chronic maternal alcoholization, Rev. Roum. Morphol. Embryol., 35(1), 3-7, 1989.
Craciun C., Checiu I., Craciun V., Ultrastructural changes in the mouse fetal choroid plexuses following chronic maternal alcoholization, Rev. Roum. Morphol. Embryol., 35(3), 221-225, 1989
Craciun C., Sildan N., Craciun V., Madar J., Modificări ultrastructurale induse de ciclofosfamidă în hepatocitele şobolanilor Wistar şi testarea acţiunii hepatoprotectoare a extractului de Calendula officilalis L. şi a acidului oleanolic. Rev. Med. Orădeana, 1, 37 – 41, 1994.
Craciun C., Borsa M., Abraham A., TrofoparR effect on the allyl alcohol intoxicated rats, In: Evolution and Adaptation, V, 171-178 and 203-208, 1995.
Craciun C., R.A.Craciun, Tarba C., Unele aspecte privind intoxicatia alcoolica a ficatului si efectul reparator al Trofoparului, Rev.Med.Oradeana, 2, 91-96, 1995.
Dufour F – J., Clavan A. P. Eds., Siganilg Pathways in liver diseases. Second edition. Ed. Springer, 2010.
Friedman S.L., Keeffe E.B., Handbook of liver disease. Second edition. Ed. Churlchill Livingstone, 2004.
Gullo L., Alchool and chronic pancreatitis: leadind or secondary etiopathogenetic role?. Suppl. 6, 68 – 72, 2005.
Hayat M.A., Principlesc techniques of electron microscopy – Biological applications. Ed. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2000.
Hrişcu A., Găleşianu M.R., Moişă L., Investigarea acţiunii colecistochinetice a totalului alcaloidic din Chelidonium majus. Congr. Nat. Farmacie, Bucureşti, 422, 1979.
Iikejima K.N., Estrogen increases sensitivity of hepatic Kupffer cells to endotoxine, Am. J. Phsysiol., 274, 669 – 676, 1998.
Ishak K. G. Alcohoolic liver disease: pathologic pathogenetic and clinical aspects. Alcoholism (N.Y.) 15 – 45, 1991.
Ito T., Shibasaki S., Electronomicroscopic study on the hepatic sinusoidal wall and fat – storing cell in the human liver. Arch. Histol. Jpn., 1968.
Kaplowitz N., DeLeve D.L., Eds., Drug- induced liver disease. Second edition. Ed. Informahealthcare, New York – London, 2007.
Kuntz E., Kuntz D.H., Hepatology. Principles and practice. Second edition. Ed. Springer, 2006.
Matsumoto H., Matsumoto I., Alcoholism: protein expression profiles in human hippocampal model. Expert Rev. Proteomix 5, 321 – 331, 2008.
Naveau S., Excess weight risk factor for alcoholic liver diseases. Hepatology, 25, 108 – 111, 1997.
Pavelca M., Roth J., Functional ultrastructure. Atlas of tissue biology and pathology. Ed. Springer Wien – New York, 2005.
Pinzani M., Hepatic stellate (ito) cells: expanding roles for a liver specific pericyte. J. Hepathol., 22, 700 – 706, 1995.
Ploaie P.G., Petre Z., Introducere în microscopia electronică cu aplicaţii în biologia celulară şi moleculară. Ed. Acad. RSR, Bucureşti, 1979.
Pribac G., Crăciun C., Roşioru C., Ardelean A., Simeoni I., Seminţele de Trigonella foenum graecum (Schinduf) restaurează structura şi ultrastructura ficatului alcoolic. Bul. SRBC NR. 38, 128, 2010.
Roşioru C., Crăciun C., Miclăuş V., Petrescu I., Crăciun V., Ilea.C., Structural, ultrastructural and biochemical effects of certain alcohols and aldehydes on rat isolated, perfused liver. In: Current Problems in Cellular and Molecular Biology, IV, Ed. by Ardelean A., Craciun C., Ed. Risoprint, Cluj Napoca, chap. V, p. 393-408, 1999.
Roşioru C., Pribac G., Simeoni I., Crăciun C., Ardelean A., Seminţele de Trigonella foenum graecum (Schinduf) – un hepatoprotector natural ce previne toxicitatea indusă de etanol, Bul. SRBC NR. 38, 129, 2010.
Rusu M. A., Crăciun C., Rusu M. L., Xenobiotice si radicali liberi cu tropism hepatic. Hepatectomia chimica , Ed. Risoprint Cluj-Napoca, 252 pag., ISBN: 973-7833-19-8., 2005.
Sogorescu E., Zamfirescu S., Anghel H.A., Electron microscopy observation of the hepatic tissue ultrastructure after the acute intoxication with ethanol at rats. Ann. RSCB, XV, 1, 105 – 112, 2010.
Sun A.Y., Simony A., Sun G., Serial review: alcohol, oxidative stress and cell injury, Free radical biology and medicine, November 2002, Vol. 32, 9.4, 314 – 318.
Tămaş M., Rusu M., Bucur N., Medicamente de origine vegetală şi plante medicinale utilizate în afecţiunile hepatobiliare. Christiana 1, 12 – 14, 1995.
Tutunaru D., Ciocoiu M., Coman M., Groza. M., Bădescu M., Aspecte morfofuncţionale hepatice în hepatopatia etanolică. Analele SNBC., XII, 52 – 56, 2007.
Wahlensieck U., Hahn R., Winterhoff H., Gumbingel H.G., Nahrsted A., Kemper F.H., The effect of Chelidonium majus L. herb extract on choleresis in the insolated perfused rat liver. Planta medica. , 61, 267 – 270, 1995.
Weakley B.S., A beginning in biological transmission electron microscopy. Ed., Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, 1981.
Zhang P., Acute ethanol administration modulates leukocyte actin polymerization in endotoxic rats. Alcohol Clin. Exp. Res., 21, 779 – 783, 1997.
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Correspondence: George C. Pribac, “Vasile Goldis” Western University Arad, Romania, Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dental Medicine, no. 31 Henri Coanda St., Arad, email: gpribac@uvvg.ro

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Article Title: Experimental studies of fenugreek seed treatment on rats intoxicated with ethanol
Authors: George C. Pribac, Constantin Craciun, Corina Rosioru, Aurel Ardelean, Maria Czapar, Endre Mathe, Iuliana Simeoni, Aurelia Covaci, Cecilia Avram, Simona Damian, Liana Mos
Affiliation: ¹ “Vasile Goldis” Western University, Arad, Romania
² “Babes-Bolyai” University, Department Of Biology, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
³ University College of Nyiregyhaza, Hungary
Abstract: Our paper was done using an in vivo experimental model, in which animals were administered two differents doses of grounded seeds, on the background of ethanol intoxication. Because of their content in polyphenolic flavonoids, Trigonella foenum graecum seeds have antioxidant and membrane-protective effects, as reported by several Indian research teams. In this geographical area, fenugreek is used not only for its curative effects, but also as a flavoring food supplement. Most studies focused on the hypoglycemiant and antidiabetic properties of fenugreek seeds; there are also a few evidences regarding their utilization in preventing alcoholic liver pathology. Animals were adult male Wistar rats weighing 180-200 g, divided into four groups: a control (C) group, which received a standard diet and water ad libitum; an ethanol-treated group (EtOH) which received the same standard diet and 10% (v/v) ethanol in the water; two groups which had the same ethanol solution instead of drinking water, and their diet contained 5% and 10%, respectively, fenugreek flour (EtOHTr5 and EtOHTr10). The alcohol and fenugreek flour were administered daily, for 30 days. At the end of the treatment period, animals were killed and liver samples were collected, for histological and ultrastructural investigations. The liver of EtOH animals showed macro- and microvesicular fat infiltrations, as well as inflammation in the periportal regions, which are the first areas subjected to neutrophil invasion. Ethanol induced major modifications in hepatocyte nuclei, which had an irregular outline and large heterochromatin areas. Hepatocytes fatty infiltration was accompanied by dilatation of sinusoids, altered function of Ito cells and proliferation of smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER). Mitochondria became condensed, electrondense, with dilated cristae. In EtOHTr5 and EtOHTr10 groups, which received fenugreek flour and ethanol, the structural and ultrastructural modifications caused by alcohol intoxication were much attenuated, better results being obtained with 5% fenugreek. SER proliferation was substantially reduced and the appearance of mitochondria was similar to the one in control animals. The lipid droplets followed the normal transit from parenchimal cells to Ito cells, which preserved their function as lipocytes. Periportal inflammation was also diminished. The majorities of parenchymal cells nuclei preserved their spherical shape and were predominantly euchromatic, with little, evenly dispersed heterochromatin. Our results plead for the utilization of Trigonella seeds as a dietary supplement, to prevent cellular alteration and the onset of steatosis and fibrosis, in subjects with liver conditions produced by excessive drinking.
Keywords: hepatoprotective effects – Trigonella seeds – hepatocyte ultrastructure
References: Adam S., Tinca E., Kiss E. Cercetări comparative privind hiperlipemia animalelor de laborator indusă experimental si efectul protector al extractelor de Herba Chelidonii. Congr. Nat. Farmacie, VII, p.402, Bucuresti, 1979.
Adam S. Studii privind compozitia chimică – continutul in flavone – a speciei Chelidonium mayus L. Simpozion de flavonide, IMF Cluj-Napoca, p. 23, 1984.
Arias I.M., The liver biology and pathology. Fifths edition. Ed. Wiley- Blackwell, 2009.
Bacon R.B., O’Grady J.G., Di Bisceglie M.A., Lake R.J., Comprehensive clinical hepathology, second edition, Ed. Elsevier Mosby, 2006.
Bloom W., Fawcett W.D., A textbook of histology. Tenth edition. Ed. W.B. Saunders Comp., 1975.
Boyer D.T., Wright T.L., Manns P.M., Hepatology. A text book of liver disease. Fifth edition, vol. I. Ed. Saunders – Elsevier, 2006.
Brodie B.B., Butler W.M. , Horning M.G. Alcohol-induced trigliceride deposition in liver through derangement of fat transport. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. ;9:432-435, 1991.
Bruni C., Porter R.K., The fine structure of the parenchymal cell of the normal rat liver. Amer. J. Pathol., 46, 691 – 755, 1965.
Ciobanu C., Craciun C., Ardelean A., Rusu M. A., Puică C., Roman I., Barbu-Tudoran L., Tămaş M., Silaşi R., Investigaţii structural-funcţionale privind efectele extractului hidroalcoolic de Chelidonium mayus asupra ficatului şi rinichiului şobolanilor intoxicaţi cu CCl4. Analele SNBC, vol. VIII, 104 – 130, 2003.
Ciobanu C., Ardelean A., Rusu M. A., Craciun C., Puică C., Silaşi R., Roman I., Barbu-Tudoran L., Tămaş M., Cercetări histologice, histoenzimatice, histochimice şi electronomicroscopice privind influenţa unui extract bioactiv de Berberis vulgaris asupra ficatului şi rinichiului şobolanilor intoxicaţi cu CCl 4. Analele SNBC, vol. VIII, 131 – 158, 2003.
Ciulei I., Grigorescu E., Stănescu U., Plante medicinale, fitochimie şi fitoterapie, vol. II, Ed. Med. Bucureşti, 1993.
Craciun C., Electron microscopy investigations on rat hepatocytes in acute allyl alcohol intoxication and after Tropofar treatment, In: Pathological models in toxicological studies, Sixth Int. Simp. On Drug Toxicity, Cluj-Napoca, 3-5 Sept, 252-271, 1985.
Craciun C., Checiu I., Craciun V., Ultrastructural changes in the mouse fetal neocortex following chronic maternal alcoholization, Rev. Roum. Morphol. Embryol., 35(1), 3-7, 1989.
Craciun C., Checiu I., Craciun V., Ultrastructural changes in the mouse fetal choroid plexuses following chronic maternal alcoholization, Rev. Roum. Morphol. Embryol., 35(3), 221-225, 1989
Craciun C., Sildan N., Craciun V., Madar J., Modificări ultrastructurale induse de ciclofosfamidă în hepatocitele şobolanilor Wistar şi testarea acţiunii hepatoprotectoare a extractului de Calendula officilalis L. şi a acidului oleanolic. Rev. Med. Orădeana, 1, 37 – 41, 1994.
Craciun C., Borsa M., Abraham A., TrofoparR effect on the allyl alcohol intoxicated rats, In: Evolution and Adaptation, V, 171-178 and 203-208, 1995.
Craciun C., R.A.Craciun, Tarba C., Unele aspecte privind intoxicatia alcoolica a ficatului si efectul reparator al Trofoparului, Rev.Med.Oradeana, 2, 91-96, 1995.
Dufour F – J., Clavan A. P. Eds., Siganilg Pathways in liver diseases. Second edition. Ed. Springer, 2010.
Friedman S.L., Keeffe E.B., Handbook of liver disease. Second edition. Ed. Churlchill Livingstone, 2004.
Gullo L., Alchool and chronic pancreatitis: leadind or secondary etiopathogenetic role?. Suppl. 6, 68 – 72, 2005.
Hayat M.A., Principlesc techniques of electron microscopy – Biological applications. Ed. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2000.
Hrişcu A., Găleşianu M.R., Moişă L., Investigarea acţiunii colecistochinetice a totalului alcaloidic din Chelidonium majus. Congr. Nat. Farmacie, Bucureşti, 422, 1979.
Iikejima K.N., Estrogen increases sensitivity of hepatic Kupffer cells to endotoxine, Am. J. Phsysiol., 274, 669 – 676, 1998.
Ishak K. G. Alcohoolic liver disease: pathologic pathogenetic and clinical aspects. Alcoholism (N.Y.) 15 – 45, 1991.
Ito T., Shibasaki S., Electronomicroscopic study on the hepatic sinusoidal wall and fat – storing cell in the human liver. Arch. Histol. Jpn., 1968.
Kaplowitz N., DeLeve D.L., Eds., Drug- induced liver disease. Second edition. Ed. Informahealthcare, New York – London, 2007.
Kuntz E., Kuntz D.H., Hepatology. Principles and practice. Second edition. Ed. Springer, 2006.
Matsumoto H., Matsumoto I., Alcoholism: protein expression profiles in human hippocampal model. Expert Rev. Proteomix 5, 321 – 331, 2008.
Naveau S., Excess weight risk factor for alcoholic liver diseases. Hepatology, 25, 108 – 111, 1997.
Pavelca M., Roth J., Functional ultrastructure. Atlas of tissue biology and pathology. Ed. Springer Wien – New York, 2005.
Pinzani M., Hepatic stellate (ito) cells: expanding roles for a liver specific pericyte. J. Hepathol., 22, 700 – 706, 1995.
Ploaie P.G., Petre Z., Introducere în microscopia electronică cu aplicaţii în biologia celulară şi moleculară. Ed. Acad. RSR, Bucureşti, 1979.
Pribac G., Crăciun C., Roşioru C., Ardelean A., Simeoni I., Seminţele de Trigonella foenum graecum (Schinduf) restaurează structura şi ultrastructura ficatului alcoolic. Bul. SRBC NR. 38, 128, 2010.
Roşioru C., Crăciun C., Miclăuş V., Petrescu I., Crăciun V., Ilea.C., Structural, ultrastructural and biochemical effects of certain alcohols and aldehydes on rat isolated, perfused liver. In: Current Problems in Cellular and Molecular Biology, IV, Ed. by Ardelean A., Craciun C., Ed. Risoprint, Cluj Napoca, chap. V, p. 393-408, 1999.
Roşioru C., Pribac G., Simeoni I., Crăciun C., Ardelean A., Seminţele de Trigonella foenum graecum (Schinduf) – un hepatoprotector natural ce previne toxicitatea indusă de etanol, Bul. SRBC NR. 38, 129, 2010.
Rusu M. A., Crăciun C., Rusu M. L., Xenobiotice si radicali liberi cu tropism hepatic. Hepatectomia chimica , Ed. Risoprint Cluj-Napoca, 252 pag., ISBN: 973-7833-19-8., 2005.
Sogorescu E., Zamfirescu S., Anghel H.A., Electron microscopy observation of the hepatic tissue ultrastructure after the acute intoxication with ethanol at rats. Ann. RSCB, XV, 1, 105 – 112, 2010.
Sun A.Y., Simony A., Sun G., Serial review: alcohol, oxidative stress and cell injury, Free radical biology and medicine, November 2002, Vol. 32, 9.4, 314 – 318.
Tămaş M., Rusu M., Bucur N., Medicamente de origine vegetală şi plante medicinale utilizate în afecţiunile hepatobiliare. Christiana 1, 12 – 14, 1995.
Tutunaru D., Ciocoiu M., Coman M., Groza. M., Bădescu M., Aspecte morfofuncţionale hepatice în hepatopatia etanolică. Analele SNBC., XII, 52 – 56, 2007.
Wahlensieck U., Hahn R., Winterhoff H., Gumbingel H.G., Nahrsted A., Kemper F.H., The effect of Chelidonium majus L. herb extract on choleresis in the insolated perfused rat liver. Planta medica. , 61, 267 – 270, 1995.
Weakley B.S., A beginning in biological transmission electron microscopy. Ed., Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, 1981.
Zhang P., Acute ethanol administration modulates leukocyte actin polymerization in endotoxic rats. Alcohol Clin. Exp. Res., 21, 779 – 783, 1997.
*Correspondence: George C. Pribac, “Vasile Goldis” Western University Arad, Romania, Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dental Medicine, no. 31 Henri Coanda St., Arad, email: gpribac@uvvg.ro