Migration dynamics in the natural depression of Maramureş. Impact on the cultural heritage
September 6, 2012
Migration dynamics in the natural depression of Maramureş. Impact on the cultural heritage
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Title: | Migration dynamics in the natural depression of Maramureş. Impact on the cultural heritage |
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Article_Title: | Migration dynamics in the natural depression of Maramureş. Impact on the cultural heritage |
Authors: | Ileana Vasilescu |
Affiliation: | Lector univ. dr., Universitatea de Vest “Vasile Goldis” |
Abstract: | The migration of the population of the Maramures region within and beyond the borders of the Romanian territory has manifested itself from ancient times in one way or another, the first written records dating back to the 15th century (Filipaşcu Al., 1940, Popa R., 1997). It has increased in the last 10-12 years, for at least three reasons: the socio-economic conditions, the existence of a long tradition of moving away for seasonal jobs, the freedom of movement especially within the European space. Some of the most important consequences of the international migration of the people in the Natural Depression of Maramures are: the alteration of the traditional habitat, the changes in the food and eating habits, the changes of the clothing, the introduction of new customs, etc. All these, and many others, have led to a new hierarchy of social values, in which the land, the church or the importance of one’s roots are no longer at the top. Yet the truth seems to be a whole lot more different, beyond this theoretical research in the field of cultural and behavioral geography .The real territory, as resulted from thorough investigations, enables us to state that Maramures is a typical example of an accelerated transition into the so-called “modern present age”, displaying accelerated processes of alterations of the local identities and the emergence of a new logic of creative and social order and values. Within this context, in which the traditional Maramures is a mere theoretical construction of folklore and of ethnography experts, the new social reality calls for educational measures, especially in schools, as well as through activities that aim at raising people’s awareness, motivation and involvement in the process of saving and highlighting the value of the heritage, educating people, and also calls for the need of enforcing laws that would limit the building of a chaotic neo-architecture that is cut off from the traditional local identity. |
Keywords: | natural depression, region, migration, periodical emigration, migration dynamics, system of social values. |
References: | Bailly A. et alii, (2005), Les concepts de la géographie humaine, édition Armand Colin, Paris. Cosgrove, D., Jackson, P., (1989), New directions in cultural geography, Area, vol.19, 95-101. Claval P., (2002), Géographie culturelle- Une nouvelle aproche des sociétés et des milieux, Armand Colin,Paris. Filipaşcu Alexandru (1940)- Istoria Maramureşului, Bucureşti . Iacob, Gh., (1963) , Dezvoltarea agriculturii în Ţara Maramureşului, în: Probleme de Geografie, tom IX, Bucureşti. Iacob, Gh., (1971), Aspecte geografice privind deplasările sezoniere ale maramureşenilor, Lucr. Col. Naţ. Geogr. A populaţiei şi aşezărilor, Iaşi. Morariu, T., (1939a) – Ţara Maramureşului în lumina literaturii ştiinţifice, în Gazeta ilustrată, nr. 9-10,Tipografia Renaşterea, Cluj-Napoca. Morariu, T., (1939a) – Maramureşul în organismul etnic şi politic al Ţării Româneşti, în Buletinul Societăţii Regale Române de Geografie, LX, MO Imprimeria Naţională, Bucureşti. Vasilescu, I., (2008)- Studiu de patrimoniu integrat- Depresiunea Maramureşului, Teza de doctorat, UBB, Cluj Napoca. |
Read_full_article: | pdf/22-2012/22-1-2012/SU22-1-2012-Vasilescu.pdf |
Correspondence: | 0744392006, e-mail: ileanavasilescu@yahoo.com |
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Article Title: | Migration dynamics in the natural depression of Maramureş. Impact on the cultural heritage |
Authors: | Ileana Vasilescu |
Affiliation: | Lector univ. dr., Universitatea de Vest “Vasile Goldis” |
Abstract: | The migration of the population of the Maramures region within and beyond the borders of the Romanian territory has manifested itself from ancient times in one way or another, the first written records dating back to the 15th century (Filipaşcu Al., 1940, Popa R., 1997). It has increased in the last 10-12 years, for at least three reasons: the socio-economic conditions, the existence of a long tradition of moving away for seasonal jobs, the freedom of movement especially within the European space. Some of the most important consequences of the international migration of the people in the Natural Depression of Maramures are: the alteration of the traditional habitat, the changes in the food and eating habits, the changes of the clothing, the introduction of new customs, etc. All these, and many others, have led to a new hierarchy of social values, in which the land, the church or the importance of one’s roots are no longer at the top. Yet the truth seems to be a whole lot more different, beyond this theoretical research in the field of cultural and behavioral geography .The real territory, as resulted from thorough investigations, enables us to state that Maramures is a typical example of an accelerated transition into the so-called “modern present age”, displaying accelerated processes of alterations of the local identities and the emergence of a new logic of creative and social order and values. Within this context, in which the traditional Maramures is a mere theoretical construction of folklore and of ethnography experts, the new social reality calls for educational measures, especially in schools, as well as through activities that aim at raising people’s awareness, motivation and involvement in the process of saving and highlighting the value of the heritage, educating people, and also calls for the need of enforcing laws that would limit the building of a chaotic neo-architecture that is cut off from the traditional local identity. |
Keywords: | natural depression, region, migration, periodical emigration, migration dynamics, system of social values. |
References: | Bailly A. et alii, (2005), Les concepts de la géographie humaine, édition Armand Colin, Paris. Cosgrove, D., Jackson, P., (1989), New directions in cultural geography, Area, vol.19, 95-101. Claval P., (2002), Géographie culturelle- Une nouvelle aproche des sociétés et des milieux, Armand Colin,Paris. Filipaşcu Alexandru (1940)- Istoria Maramureşului, Bucureşti . Iacob, Gh., (1963) , Dezvoltarea agriculturii în Ţara Maramureşului, în: Probleme de Geografie, tom IX, Bucureşti. Iacob, Gh., (1971), Aspecte geografice privind deplasările sezoniere ale maramureşenilor, Lucr. Col. Naţ. Geogr. A populaţiei şi aşezărilor, Iaşi. Morariu, T., (1939a) – Ţara Maramureşului în lumina literaturii ştiinţifice, în Gazeta ilustrată, nr. 9-10,Tipografia Renaşterea, Cluj-Napoca. Morariu, T., (1939a) – Maramureşul în organismul etnic şi politic al Ţării Româneşti, în Buletinul Societăţii Regale Române de Geografie, LX, MO Imprimeria Naţională, Bucureşti. Vasilescu, I., (2008)- Studiu de patrimoniu integrat- Depresiunea Maramureşului, Teza de doctorat, UBB, Cluj Napoca. |
*Correspondence: | 0744392006, e-mail: ileanavasilescu@yahoo.com |