Ecotourism in the Rodnei Mountains National Park – between aspiration and reality

Ecotourism in the Rodnei Mountains National Park – between aspiration and reality

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Title: Ecotourism in the Rodnei Mountains National Park – between aspiration and reality
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Article_Title: Ecotourism in the Rodnei Mountains National Park – between aspiration and reality
Authors: Mircea Mureşianu1, Ioan Bîca1, Eduard Schuster1*, András Barta1
Affiliation: 1Faculty of Geography, „Babeş-Bolyai” University Cluj-Napoca, University Extension Bistriţa
Abstract: The initiation of projects concerning the delimitation of areas that should be protected against any economic activity is fully justified, regarding the amplification of the human pressure on the components of the geographical environment. Therefore, any study about such protected areas (and all the more National Parks) should be realized with all responsibility, including every aspect that may influence these areas. Furthermore, such studies must elaborate specific strategies, whose implementation will support the sustainable development of the region. The Rodnei Mountain National Park (RMNP) became, beginning with the 1st May 2004, a protected, functional area, and its administration, based in Rodna, tries by special strategies to encourage the development of ecotourism, as a fundamental part of the concept of sustainable development. The absence of an consistent and coherent educational system, along with a poor financial support for the protected areas in order to promote the values of their biodiversity, effected a small percentage of eco-tourists among the total number of tourists visiting the RMNP. For this reason, the contrast between aspiration and reality remain significant.
Keywords: ecotourism, sustainable development, protected area, biodiversity, development strategies, multidimensional perspectives of ecological development

Chifane-Drăguşani, C., Ecodezvoltare – o alternativă viabilă a progresului societăţii, Revista Ocrotirea Mediului Încojurător, Natura, Terra, Terra, anul XVII, nr. 1, Bucureşti, 1985
Mureşianu, M., Potenţialul turistic din bazinul superior al Someşului Mare (ediţia a II-a), Editura Focul Viu, Cluj-Napoca, 1997
Mureşianu M., Schuster E., Hădărău A., Ökotourismus im Rodna-Gebirge-Nationalpark – grundlegende Dimension des nachlatige Entwicklungs-Konzeptes, Studii şi Cercetări, Geology-Geography, 11, p. 113, Complexul Muzeal Bistriţa-Năsăud, Bistriţa, 2006

Mureşianu M., Schuster E., Strategien zur Förderung der ökologischen Entwiclung im Rodna-Gebirge- Nationalpark, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Geographia, Cluj-Napoca, 2007
Pandi G., Berkesy C. M., Vigh M., Berkesy L. E., Berkessy P., Evolution of water quality in the Blue Lagoon from Aghiresu, AACL Bioflux, 3(3), pp.151-162, 2010
* * * Administraţia Parcului Naţional Munţii Rodnei – Planul Managerial, 2006

Read_full_article: pdf/21-2011/21-4-2011/SU21-4-2011-Muresianu.pdf
Correspondence: Eduard Schuster, „Babeş-Bolyai” University Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Geography, University Extension Bistriţa, 3-5 A. Mureşanu St., 420117 Bistriţa, Tel. +40-(263)-210397, e-mail:

Read full article
Article Title: Ecotourism in the Rodnei Mountains National Park – between aspiration and reality
Authors: Mircea Mureşianu1, Ioan Bîca1, Eduard Schuster1*, András Barta1
Affiliation: 1Faculty of Geography, „Babeş-Bolyai” University Cluj-Napoca, University Extension Bistriţa
Abstract: The initiation of projects concerning the delimitation of areas that should be protected against any economic activity is fully justified, regarding the amplification of the human pressure on the components of the geographical environment. Therefore, any study about such protected areas (and all the more National Parks) should be realized with all responsibility, including every aspect that may influence these areas. Furthermore, such studies must elaborate specific strategies, whose implementation will support the sustainable development of the region. The Rodnei Mountain National Park (RMNP) became, beginning with the 1st May 2004, a protected, functional area, and its administration, based in Rodna, tries by special strategies to encourage the development of ecotourism, as a fundamental part of the concept of sustainable development. The absence of an consistent and coherent educational system, along with a poor financial support for the protected areas in order to promote the values of their biodiversity, effected a small percentage of eco-tourists among the total number of tourists visiting the RMNP. For this reason, the contrast between aspiration and reality remain significant.
Keywords: ecotourism, sustainable development, protected area, biodiversity, development strategies, multidimensional perspectives of ecological development
References: Chifane-Drăguşani, C., Ecodezvoltare – o alternativă viabilă a progresului societăţii, Revista Ocrotirea Mediului Încojurător, Natura, Terra, Terra, anul XVII, nr. 1, Bucureşti, 1985
Mureşianu, M., Potenţialul turistic din bazinul superior al Someşului Mare (ediţia a II-a), Editura Focul Viu, Cluj-Napoca, 1997
Mureşianu M., Schuster E., Hădărău A., Ökotourismus im Rodna-Gebirge-Nationalpark – grundlegende Dimension des nachlatige Entwicklungs-Konzeptes, Studii şi Cercetări, Geology-Geography, 11, p. 113, Complexul Muzeal Bistriţa-Năsăud, Bistriţa, 2006
Mureşianu M., Schuster E., Strategien zur Förderung der ökologischen Entwiclung im Rodna-Gebirge-Nationalpark, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Geographia, Cluj-Napoca, 2007
Pandi G., Berkesy C. M., Vigh M., Berkesy L. E., Berkessy P., Evolution of water quality in the Blue Lagoon from Aghiresu, AACL Bioflux, 3(3), pp.151-162, 2010
* * * Administraţia Parcului Naţional Munţii Rodnei – Planul Managerial, 2006
*Correspondence: Eduard Schuster, „Babeş-Bolyai” University Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Geography, University Extension Bistriţa, 3-5 A. Mureşanu St., 420117 Bistriţa, Tel. +40-(263)-210397, e-mail: