Testing of the antifungal effect of extracts of burdock, thyme and rough cocklebur

Testing of the antifungal effect of extracts of burdock, thyme and rough cocklebur

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Title: Testing of the antifungal effect of extracts of burdock, thyme and rough cocklebur
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Article_Title: Testing of the antifungal effect of extracts of burdock, thyme and rough cocklebur
Authors: Marian Butu, Andreea Dobre, Steliana Rodino, Alina Butu, Dumitru Lupuleasa
Affiliation: National Institute of Research and Development for Biological Sciences, 060031, Splaiul Independentei 296, Bucharest, Romania, Tel/fax +40 212 200 880, steliana.rodino@yahoo.com
University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, 011464, Mărăşti Blvd. 59, Bucharest, Romania
University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila", 0010202, str. Traian Vuia 6, Bucharest, Romania
Abstract: The present work studied the antifungal activity of the alcoholic extracts obtained from three native plant species: burdock (Arctium lappa), thyme (Thymus vulgaris) and rough cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium). The demonstration of the antifungal activity was realized using Aspergillus ochraceus and Acremonium chrysogenum isolates. The antifungal activity of the selected plant extracts was evaluated by radial growth measurement on potato dextrose agar amended with plant extracts of different concentrations. Fungi were completely inhibited in the variant using plant extracts of the following concentration: 0.3 g plant material / ml to 70o ethanol. When using concentration of 0.075 g plant material / ml to 70o ethanol, the development of fungi was significantly inhibited.
Keywords: plant extract, antifungal effect, Arctium lappa, Thymus vulgaris, Thymus vulgaris
References: Agrios, G., N., 2004. Losses caused by plant diseases, Plant Pathology. Elsevier, Oxford, UK; p.: 29-45;
Banso, A, Adeyemo, SO, Jeremiah, P. 1999. Antimicrobial properties of Vernonia amygdalina extract. J. Appl. Sci. Manage. 3: 9-11.
Chan, Y., S., Cheng, L., ,N., Wu, J., H., Chan, E., Kwan, Y., W., Lee, S., M., Y., Leung, G., P., H., Yu, P., H., Chan, S., W., 2011, A review of the pharmacological effects of Arctium lappa (burdock), Inflammopharmacology, 19 (5); p.: 245-254;
Creppy, E., E., 2002. Update of survey, regulation and toxic effects of mycotoxins in Europe. Toxicological Letters;127, p.:18–28;
Das, S., Saha, R., Dar, S., A., Ramachandran, V., G., 2012, Acremonium Species: A Review of the Etiological Agents of Emerging Hyalohyphomycosis, Springer Science;
Ferracane, R, Graziani, G., Gallo, M., Fogliano, V., Ritieni, A., 2010, Metabolic profile of the bioactive compounds of burdock (Arctium lappa) seeds, roots and leaves, J Pharm Biomed Anal, 51(2); p.:399-404;
Gujar, J., Talwankar, D., 2012, Antifungal potential of crude plant extract on some pathogenic fungi, World Journal of Science and Technology, 2(6); p.:58-62;
Güllüce, L., Sökmen, M., Daferera, D., Aǧar, G., Özkan, H., Kartal, N., Polissiou, M., Sökmen, A., Şahi̇n, F., 2003, In Vitro Antibacterial, Antifungal, and Antioxidant Activities of the Essential Oil and Methanol Extracts of Herbal Parts and Callus Cultures of Thymus vulgaris, J. Agric. Food Chem., 51 (14);p: 3958–3965;
Hammer KA, Carson CF, Riley TV. 1999. Antimicrobial activity of essential oils and other plant extracts. Appl Microbiol. Jun;86(6):985-90
Harris, C., A., Renfrew, M., J., Woolridge, M.,W., 2001, Assessing the risk of pesticide residues to consumers: recent and future developments, Food Additives and Contamination, 18; p.: 1124-1129;
Holetz, F., B., Pessini, G., L., Sanches, N., R., Cortez, D., A., G., Nakamura, C., S., Filho, P., B., D., 2002, Screening of Some Plants Used in the Brazilian Folk Medicine for the Treatment of Infectious Diseases, Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, .97(7); p: 1027-1031;
Kamboj, A., Kumar, A., 2010, Phytopharmacological review of Xanthium strumarium L. (Cocklebur), International Journal of Green Pharmacy, 4 (3); p.:129-139;
Kamei, K., Watanabe, A., 2005, Aspergillus mycotoxins and their effect on the host, Medical Mycology, 43(1) p.: 95-99;
Quiroga, E., N., Sampietro, A., R., Vattuone, M., A., 2001, Screening antifungal activities of selected medicinal plants, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 74 ( 1); p:. 89–96;
Sun, J., Wang, X, Zang, N., Shi, C., Li, Q., Chen, D., 2008, Antifungal Activity in vitro of Arctium Ethanol Extract, Journal of Henan Agricultural Science;
Şahina, F., Karamana, İ., Güllüceb, M., Öğütçüa, H., Şengülc, M., Adıgüzelb A., Öztürkb, S., Kotana, R., 2003, Evaluation of antimicrobial activities of Thymus vulgaris L., Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 87 (1); p.:61–65;
Varga, J., Juhász, A., Kevei, F., Kozakiewicz, Z., 2004, Molecular diversity of agriculturally important Aspergillus species, European Journal of Plant Pathology 110; p:627–640.
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Correspondence: Steliana Rodino, National Institute of Research and Development for Biological Sciences, 060031, Splaiul Independentei 296, Bucharest, Romania, Tel/fax +40 212 200 880, steliana.rodino@yahoo.com

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Article Title: Testing of the antifungal effect of extracts of burdock, thyme and rough cocklebur
Authors: Marian Butu, Andreea Dobre, Steliana Rodino, Alina Butu, Dumitru Lupuleasa
Affiliation: National Institute of Research and Development for Biological Sciences, 060031, Splaiul Independentei 296, Bucharest, Romania, Tel/fax +40 212 200 880, steliana.rodino@yahoo.com
University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, 011464, Mărăşti Blvd. 59, Bucharest, Romania
University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Carol Davila", 0010202, str. Traian Vuia 6, Bucharest, Romania
Abstract: The present work studied the antifungal activity of the alcoholic extracts obtained from three native plant species: burdock (Arctium lappa), thyme (Thymus vulgaris) and rough cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium). The demonstration of the antifungal activity was realized using Aspergillus ochraceus and Acremonium chrysogenum isolates. The antifungal activity of the selected plant extracts was evaluated by radial growth measurement on potato dextrose agar amended with plant extracts of different concentrations. Fungi were completely inhibited in the variant using plant extracts of the following concentration: 0.3 g plant material / ml to 70o ethanol. When using concentration of 0.075 g plant material / ml to 70o ethanol, the development of fungi was significantly inhibited.
Keywords: plant extract, antifungal effect, Arctium lappa, Thymus vulgaris, Thymus vulgaris
References: Agrios, G., N., 2004. Losses caused by plant diseases, Plant Pathology. Elsevier, Oxford, UK; p.: 29-45;
Banso, A, Adeyemo, SO, Jeremiah, P. 1999. Antimicrobial properties of Vernonia amygdalina extract. J. Appl. Sci. Manage. 3: 9-11.
Chan, Y., S., Cheng, L., ,N., Wu, J., H., Chan, E., Kwan, Y., W., Lee, S., M., Y., Leung, G., P., H., Yu, P., H., Chan, S., W., 2011, A review of the pharmacological effects of Arctium lappa (burdock), Inflammopharmacology, 19 (5); p.: 245-254;
Creppy, E., E., 2002. Update of survey, regulation and toxic effects of mycotoxins in Europe. Toxicological Letters;127, p.:18–28;
Das, S., Saha, R., Dar, S., A., Ramachandran, V., G., 2012, Acremonium Species: A Review of the Etiological Agents of Emerging Hyalohyphomycosis, Springer Science;
Ferracane, R, Graziani, G., Gallo, M., Fogliano, V., Ritieni, A., 2010, Metabolic profile of the bioactive compounds of burdock (Arctium lappa) seeds, roots and leaves, J Pharm Biomed Anal, 51(2); p.:399-404;
Gujar, J., Talwankar, D., 2012, Antifungal potential of crude plant extract on some pathogenic fungi, World Journal of Science and Technology, 2(6); p.:58-62;
Güllüce, L., Sökmen, M., Daferera, D., Aǧar, G., Özkan, H., Kartal, N., Polissiou, M., Sökmen, A., Şahi̇n, F., 2003, In Vitro Antibacterial, Antifungal, and Antioxidant Activities of the Essential Oil and Methanol Extracts of Herbal Parts and Callus Cultures of Thymus vulgaris, J. Agric. Food Chem., 51 (14);p: 3958–3965;
Hammer KA, Carson CF, Riley TV. 1999. Antimicrobial activity of essential oils and other plant extracts. Appl Microbiol. Jun;86(6):985-90
Harris, C., A., Renfrew, M., J., Woolridge, M.,W., 2001, Assessing the risk of pesticide residues to consumers: recent and future developments, Food Additives and Contamination, 18; p.: 1124-1129;
Holetz, F., B., Pessini, G., L., Sanches, N., R., Cortez, D., A., G., Nakamura, C., S., Filho, P., B., D., 2002, Screening of Some Plants Used in the Brazilian Folk Medicine for the Treatment of Infectious Diseases, Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, .97(7); p: 1027-1031;
Kamboj, A., Kumar, A., 2010, Phytopharmacological review of Xanthium strumarium L. (Cocklebur), International Journal of Green Pharmacy, 4 (3); p.:129-139;
Kamei, K., Watanabe, A., 2005, Aspergillus mycotoxins and their effect on the host, Medical Mycology, 43(1) p.: 95-99;
Quiroga, E., N., Sampietro, A., R., Vattuone, M., A., 2001, Screening antifungal activities of selected medicinal plants, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 74 ( 1); p:. 89–96;
Sun, J., Wang, X, Zang, N., Shi, C., Li, Q., Chen, D., 2008, Antifungal Activity in vitro of Arctium Ethanol Extract, Journal of Henan Agricultural Science;
Şahina, F., Karamana, İ., Güllüceb, M., Öğütçüa, H., Şengülc, M., Adıgüzelb A., Öztürkb, S., Kotana, R., 2003, Evaluation of antimicrobial activities of Thymus vulgaris L., Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 87 (1); p.:61–65;
Varga, J., Juhász, A., Kevei, F., Kozakiewicz, Z., 2004, Molecular diversity of agriculturally important Aspergillus species, European Journal of Plant Pathology 110; p:627–640.
*Correspondence: Steliana Rodino, National Institute of Research and Development for Biological Sciences, 060031, Splaiul Independentei 296, Bucharest, Romania, Tel/fax +40 212 200 880, steliana.rodino@yahoo.com