Study concerning the effects of pollution on the staff worker

Study concerning the effects of pollution on the staff worker

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Article_Title: Study concerning the effects of pollution on the staff worker
Authors: Stela-Gabriela JELEA
Affiliation: Northern University of Baia Mare, Romania
Abstract: The experiments have monitored the effects of pollutants specific to nonferrous metallurgy upon 100 workers from metallurgy industry. The workers were exposed to various environments, in which the intensity and duration of pollutants varies, following the modifications of some haematological and renal factors. The obtained results have indicated kidney damage and some haematological changes.
Keywords: environments, effects of pollutants, metallurgy industry, monitored the effects, haematological changes
References: Baranowska-Bosiacka I., Hyczak A.J., Machaliski B., 2000 – The impact of lead ions on metabolism of erythrocytes. Med. Pr. 51 (1): pp. 59-65.
Fowler B.A., Kahng M.W., Smith D.R., 1994 – Role of lead-binding proteins in renal cancer. Environ. Health Perst. 102 (3): pp. 115 – 116.
Hirsch G.H., 1973 – Effect of chronic lead treatment on renal function. Toxicol. App. Pharmacol. 25: pp. 84-93.
Kisser W., 1977 – Biochemical methods for the detection of lead poisoning. Arch. Toxicol. 37 (3) pp. 173-193.
Lahaye D., Roosels D., Bossiroy J.M., van Assche F., 1977- The use of the urinary excretion of delta-aminolevulinic acid as criterion for lead absorption in industrial medicine and insurance medicine. Int. Arch. Occup. Environ. Health. 39 (3): pp. 191-198
Selhi H.S., While J.M., 1975 – The effect of lead on the red cell membrane. Postgrad. Med. J. 51 (601): pp. 765-769.
Michele D., Pavlovici M., 1996 – Biochimie Clinica – metode de laborator. Ed. Med. Bucuresti. Samuel S., Fisher C., 1970 – Evaluation of urinary delta-aminolevulinic acid by thin-layer electrophoresis and selective agents. Arch. Environ. Health. 21: pp. 728-733.
Snedecor, G., W. Cochram, 1978 – Statistical methods. 6 th. Ed. Iowa State Univ. Press. Ames. Iowa
Stankovic M.K. 1971 – Biochemical tests for the appraisal of the lead. Arch. Environ. Health. 23: pp. 265-269.
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Correspondence: Stela-Gabriela Jelea, Northern University of Baia Mare, Faculty of Sciences, No. 62/A Dr. V. Babes St., 430083, Baia Mare, Maramures, Romania, Email:

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Article Title: Study concerning the effects of pollution on the staff worker
Authors: Stela-Gabriela JELEA
Affiliation: Northern University of Baia Mare, Romania
Abstract: The experiments have monitored the effects of pollutants specific to nonferrous metallurgy upon 100 workers from metallurgy industry. The workers were exposed to various environments, in which the intensity and duration of pollutants varies, following the modifications of some haematological and renal factors. The obtained results have indicated kidney damage and some haematological changes.
Keywords: environments, effects of pollutants, metallurgy industry, monitored the effects, haematological changes
References: Baranowska-Bosiacka I., Hyczak A.J., Machaliski B., 2000 – The impact of lead ions on metabolism of erythrocytes. Med. Pr. 51 (1): pp. 59-65.
Fowler B.A., Kahng M.W., Smith D.R., 1994 – Role of lead-binding proteins in renal cancer. Environ. Health Perst. 102 (3): pp. 115 – 116.
Hirsch G.H., 1973 – Effect of chronic lead treatment on renal function. Toxicol. App. Pharmacol. 25: pp. 84-93.
Kisser W., 1977 – Biochemical methods for the detection of lead poisoning. Arch. Toxicol. 37 (3) pp. 173-193.
Lahaye D., Roosels D., Bossiroy J.M., van Assche F., 1977- The use of the urinary excretion of delta-aminolevulinic acid as criterion for lead absorption in industrial medicine and insurance medicine. Int. Arch. Occup. Environ. Health. 39 (3): pp. 191-198
Selhi H.S., While J.M., 1975 – The effect of lead on the red cell membrane. Postgrad. Med. J. 51 (601): pp. 765-769.
Michele D., Pavlovici M., 1996 – Biochimie Clinica – metode de laborator. Ed. Med. Bucuresti. Samuel S., Fisher C., 1970 – Evaluation of urinary delta-aminolevulinic acid by thin-layer electrophoresis and selective agents. Arch. Environ. Health. 21: pp. 728-733.
Snedecor, G., W. Cochram, 1978 – Statistical methods. 6 th. Ed. Iowa State Univ. Press. Ames. Iowa
Stankovic M.K. 1971 – Biochemical tests for the appraisal of the lead. Arch. Environ. Health. 23: pp. 265-269.
*Correspondence: Stela-Gabriela Jelea, Northern University of Baia Mare, Faculty of Sciences, No. 62/A Dr. V. Babes St., 430083, Baia Mare, Maramures, Romania, Email: