Aspects on isolation and identification of Microsporum canis strains found in dermatozoonosis

Aspects on isolation and identification of Microsporum canis strains found in dermatozoonosis

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Title: Aspects on isolation and identification of Microsporum canis strains found in dermatozoonosis
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Article_Title: Aspects on isolation and identification of Microsporum canis strains found in dermatozoonosis
Authors: Adrian Buruiana, Aurel Ardelean
Affiliation: Faculty of Natural Sciences Western University of Arad,
Institute of Life Sciences Western University of Arad
Abstract: In the practice of mycology laboratory diagnosis of skin fungal infections we identify the pathogenic species of dermatophytes from tinea lesions. Most of the identification is based on macro and microscopic view, but not all strains have as characteristic in the primary isolate the aspects which usually provide identification. A series of additional tests is needed to ensure proper identification of the species incriminated in skin pathology. From this point of view, at the genus Microsporum, the autoclavated rice gave excelent results to the six atipical strains obtained from the clinical isolates, acquiring thus a correct identification of the M. canis species.
Keywords: Microsporum canis, isolated atypical, autoclaved rice, organs of fructification
References: Bailey & Scott `s, 2007 – Diagnostic microbiology Elesvier Twelfth Edition Mosby p. 662-669.
Cojocaru I., 1979 – Elements of dermato-mycology, Medical Publishing, 72-73.
D. Ellis, S. Davis, H. Alexiou, Rosemary Handke, R. Bartley , 2007 – Descripsions fungi second edition of Medical Mycology Unit Women’s and Children’s Hospital, North Adelaide 5006 AUSTRALIAp. 86-89.
Koneman `s, 2006 – Color Atlas and Textbook of Diagnostic Microbiology sixth edition, Williams and Wilkins Lippincot – p.1187-1195.
Ricardson M. D. Warnock 2003 – Fung infection diagnosis and management, third edition, byBlackwell Publishing Ltd., p. 80-107
Midley G, Hay R., Clayton Y. 1997 – Color Diagnosos in Medical Mycology, Novartis Mosby- Wolfe, p. 32.
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Article Title: Aspects on isolation and identification of Microsporum canis strains found in dermatozoonosis
Authors: Adrian Buruiana, Aurel Ardelean
Affiliation: Faculty of Natural Sciences Western University of Arad,
Institute of Life Sciences Western University of Arad
Abstract: In the practice of mycology laboratory diagnosis of skin fungal infections we identify the pathogenic species of dermatophytes from tinea lesions. Most of the identification is based on macro and microscopic view, but not all strains have as characteristic in the primary isolate the aspects which usually provide identification. A series of additional tests is needed to ensure proper identification of the species incriminated in skin pathology. From this point of view, at the genus Microsporum, the autoclavated rice gave excelent results to the six atipical strains obtained from the clinical isolates, acquiring thus a correct identification of the M. canis species.
Keywords: Microsporum canis, isolated atypical, autoclaved rice, organs of fructification
References: Bailey & Scott `s, 2007 – Diagnostic microbiology Elesvier Twelfth Edition Mosby p. 662-669.
Cojocaru I., 1979 – Elements of dermato-mycology, Medical Publishing, 72-73.
D. Ellis, S. Davis, H. Alexiou, Rosemary Handke, R. Bartley , 2007 – Descripsions fungi second edition of Medical Mycology Unit Women’s and Children’s Hospital, North Adelaide 5006 AUSTRALIAp. 86-89.
Koneman `s, 2006 – Color Atlas and Textbook of Diagnostic Microbiology sixth edition, Williams and Wilkins Lippincot – p.1187-1195.
Ricardson M. D. Warnock 2003 – Fung infection diagnosis and management, third edition, byBlackwell Publishing Ltd., p. 80-107
Midley G, Hay R., Clayton Y. 1997 – Color Diagnosos in Medical Mycology, Novartis Mosby- Wolfe, p. 32.