The influence of limestone exploitation from Mateiaşu Mountain (South Romanian Carpathians) on floristic composition

The influence of limestone exploitation from Mateiaşu Mountain (South Romanian Carpathians) on floristic composition

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Title: The influence of limestone exploitation from Mateiaşu Mountain (South Romanian Carpathians) on floristic composition
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Article_Title: The influence of limestone exploitation from Mateiaşu Mountain (South Romanian Carpathians) on floristic composition
Authors: Raluca Stancu
Affiliation: Elementary School I.C. Petrescu Stalpeni
Abstract: Cenote affinities of the species identified in the six areas of evidence allow us to detemine the degree of similarity and difference between these surfaces. Affinity between sample surfaces with deciduous vegetation is the largest index calculated with the lowest values – 33.33. This figure shows that deciduous affected area suffered a much smaller impact than the other two surfaces. Coenotic lowest affinity for surfaces occurs in coniferous vegetation, P3 and P6. Human impact on affected area near career led to drastic changes in the composition of normal specific, which led to a change in the physiognomy of the vegetation groups in relation to vegetation control surface.
Keywords: limestone mining, cement factory, floristic
References: ALEX A., 1964 – Scots pine. Edit Agro-Forestry, Bucharest, 326 pp.
BAILEY, NTJ, Statistical Mithods in Biology. The English Universities Press LTD, London, 200 pp, 1959
CIOCÂRLAN V., 2009, Illustrated Flora of Romania. Pteridophyta et Cormophyta. Ceres, Bucharest
CSÜRÖS ST. et al., 1966 – Characterization of plant associations in Transylvania based on ecological indices.
Contrib.Bot.Cluj-Napoca 6: 163-179
V. CRISTEA, GAFTA D., F. Pedrotti, 2004 – Phytosociology. Edit. "Cluj University Press", Cluj-Napoca, 394 pp.
GOMOIU MT, SKOLKS M., 2001 – Ecology (Methods for ecological studies). Ovid University Press, Constanta
SANDA V. et al., 1983 – Characterization of organic and wild species of flora phytocoenology Romania. Muz. bruckenthal. education and community. St.. Nat. Sibiu, 25. Supplement, 126 pp.
Read_full_article: pdf/23-2013/23-3-2013/SU23-3-2013-StancuR.pdf
Correspondence: Raluca Stancu, Elementary School I.C. Petrescu Stalpeni

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Article Title: The influence of limestone exploitation from Mateiaşu Mountain (South Romanian Carpathians) on floristic composition
Authors: Raluca Stancu
Affiliation: Elementary School I.C. Petrescu Stalpeni
Abstract: Cenote affinities of the species identified in the six areas of evidence allow us to detemine the degree of similarity and difference between these surfaces. Affinity between sample surfaces with deciduous vegetation is the largest index calculated with the lowest values – 33.33. This figure shows that deciduous affected area suffered a much smaller impact than the other two surfaces. Coenotic lowest affinity for surfaces occurs in coniferous vegetation, P3 and P6. Human impact on affected area near career led to drastic changes in the composition of normal specific, which led to a change in the physiognomy of the vegetation groups in relation to vegetation control surface.
Keywords: limestone mining, cement factory, floristic
References: ALEX A., 1964 – Scots pine. Edit Agro-Forestry, Bucharest, 326 pp.
BAILEY, NTJ, Statistical Mithods in Biology. The English Universities Press LTD, London, 200 pp, 1959
CIOCÂRLAN V., 2009, Illustrated Flora of Romania. Pteridophyta et Cormophyta. Ceres, Bucharest
CSÜRÖS ST. et al., 1966 – Characterization of plant associations in Transylvania based on ecological indices.
Contrib.Bot.Cluj-Napoca 6: 163-179
V. CRISTEA, GAFTA D., F. Pedrotti, 2004 – Phytosociology. Edit. "Cluj University Press", Cluj-Napoca, 394 pp.
GOMOIU MT, SKOLKS M., 2001 – Ecology (Methods for ecological studies). Ovid University Press, Constanta
SANDA V. et al., 1983 – Characterization of organic and wild species of flora phytocoenology Romania. Muz. bruckenthal. education and community. St.. Nat. Sibiu, 25. Supplement, 126 pp.
*Correspondence: Raluca Stancu, Elementary School I.C. Petrescu Stalpeni