Palynological study of allergenic species in romanian, Bihor County

Palynological study of allergenic species in romanian, Bihor County

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Article_Title: Palynological study of allergenic species in romanian, Bihor County
Authors: Ana Honiges, Annamaria Pallag
Affiliation: ”Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad, The Faculty of Educational Sciences, Psychology and Sport, Arad, Romania
University of Oradea, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacy, Oradea, Romania
Abstract: Air pollution exerts both direct and indirect effects on the amount of pollen in the air and its allergenicity. Indirect effects result from growths stress on the plants, reducing productivity so that fewer and smaller pollen grains are produced. However, evidence indicates that these cases the pollen grains have enhanced allergen content. Direct effects can occur through exposure of pollen on the plant or during flight in air. The surface of the grains is slightly sticky, which result in particles collecting on the surface and can modify their antigenic potency. A structural and morphological analysis of the pollen grains of three allergenic species from Oradea area was carried out. Some of the species presented minor deviations, morphological and structural changes, reduction of the exine reticulation, and changes in the number of pores, sedimentation substances, which appear as unspecific excrescences visible with an optical microscope. These small changes, as well as other exogenous factors, are able to explain the yearly increase of the allergenic potential of the plants subjected to analysis.
Keywords: anemophilous, microspore, pollen grain, allergens, pollution, grows stress
References: Andrew R., (1984) A practical pollen guide to the British flora. Technical Guide 1., Quaternary Research Association, Cambridge
Blaney Marjorie, Grey-Wilson Christopher, (2000) La flore d’Europe Occidentale, Editeur Flammarion.
Ciobanu I., (1971) Plant morphology ed. a II-a, Ed. Didactică si Pedagogică: 399
Cupşa Diana, Telcean C. Ilie, 2005, Catalogul polinic al plantelor alergene din zona Oradea, Editura Ecozone, Iaşi.
D’Amato G., (2000) Urban air pollution and plant-derived respiratory allergy. Clin. Exp. Allergy 30:628
Dinescu Carmen, Zvorişteanu Anca, Nemeth T., 2005, Alergii şi plante alergene, Direcţia de Sănătate Publică Bihor, Oradea.
Emberlin J., (2008) Grass, Tree and Weed Pollen, in Allergy and Allergic Diseases, vol.1, edited by Kay A.B., Blackwell Publishing: 942
Frenguelli G., (2002) Interactions between climatic changes and allergenic plants, Monaldi Arch Chest Dis 2002; 57: 2, 141–143
Gram W.K., Sork V.L., (2001) Association between environmental and genetic heterogeneity in forest tree populations, Ecology, 82: 2012–2021.
Gram W.K., Sork V.L., (1999) Population density as a predictor of genetic variation for woody plant species, Cons Bio, 13: 1079–1087.
Muccifora S., Bellani L.M., Gori P., (2003) Ultrastructure, viability, and in vitro germination of the tricellular Sambucus nigra L. pollen, International Journal of science,164: 855
Kay A. B., (1997) Allergy and allergic diseases. Oxford: Blackwell Science: 852
Szabó Ildikó, Pallag Annamaria, (2007) Botanică farmaceutică – analize microscopice, lucrări practice, Editura Universităţii din Oradea
Szabó Ildikó, (2004) Botanică sistematică – Cormobionta, Editura Universităţii din Oradea
Tarnavschi, I. T., Şerbănescu-Jitariu Gabriela, Mitroiu-Rădulescu Natalia, (1987) Monografia polenului florei din România, vol. I-II, Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România, Bucureşti
Tylianakis J.M., Tscharntke T., Lewis O.T., (2007) Habitat modification alters the structure of tropical host-parasitoid food webs, Nature, 445; 202-205.
Wodehouse R.P., (1935) Pollen grains. Their structure, identification and significance in science and medicine, New York, London.
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Article Title: Palynological study of allergenic species in romanian, Bihor County
Authors: Ana Honiges, Annamaria Pallag
Affiliation: ”Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad, The Faculty of Educational Sciences, Psychology and Sport, Arad, Romania
University of Oradea, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacy, Oradea, Romania
Abstract: Air pollution exerts both direct and indirect effects on the amount of pollen in the air and its allergenicity. Indirect effects result from growths stress on the plants, reducing productivity so that fewer and smaller pollen grains are produced. However, evidence indicates that these cases the pollen grains have enhanced allergen content. Direct effects can occur through exposure of pollen on the plant or during flight in air. The surface of the grains is slightly sticky, which result in particles collecting on the surface and can modify their antigenic potency. A structural and morphological analysis of the pollen grains of three allergenic species from Oradea area was carried out. Some of the species presented minor deviations, morphological and structural changes, reduction of the exine reticulation, and changes in the number of pores, sedimentation substances, which appear as unspecific excrescences visible with an optical microscope. These small changes, as well as other exogenous factors, are able to explain the yearly increase of the allergenic potential of the plants subjected to analysis.
Keywords: anemophilous, microspore, pollen grain, allergens, pollution, grows stress
References: Andrew R., (1984) A practical pollen guide to the British flora. Technical Guide 1., Quaternary Research Association, Cambridge
Blaney Marjorie, Grey-Wilson Christopher, (2000) La flore d’Europe Occidentale, Editeur Flammarion.
Ciobanu I., (1971) Plant morphology ed. a II-a, Ed. Didactică si Pedagogică: 399
Cupşa Diana, Telcean C. Ilie, 2005, Catalogul polinic al plantelor alergene din zona Oradea, Editura Ecozone, Iaşi.
D’Amato G., (2000) Urban air pollution and plant-derived respiratory allergy. Clin. Exp. Allergy 30:628
Dinescu Carmen, Zvorişteanu Anca, Nemeth T., 2005, Alergii şi plante alergene, Direcţia de Sănătate Publică Bihor, Oradea.
Emberlin J., (2008) Grass, Tree and Weed Pollen, in Allergy and Allergic Diseases, vol.1, edited by Kay A.B., Blackwell Publishing: 942
Frenguelli G., (2002) Interactions between climatic changes and allergenic plants, Monaldi Arch Chest Dis 2002; 57: 2, 141–143
Gram W.K., Sork V.L., (2001) Association between environmental and genetic heterogeneity in forest tree populations, Ecology, 82: 2012–2021.
Gram W.K., Sork V.L., (1999) Population density as a predictor of genetic variation for woody plant species, Cons Bio, 13: 1079–1087.
Muccifora S., Bellani L.M., Gori P., (2003) Ultrastructure, viability, and in vitro germination of the tricellular Sambucus nigra L. pollen, International Journal of science,164: 855
Kay A. B., (1997) Allergy and allergic diseases. Oxford: Blackwell Science: 852
Szabó Ildikó, Pallag Annamaria, (2007) Botanică farmaceutică – analize microscopice, lucrări practice, Editura Universităţii din Oradea
Szabó Ildikó, (2004) Botanică sistematică – Cormobionta, Editura Universităţii din Oradea
Tarnavschi, I. T., Şerbănescu-Jitariu Gabriela, Mitroiu-Rădulescu Natalia, (1987) Monografia polenului florei din România, vol. I-II, Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România, Bucureşti
Tylianakis J.M., Tscharntke T., Lewis O.T., (2007) Habitat modification alters the structure of tropical host-parasitoid food webs, Nature, 445; 202-205.
Wodehouse R.P., (1935) Pollen grains. Their structure, identification and significance in science and medicine, New York, London.