Flow cytometric applications in biomedical research, cell sorting and biotechnology
September 29, 2012
Flow cytometric applications in biomedical research, cell sorting and biotechnology
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Article_Title: | Flow cytometric applications in biomedical research, cell sorting and biotechnology |
Authors: | Ana Maria Gheorghe, Alexandrina Rugina, Marian Petrescu, Aurelia Covaci, Violeta Turcus, Daniela Bratosin |
Affiliation: | 1 National Institute for Biological Science Research and Development, Bucharest, Romania 2 ”Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad, Faculty of Biology, Arad, Romania |
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References: | Amer J., Goldfarb A., Fibach E., Flow cytometric measurement of reactive oxygen species production by normal and thalassaemic red blood cells, Eur. J. Haematol., 70, 84-90, 2003. Bagwell C.B., Adams E.G., Fluorescence spectral overlap compensation for any number of flow cytometry parameters. Ann. NY Acad. Sci., 677, 167-184, 1993. Barnett D., Granger V., Whitby L., Storie I., Reilly J.T., Absolute CD4+ T lymphocyte and CD34+ stem cell counts by single platform flow cytometry: the way forward. British Journal Haematology, 106, 1059-1062,1999. Bass D.A., Parce J.W., Dechatelet L.R., Szejda P., Seeds M.C., Thomas M., Flow cytometric studies of oxidative product formation by neutrophils: A grades response to membrane stimulation, J. Immunol., 130, 1910-1917, 1983. Baumgarth N., Roederer M., A practical approach to multicolor flow cytometry for immunophenotyping. J. Immunol. Methods, 243, 77-97, 2000. Blaha L., Kopp R., Simkova K., Mares J., Oxidative stress biomarkers are modulated in Silver Carp exposed to microcystin- producing Cyanobacterial water bloom, Acta Vet.Brno,73, 477-482, 2004. Bratosin D., Explorarea structurii si functiilor celulare prin citometrie in flux. “Vasile Goldis University Press”, Arad, ISBN: 978-973-664-213-5, 2007. Bratosin D., Mitrofan L., Palii C., Montreuil J., A novel fluorescence assay for determination of human erythrocyte viability using Calcein- AM and flow cytometry, Cytometry A, 66A, 78-84, 2005. Bratosin D., Buia L., Montreuil J., Caloianu M., Red blood cells for assessing biocompatibility of different implant materials by flow cytometry First International Conference on Biomaterials & Medical Devices, BiomMedD, Bucuresti, 2004. Bratosin D, Fagadar-Cosma E., Gheorghe A-M, Rugină A., Ardelean A., Montreuil J, Marinescu Al. G., In vitro toxi- and eco-toxicological assessment of porphyrine nanomaterials by flow cytometry using nucleated erythrocytes, Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 6, 2, 225 – 234 , 2011. Childers, N.K., Michalek S.M., Eldridge J.H., Denys F.R., Berry A. K., mcghee J.R., Characterization of liposome suspensions by flow cytometry. J. Immunol. Methods. 119, 135–143, 1989. Chow S., Patel H., Hedley D.W., Measurement of MAP kinase activation by flow cytometry using phosphospecific antibodies to MEK and ERK: potential for pharmacodynamic monitoring of signal transduction inhibitors. Cytometry, 46, 72, 2001. Darzynkiewicz Z., Juan G, Li X., Gorczyca W., Murakami T., Traganos T., Cytometry in cell necrobiology: Analysis of apoptosis and accidental cell death (necrosis). Cytometry, 27, 1-20, 1997. Diamond R., demaggio S., editors. In living color, protocols in flow cytometry and cell sorting. New York: Springer-Verlag; 1999. Ding W.X., Shen H.M., Shen Y., Zhu H.G., Ong C.N., Microcystic cyanobacteria causes mithochondrial membrane potential alteration and reactive oxygen species formation in primary cultured rad hepatocytes, Environ Health Perspect., 106, 409-413, 1998. Duque R.E., Andreeff M., Braylan R.C., Diamond L.W., Peiper S.C., Consensus review of the clinical utility of DNA flow cytometry in neoplastic hematopathology. Cytometry, 14, 492, 1993. Gelman R., Wilkening C., Analysis of quality assessment studies using CD45 for gating lymphocytes for CD3+4+%. Cytometry 42, 1-4, 2000. Gheorghe A-M, Mignot C., Cotoraci C., Ardelean A, Montreuil J, Bratosin D., Flow cytometric analysis as a quick and efficient method for morphological changes determination in hematological diseases. RBCs of Gaucher disease as a model, Studia Universitatis „Vasile Goldiş”, Seria Ştiinţele Vieţii, 20, 2, 5-9, 2010. Givan A.L., Flow cytometry: first principles. 2nd ed. New York: Wiley, John & Sons, Inc; 2001. Godavarti M., Rodriguez J.J., Yopp T.A., Lambert G.M., Galbraith D.W., Automated particle classification based on digital acquisition and analysis of flow cytometric waveforms. Cytometry, 24, 330-339, 1996. Hardy R.R., Purification and coupling of fluorescent proteins for use in flow cytometry. In: Wier D.M., editor. Handbook of experimental immunology. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications; 1986. Hedley D.W., Clark G.M., Cornelisse C.J., Killander D., Kute T., Merkel D., Consensus review of the clinical utility of DNA cytometry in carcinoma of the breast. Cytometry, 14, 482, 1993. Hedley D.W., Shankey T.V., Wheeless L.L., DNA cytometry consensus conference. Cytometry 14, 471, 1993. Hiebart R.D., Sweet R.G., Electronics for flow cytometers and sorters. In: Van Dilla M, editor. Flow cytometry: instrumentation and data analysis. London: Academic Press, 129-161, 1985. Kantor A., Roederer M., FACS analysis of lymphocytes. In: Herzenberg LA, Weir DM, Blackwell C, editors. Visualization of compensated data: Handbook of experimental immunology. 5th ed. Cambridge: Blackwell Science, 1997. Larsen J.K., Measurement of cytoplasmic and nuclear antigens. In: Ormerod MG. Flow cytometry. 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2000. Livingstone D.R., Contaminant-stimulated reactive oxygen species production and oxidative damage in aquatic organisms, Mar. Pollut. Bull., 42, 656-666, 2001, Loken M.R, Parks D.R., Herzenberg L.A., Two-color immunofluorescence using a fluorescence-activated cell sorter. J .Hist. Cytol., 25, 899-907, 1977. Mandy F.F., Bergeron M., Minkus T., Evolution of leukocyte immunophenotyping as influenced by the HIV/AIDS pandemic: a short history of the development of gating strategies for CD4+ T cell enumeration. Cytometry, 30,157-165, 1997. Marinissen M.J., Gutkind J.S., G-protein-coupled receptors and signaling networks: emerging paradigms. Trends. Pharmacol. Sci., 2001, 22, 368. Melamed M.R., Lindmo T., Mendelsohn M., editors Flow cytometry and sorting. New York: OR: Molecular Probes; 2002. Métézeau P, Ronot X., Le Noan-Merdrignac G., Ratinaud M.H., La Cytométrie en flux pour l’étude de la cellule normale ou pathologique, Medsi/mcgraw-Hill, Paris, 1988. Moore W.A., Kautz R.A., Data analysis in flow cytometry. In: Weir DM, Herzenberg LA, Blackwell CM, Herzenberg LA, editors. Handbook of experimental immunology. 4th ed. Edinburgh: Blackwell Scientific Publications; 1986. Mustelin T., Tasken K., Positive and negative regulation of T-cell activation through kinases and phosphatases. Biochem. J., 371, 15, 2003. Ormerod M.G., Tribukait B., Giaretti W., Consensus report of the task force on standardisation of DNA flow cytometry in clinical pathology. Anal. Cell. Path., 17, 103, 1998. Ormerod MG, editor. Flow cytometry. 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2000. Parks D.R., Bigos M., Moore W.A., Logarithmic amplifier transfer function evaluation and procedures for logamp optimization and data correction. Cytometry Supp., 2, 27, 1988. Pazer H.L., Swanson L.A., Modern methods for statistical analysis. Scranton, PA: Intext Educational Publishers; 1972. Rigg K.M., Shenton B.K., Murray I.A., Givan A.L., Taylor R.M.R., Leonnard T.W.J., A flow cytometric technique for simultaneous analysis of human mononuclear cell surface antigens and DNA. J. Immunol. Methods., 123,177, 1989. Robinson J.P., editor. Handbook of flow cytometry methods. New York: Wiley-Liss; 1993. Roederer M, Murphy R. Cell-by-cell autofluorescence correction for low signal-tonoise systems: application to epidermal growth factor endocytosis by 3T3 fibroblasts. Cytometry, 7, 558-565, 1986. Roederer M., Spectral compensation for flow cytometry: Visual artifacts, limitations and caveats. Cytometry, 45, 194-205, 2001. Ronot X., Grunwald D., Mayol J-F., Boutonnat J., La cytométrie en flux, Lavoisier, Paris, 2006. Shapiro H.M., Perlmutter N.G., Stein P.G., A flow cytometer designed for fluorescence calibration. Cytometry, 33, 280-287, 1998. Shapiro H.M., Practical flow cytometry. 3rd ed. New York: Wiley, John & Sons, Inc; 1994. Shapiro HM. Practical flow cytometry. 4th ed. New York: Wiley-Liss; 2003. Steen HR. Noise, sensitivity, and resolution of flow cytometers. Cytometry, 13, 822-830, 1992. Steward C.C., Nicholson J.K., editors. Immunophenotyping. New York: Wiley-Liss; 2000. Stewart C.C., Stewart S.J., Four-color compensation. Cytometry (Communications in Clinical Cytometry) 38, 161-175, 1999. Sutherland D.R., Anderson L., Keeney M., Nayar R., Chin-Yee I., The ISHAGE guidelines for CD34+ cell determinations by flow cytometry. J Haematotherapy, 5, 213-226, 1996. Thomas A.P., Bird G.S., Hajnoczky G., Robb-Gaspers L.D., Putney J.W. Jr., Spatial and temporal aspects of cellular calcium signaling. Faseb J., 10, 1505, 1996. Vorauer-Uhl, K., A. Wagner, N. Borth, and H. Katinger. Determination of liposome size distribution by flow cytometry. Cytometry, 39, 166–171, 2000. Wheeless L.L., Badalament R.A., devere White R.W., Fradet Y., Tribukait B., Consensus review of the clinical utility of DNA cytometry in bladder cancer. Cytometry, 14, 478, 1993. Wood J.C.S., Fundametal flow cytometer properties governing sensitivity and resolution. Cytometry, 33, 260-267, 1988. Wood J.C.S., Hoffman R.A., Evaluating fluorescence sensitivity on flow cytometers: An overview. Cytometry, 33, 256-259, 1998. Yanpaisan W., King N.J.C., Doran PM., Flow cytometry of plant cells with applications in large-scale bioprocessing. Biotechnology Advances 17, 3-27, 1999. Zilmer N.A., Godavarti M., Rodriguez J.J., Yopp T.A., Lambert G.M., Galbraith D.W., Flow cytometric analysis using digital signal processing. Cytometry, 20, 102-117, 1995 |
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Article Title: | Flow cytometric applications in biomedical research, cell sorting and biotechnology |
Authors: | Ana Maria Gheorghe, Alexandrina Rugina, Marian Petrescu, Aurelia Covaci, Violeta Turcus, Daniela Bratosin |
Affiliation: | 1 National Institute for Biological Science Research and Development, Bucharest, Romania 2 ”Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad, Faculty of Biology, Arad, Romania |
Abstract: | |
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References: | Amer J., Goldfarb A., Fibach E., Flow cytometric measurement of reactive oxygen species production by normal and thalassaemic red blood cells, Eur. J. Haematol., 70, 84-90, 2003. Bagwell C.B., Adams E.G., Fluorescence spectral overlap compensation for any number of flow cytometry parameters. Ann. NY Acad. Sci., 677, 167-184, 1993. Barnett D., Granger V., Whitby L., Storie I., Reilly J.T., Absolute CD4+ T lymphocyte and CD34+ stem cell counts by single platform flow cytometry: the way forward. British Journal Haematology, 106, 1059-1062,1999. Bass D.A., Parce J.W., Dechatelet L.R., Szejda P., Seeds M.C., Thomas M., Flow cytometric studies of oxidative product formation by neutrophils: A grades response to membrane stimulation, J. Immunol., 130, 1910-1917, 1983. Baumgarth N., Roederer M., A practical approach to multicolor flow cytometry for immunophenotyping. J. Immunol. Methods, 243, 77-97, 2000. Blaha L., Kopp R., Simkova K., Mares J., Oxidative stress biomarkers are modulated in Silver Carp exposed to microcystin- producing Cyanobacterial water bloom, Acta Vet.Brno,73, 477-482, 2004. Bratosin D., Explorarea structurii si functiilor celulare prin citometrie in flux. “Vasile Goldis University Press”, Arad, ISBN: 978-973-664-213-5, 2007. Bratosin D., Mitrofan L., Palii C., Montreuil J., A novel fluorescence assay for determination of human erythrocyte viability using Calcein- AM and flow cytometry, Cytometry A, 66A, 78-84, 2005. Bratosin D., Buia L., Montreuil J., Caloianu M., Red blood cells for assessing biocompatibility of different implant materials by flow cytometry First International Conference on Biomaterials & Medical Devices, BiomMedD, Bucuresti, 2004. Bratosin D, Fagadar-Cosma E., Gheorghe A-M, Rugină A., Ardelean A., Montreuil J, Marinescu Al. G., In vitro toxi- and eco-toxicological assessment of porphyrine nanomaterials by flow cytometry using nucleated erythrocytes, Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 6, 2, 225 – 234 , 2011. Childers, N.K., Michalek S.M., Eldridge J.H., Denys F.R., Berry A. K., mcghee J.R., Characterization of liposome suspensions by flow cytometry. J. Immunol. Methods. 119, 135–143, 1989. Chow S., Patel H., Hedley D.W., Measurement of MAP kinase activation by flow cytometry using phosphospecific antibodies to MEK and ERK: potential for pharmacodynamic monitoring of signal transduction inhibitors. Cytometry, 46, 72, 2001. Darzynkiewicz Z., Juan G, Li X., Gorczyca W., Murakami T., Traganos T., Cytometry in cell necrobiology: Analysis of apoptosis and accidental cell death (necrosis). Cytometry, 27, 1-20, 1997. Diamond R., demaggio S., editors. In living color, protocols in flow cytometry and cell sorting. New York: Springer-Verlag; 1999. Ding W.X., Shen H.M., Shen Y., Zhu H.G., Ong C.N., Microcystic cyanobacteria causes mithochondrial membrane potential alteration and reactive oxygen species formation in primary cultured rad hepatocytes, Environ Health Perspect., 106, 409-413, 1998. Duque R.E., Andreeff M., Braylan R.C., Diamond L.W., Peiper S.C., Consensus review of the clinical utility of DNA flow cytometry in neoplastic hematopathology. Cytometry, 14, 492, 1993. Gelman R., Wilkening C., Analysis of quality assessment studies using CD45 for gating lymphocytes for CD3+4+%. Cytometry 42, 1-4, 2000. Gheorghe A-M, Mignot C., Cotoraci C., Ardelean A, Montreuil J, Bratosin D., Flow cytometric analysis as a quick and efficient method for morphological changes determination in hematological diseases. RBCs of Gaucher disease as a model, Studia Universitatis „Vasile Goldiş”, Seria Ştiinţele Vieţii, 20, 2, 5-9, 2010. Givan A.L., Flow cytometry: first principles. 2nd ed. New York: Wiley, John & Sons, Inc; 2001. Godavarti M., Rodriguez J.J., Yopp T.A., Lambert G.M., Galbraith D.W., Automated particle classification based on digital acquisition and analysis of flow cytometric waveforms. Cytometry, 24, 330-339, 1996. Hardy R.R., Purification and coupling of fluorescent proteins for use in flow cytometry. In: Wier D.M., editor. Handbook of experimental immunology. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications; 1986. Hedley D.W., Clark G.M., Cornelisse C.J., Killander D., Kute T., Merkel D., Consensus review of the clinical utility of DNA cytometry in carcinoma of the breast. Cytometry, 14, 482, 1993. Hedley D.W., Shankey T.V., Wheeless L.L., DNA cytometry consensus conference. Cytometry 14, 471, 1993. Hiebart R.D., Sweet R.G., Electronics for flow cytometers and sorters. In: Van Dilla M, editor. Flow cytometry: instrumentation and data analysis. London: Academic Press, 129-161, 1985. Kantor A., Roederer M., FACS analysis of lymphocytes. In: Herzenberg LA, Weir DM, Blackwell C, editors. Visualization of compensated data: Handbook of experimental immunology. 5th ed. Cambridge: Blackwell Science, 1997. Larsen J.K., Measurement of cytoplasmic and nuclear antigens. In: Ormerod MG. Flow cytometry. 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2000. Livingstone D.R., Contaminant-stimulated reactive oxygen species production and oxidative damage in aquatic organisms, Mar. Pollut. Bull., 42, 656-666, 2001, Loken M.R, Parks D.R., Herzenberg L.A., Two-color immunofluorescence using a fluorescence-activated cell sorter. J .Hist. Cytol., 25, 899-907, 1977. Mandy F.F., Bergeron M., Minkus T., Evolution of leukocyte immunophenotyping as influenced by the HIV/AIDS pandemic: a short history of the development of gating strategies for CD4+ T cell enumeration. Cytometry, 30,157-165, 1997. Marinissen M.J., Gutkind J.S., G-protein-coupled receptors and signaling networks: emerging paradigms. Trends. Pharmacol. Sci., 2001, 22, 368. Melamed M.R., Lindmo T., Mendelsohn M., editors Flow cytometry and sorting. New York: OR: Molecular Probes; 2002. Métézeau P, Ronot X., Le Noan-Merdrignac G., Ratinaud M.H., La Cytométrie en flux pour l’étude de la cellule normale ou pathologique, Medsi/mcgraw-Hill, Paris, 1988. Moore W.A., Kautz R.A., Data analysis in flow cytometry. In: Weir DM, Herzenberg LA, Blackwell CM, Herzenberg LA, editors. Handbook of experimental immunology. 4th ed. Edinburgh: Blackwell Scientific Publications; 1986. Mustelin T., Tasken K., Positive and negative regulation of T-cell activation through kinases and phosphatases. Biochem. J., 371, 15, 2003. Ormerod M.G., Tribukait B., Giaretti W., Consensus report of the task force on standardisation of DNA flow cytometry in clinical pathology. Anal. Cell. Path., 17, 103, 1998. Ormerod MG, editor. Flow cytometry. 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2000. Parks D.R., Bigos M., Moore W.A., Logarithmic amplifier transfer function evaluation and procedures for logamp optimization and data correction. Cytometry Supp., 2, 27, 1988. Pazer H.L., Swanson L.A., Modern methods for statistical analysis. Scranton, PA: Intext Educational Publishers; 1972. Rigg K.M., Shenton B.K., Murray I.A., Givan A.L., Taylor R.M.R., Leonnard T.W.J., A flow cytometric technique for simultaneous analysis of human mononuclear cell surface antigens and DNA. J. Immunol. Methods., 123,177, 1989. Robinson J.P., editor. Handbook of flow cytometry methods. New York: Wiley-Liss; 1993. Roederer M, Murphy R. Cell-by-cell autofluorescence correction for low signal-tonoise systems: application to epidermal growth factor endocytosis by 3T3 fibroblasts. Cytometry, 7, 558-565, 1986. Roederer M., Spectral compensation for flow cytometry: Visual artifacts, limitations and caveats. Cytometry, 45, 194-205, 2001. Ronot X., Grunwald D., Mayol J-F., Boutonnat J., La cytométrie en flux, Lavoisier, Paris, 2006. Shapiro H.M., Perlmutter N.G., Stein P.G., A flow cytometer designed for fluorescence calibration. Cytometry, 33, 280-287, 1998. Shapiro H.M., Practical flow cytometry. 3rd ed. New York: Wiley, John & Sons, Inc; 1994. Shapiro HM. Practical flow cytometry. 4th ed. New York: Wiley-Liss; 2003. Steen HR. Noise, sensitivity, and resolution of flow cytometers. Cytometry, 13, 822-830, 1992. Steward C.C., Nicholson J.K., editors. Immunophenotyping. New York: Wiley-Liss; 2000. Stewart C.C., Stewart S.J., Four-color compensation. Cytometry (Communications in Clinical Cytometry) 38, 161-175, 1999. Sutherland D.R., Anderson L., Keeney M., Nayar R., Chin-Yee I., The ISHAGE guidelines for CD34+ cell determinations by flow cytometry. J Haematotherapy, 5, 213-226, 1996. Thomas A.P., Bird G.S., Hajnoczky G., Robb-Gaspers L.D., Putney J.W. Jr., Spatial and temporal aspects of cellular calcium signaling. Faseb J., 10, 1505, 1996. Vorauer-Uhl, K., A. Wagner, N. Borth, and H. Katinger. Determination of liposome size distribution by flow cytometry. Cytometry, 39, 166–171, 2000. Wheeless L.L., Badalament R.A., devere White R.W., Fradet Y., Tribukait B., Consensus review of the clinical utility of DNA cytometry in bladder cancer. Cytometry, 14, 478, 1993. Wood J.C.S., Fundametal flow cytometer properties governing sensitivity and resolution. Cytometry, 33, 260-267, 1988. Wood J.C.S., Hoffman R.A., Evaluating fluorescence sensitivity on flow cytometers: An overview. Cytometry, 33, 256-259, 1998. Yanpaisan W., King N.J.C., Doran PM., Flow cytometry of plant cells with applications in large-scale bioprocessing. Biotechnology Advances 17, 3-27, 1999. Zilmer N.A., Godavarti M., Rodriguez J.J., Yopp T.A., Lambert G.M., Galbraith D.W., Flow cytometric analysis using digital signal processing. Cytometry, 20, 102-117, 1995 |
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