Phytocoenologic research regarding beech forests on rocks in the northern part of Bihor Mountains
January 11, 2013
Phytocoenologic research regarding beech forests on rocks in the northern part of Bihor Mountains
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Title: | Phytocoenologic research regarding beech forests on rocks in the northern part of Bihor Mountains |
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Article_Title: | Phytocoenologic research regarding beech forests on rocks in the northern part of Bihor Mountains |
Authors: | Burescu Petru, Togor George Claudiu |
Affiliation: | University of Oradea, Faculty of Environmental Protection, Oradea, Romania University of Oradea, Faculty of Sciences, Biology Department |
Abstract: | The paper presents phytocoenologic, ecological and eco-protective research done in the northern part of Bihor Mountains, among beech forests growing on calcareous rocks with rabbit tail (Sesleria rigida). The phytocoenoses in the Seslerio rigidae – Fagetum Soó et Vida 1963 association which is described in this paper have been identified on a few rocky ridges, at altitudes between 700 – 1400 m. The 16 phytocoenologic surveys that were done in the field and are presented in the table comprise 193 species. Among these, there is a series of endemic species (Silene nutans ssp. dubia, Edraianthus graminifolius, Thymus comosus), Carpathian endemisms (Cardamine glanduligera, Primula elatior ssp. leucophylla, Symphytum cordatum, Phyteuma tetramerum), rare species (Carex brachystachys, Centaurea reichenbachii, Iris aphylla, Teucrium montanum, Veronica bachofenii, Sorbus graeca) as well as vulnerable species (Campanula rotundifolia ssp. kladniana, Dianthus kitaibelii ssp. spiculifolius, Sempervivum marmoreum) that are found on the Red List. |
Keywords: | Seslerio rigidae – Fagetum, bioforms, floristic elements, ecological factors, Red List |
References: | Borza A., Studii fitosociologice în Munţii Retezat, Bul. Grăd. Bot. şi al Muz. Botanic, 16, Cluj, 1934. Borza A., Boşcaiu N., Introducere în studiul covorului vegetal, Edit. Academiei R.P.Române, Bucureşti, 340 p, 1965. Boşcaiu, N., Boşcaiu V., Coldea Gh., Täuber F., Sintaxonomia făgetelor carpatine, în Făgetele carpatine. Semnificaţia lor bioistorică şi ecoprotectivă, Cluj-Napoca, pp. 228-303, 1982. Braun-Blanquet J., Pflanzensoziologie. Grundzüge der Vegetationskunde, Biologische Studienbücher, 7, 1, Berlin, 330 p, 1928. Braun-Blanquet J., Pavillard J., Vocabulaire de sociologie végétale, 3, Edit. Montpellier, 23 p, 1928. Dihoru Gh., Negrean G., Cartea Roşie a plantelor vasculare din România, Edit. Academiei Române, 630 p, 2009. Oancea D., V. Velcea, N. Caloianu, Ş. Dragomirescu, Gh. Dragu, E. Mihai, Gh. Niculescu, V. Sencu, I. Velcea, Geografia României, III, Carpaţii Româneşti şi Depresiunea Transilvaniei, Edit. Academiei, pp. 430-490, 1987. Sanda V., Öllerer, K., Burescu, P., Fitocenozele din România. Sintaxonomie, structură, dinamică şi evoluţie, Universitatea din Bucureşti, Edit. Ars Docendi, 570 p, 2008. Sanda V., Răduţoiu D., Burescu P., Blaj-Irimia I., Breviar fitocenologic. Partea a IV-a, Edit. Sitech, Craiova, pp. 98-99, 2007. Täuber F., Contribuţii la sintaxonomia făgetelor carpato-dacice (Symphyto – Fagenalia subordo novum), Contribuţii botanice, Cluj-Napoca, pp. 179-191, 1987. Tüxen R., Ellenberg H., 1937. Der systematische und der ökologische Gruppenwert. Mitteilungen der floristischsoziologischen arbeitsgemeinschaft in niedersachsen, 3:171-184., Planul de Management al Parcului Natural Apuseni, 13.06.2006, read at 13.03.2012 |
Read_full_article: | pdf/22-2012/22-4-2012/SU22-4-2012-Burescu.pdf |
Correspondence: | Togor George Claudiu, Faculty of Sciences, Biology Department, 1 University St., Oradea, Romania, tel. 0040-740-092-797, e-mail: |
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Article Title: | Phytocoenologic research regarding beech forests on rocks in the northern part of Bihor Mountains |
Authors: | Burescu Petru, Togor George Claudiu |
Affiliation: | University of Oradea, Faculty of Environmental Protection, Oradea, Romania University of Oradea, Faculty of Sciences, Biology Department |
Abstract: | The paper presents phytocoenologic, ecological and eco-protective research done in the northern part of Bihor Mountains, among beech forests growing on calcareous rocks with rabbit tail (Sesleria rigida). The phytocoenoses in the Seslerio rigidae – Fagetum Soó et Vida 1963 association which is described in this paper have been identified on a few rocky ridges, at altitudes between 700 – 1400 m. The 16 phytocoenologic surveys that were done in the field and are presented in the table comprise 193 species. Among these, there is a series of endemic species (Silene nutans ssp. dubia, Edraianthus graminifolius, Thymus comosus), Carpathian endemisms (Cardamine glanduligera, Primula elatior ssp. leucophylla, Symphytum cordatum, Phyteuma tetramerum), rare species (Carex brachystachys, Centaurea reichenbachii, Iris aphylla, Teucrium montanum, Veronica bachofenii, Sorbus graeca) as well as vulnerable species (Campanula rotundifolia ssp. kladniana, Dianthus kitaibelii ssp. spiculifolius, Sempervivum marmoreum) that are found on the Red List. |
Keywords: | Seslerio rigidae – Fagetum, bioforms, floristic elements, ecological factors, Red List |
References: | Borza A., Studii fitosociologice în Munţii Retezat, Bul. Grăd. Bot. şi al Muz. Botanic, 16, Cluj, 1934. Borza A., Boşcaiu N., Introducere în studiul covorului vegetal, Edit. Academiei R.P.Române, Bucureşti, 340 p, 1965. Boşcaiu, N., Boşcaiu V., Coldea Gh., Täuber F., Sintaxonomia făgetelor carpatine, în Făgetele carpatine. Semnificaţia lor bioistorică şi ecoprotectivă, Cluj-Napoca, pp. 228-303, 1982. Braun-Blanquet J., Pflanzensoziologie. Grundzüge der Vegetationskunde, Biologische Studienbücher, 7, 1, Berlin, 330 p, 1928. Braun-Blanquet J., Pavillard J., Vocabulaire de sociologie végétale, 3, Edit. Montpellier, 23 p, 1928. Dihoru Gh., Negrean G., Cartea Roşie a plantelor vasculare din România, Edit. Academiei Române, 630 p, 2009. Oancea D., V. Velcea, N. Caloianu, Ş. Dragomirescu, Gh. Dragu, E. Mihai, Gh. Niculescu, V. Sencu, I. Velcea, Geografia României, III, Carpaţii Româneşti şi Depresiunea Transilvaniei, Edit. Academiei, pp. 430-490, 1987. Sanda V., Öllerer, K., Burescu, P., Fitocenozele din România. Sintaxonomie, structură, dinamică şi evoluţie, Universitatea din Bucureşti, Edit. Ars Docendi, 570 p, 2008. Sanda V., Răduţoiu D., Burescu P., Blaj-Irimia I., Breviar fitocenologic. Partea a IV-a, Edit. Sitech, Craiova, pp. 98-99, 2007. Täuber F., Contribuţii la sintaxonomia făgetelor carpato-dacice (Symphyto – Fagenalia subordo novum), Contribuţii botanice, Cluj-Napoca, pp. 179-191, 1987. Tüxen R., Ellenberg H., 1937. Der systematische und der ökologische Gruppenwert. Mitteilungen der floristischsoziologischen arbeitsgemeinschaft in niedersachsen, 3:171-184., Planul de Management al Parcului Natural Apuseni, 13.06.2006, read at 13.03.2012 |
*Correspondence: | Togor George Claudiu, Faculty of Sciences, Biology Department, 1 University St., Oradea, Romania, tel. 0040-740-092-797, e-mail: |