Utilizarea metodelor genetice si biotehnologiilor pentru conservarea populatiilor locale…

Utilizarea metodelor genetice si biotehnologiilor pentru conservarea populatiilor locale a speciilor cultivate în zonele cu soluri halomorfe din vestul Romaniei


Autori: Aurel Ardelean, Violeta Buruiana, Iulian Octavian Stana

Afiliere: Departamentul de Genetica si Botanica, Universitatea de Vest „Vasile Goldis” Arad, Romania


UTILIZATION OF GENETICS AND BIOTECHNOLOGICAL METHODS FOR CONSERVING THE LOCAL POPULATIONS OF CULTIVATE SPECIES IN THE HALOMORPHES SOIL FROM WESTERN PARTS OF ROMANIA. The genetic plants resources have contribute to the stabilization of the agrosystems and provide material for scientifically amelioration. In the last 100 years the  variability used had decreas dramatically. It is very important that the intraspecific diversity to be conserve in a efficient manner and to be found in every moment.


Keywords: biotechnology; halomorph soil; genetic methods