The natural reservations from Lapus County

The natural reservations from Lapus County

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Article_Title: The natural reservations from Lapus County
Authors: Amalia Ardelean
Affiliation: „Vasile Goldiş” Western University, Arad, Romania (Baia Mare branch)
Abstract: The special natural patrimony from Lapusului County is characterized by a great richness, variety and diversity, being marked by three protected areas and having a scientific, touristic and beautifully scenery value: The Natural Monument “Babei Keys”, The Natural Reservation “Arcer – Tibles” and The Natural Reservation of “Lapus Gorge”. Field investigations have started from the following premise: serious damage of the environment, nature degradation, the need to preserve the integrity and diversity of nature and using natural resources in an equitable and durable mode. The interactions between man and nature are and have always been permanently, but they have changed in time, taking place an involution or a degradation of the value of nature in people’s perception.
Keywords: Lapus County, natural reservation, endemic species, rare species, red list
References: Bavaru A, Godeanu S, Butnaru G, Bogdan A, Biodiversity and nature protection, Romanian Academy Press, Bucharest, 2007.
Boscaiu N, Coldea G, Horeanu C, Red list of vascular plants, endangered, vulnerable, who disappeared and rare flora of Romania, Natural Reservation Magazine, Bucharest, 1994.
Ciocarlan V, Romanian Illustrated Flora. Pteridophyta et Spermatophyta, Ceres Press, Bucharest, 2000.
Dihoru G, Negrean G, Romanian red list of vascular plants, Romanian Academy Press, Bucharest, 2009.
Dihoru G, Dihoru A, Rare and endangered plants, endemic flora in Romania – red list, Acta Botanica Horti Bucurestiensis, Bucharest, 1994.
Donita N, Popescu A, Pauca – Comanescu M, Mihailescu S, Biris AI, Habitates in Romania, Tehnique and Forestry Press, Bucharest, 2005
Globally threatened plants in Europe, IUCN Red List of Threatened Plants, World Conservation Monitoring Centre, 1997
Mohan G, Ardelean A, Natural Parks and Reservation from Romania, Victor and Victor Press, Bucharest, 2006.
Savulescu T, Flora R.P.R – R.S.R., I – XIII, Academy RPR-RSR Press, Bucharest, 1952-1970.
Tutin T et al, Flora Europaea, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1964-1980.
Read_full_article: pdf/21-2011/21-3-2011/SU21-3-2011-ArdeleanAm.pdf
Correspondence: Ardelean Amalia, „Vasile Goldis” Western University Baia Mare, no.5, Culturii St., 430316, Maramures, Romania, Tel. +40-(0262)-213302 fax. +04-(0262)-213682, email:

Read full article
Article Title: The natural reservations from Lapus County
Authors: Amalia Ardelean
Affiliation: „Vasile Goldiş” Western University, Arad, Romania (Baia Mare branch)
Abstract: The special natural patrimony from Lapusului County is characterized by a great richness, variety and diversity, being marked by three protected areas and having a scientific, touristic and beautifully scenery value: The Natural Monument “Babei Keys”, The Natural Reservation “Arcer – Tibles” and The Natural Reservation of “Lapus Gorge”. Field investigations have started from the following premise: serious damage of the environment, nature degradation, the need to preserve the integrity and diversity of nature and using natural resources in an equitable and durable mode. The interactions between man and nature are and have always been permanently, but they have changed in time, taking place an involution or a degradation of the value of nature in people’s perception.
Keywords: Lapus County, natural reservation, endemic species, rare species, red list
References: Bavaru A, Godeanu S, Butnaru G, Bogdan A, Biodiversity and nature protection, Romanian Academy Press, Bucharest, 2007.
Boscaiu N, Coldea G, Horeanu C, Red list of vascular plants, endangered, vulnerable, who disappeared and rare flora of Romania, Natural Reservation Magazine, Bucharest, 1994.
Ciocarlan V, Romanian Illustrated Flora. Pteridophyta et Spermatophyta, Ceres Press, Bucharest, 2000.
Dihoru G, Negrean G, Romanian red list of vascular plants, Romanian Academy Press, Bucharest, 2009.
Dihoru G, Dihoru A, Rare and endangered plants, endemic flora in Romania – red list, Acta Botanica Horti Bucurestiensis, Bucharest, 1994.
Donita N, Popescu A, Pauca – Comanescu M, Mihailescu S, Biris AI, Habitates in Romania, Tehnique and Forestry Press, Bucharest, 2005
Globally threatened plants in Europe, IUCN Red List of Threatened Plants, World Conservation Monitoring Centre, 1997
Mohan G, Ardelean A, Natural Parks and Reservation from Romania, Victor and Victor Press, Bucharest, 2006.
Savulescu T, Flora R.P.R – R.S.R., I – XIII, Academy RPR-RSR Press, Bucharest, 1952-1970.
Tutin T et al, Flora Europaea, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1964-1980.
*Correspondence: Ardelean Amalia, „Vasile Goldis” Western University Baia Mare, no.5, Culturii St., 430316, Maramures, Romania, Tel. +40-(0262)-213302 fax. +04-(0262)-213682, email: