Neuropathology of Alzheimer Disease. Connections with cerebral senescence

Neuropathology of Alzheimer Disease. Connections with cerebral senescence

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Article_Title: Neuropathology of Alzheimer Disease. Connections with cerebral senescence
Authors: Dan Riga1*, Sorin Riga1, Aurel Ardelean2, George Pribac2, Francisc Schneider2
Affiliation: 1 Department of Stress Research and Prophylaxis, ”Al. Obregia” Clinical Hospital of Psychiatry, Bucharest, Romania
2 ”Vasile Goldis” Western University, Arad, Romania
Abstract: Introduction. Alzheimer disease (AD) becomes ”disease of the century” by its prevalence, morbidity, prediction and economic impact. Paper aims of present and our following studies on AD were represented by the achievement of a global and unitarian bio-medical research of this inflammatory-degenerative pathology, the description of AD alterations in brain structures and by the correlation with the same changes from cerebral senescence.
Materials and methods. Human brains from AD patients and old people, as well as aging brains from Wistar rats and guinea pigs were investigated by macro- and microscopic morphological methods.
Results and Discussions. In AD patients, gross, imagistic and sectional anatomy revealed severe diffuse cortical atrophy (gyral narrowing and sulcal widening), ventricular dilatation and intense atrophy of the hippocampus and amygdala. Using microscopic anatomy, histology and cytology investigations, as AD structural hallmarks, we observed neuronal loss, amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles, especially in cerebral cortex, hippocampus, amygdala and nucleus basalis of Meynert. In addition, we found neuropil threads, vascular amyloidosis, granulo-vacuolar degeneration, Hirano and Lewy bodies. All these neuropathological changes coexist with important lipopigment storages (lipofuscin and ceroid), landmarks of brain aging. The same modifications are presented in old human and animal brains, but much more reduced as number and intensity. Authors discuss the epistemological evolution of these pathological structural concepts and their pathophysiological significance.
Conclusions. This study is the first Romanian research, where AD brains were investigated from anatomo-histologico-tissual level to cellular-subcellular and extracellular pathology. Also, the authors achieved a comparative and correlative research between AD and old brains from humans to animals.
Keywords: Alzheimer disease, cerebral senescence, neuropathology, morphological correlations, selective brain atrophy, amyloid plaques, neurofibrillary tangles, ceroid and lipofuscin pigments
References: Akashi T, Maruyama N, Sawayama N. An autopsy case
of idiopathic parkinsonism with numerous Lewy
bodies in the cerebral cortex – diffuse Lewy body
disease. Brain and Nerve, 43: 175-181, 1991.
American Psychiatric Association. DSM-IV-TR.
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders. Forth Edition Text Revision. American
Psychiatric Association, Washington, DC, 2000.
Alzheimer A. Histologische Studien zur
Differentialdiagnose der progressiven Paralyse.
Fischer, Jena, DE, 1904. Alzheimer A. Über einen
eigenartigen schweren Erkrankungsprozeß der
Hirnrinde. Neurologisches Centralblatt, Leipzig,
DE, 23: 1129-1136, 1906.
Alzheimer A. Über eine eigenartige Erkrankung der
Hirnrinde. Allg Z Psychiat, 64: 146-148, 1907.
Anderson DM (ed). Dorland’s Illustrated Medical
Dictionary, 30th ed. Elsevier-Saunders, Philadelphia,
PA, 2003.
Ball MJ. Hippocampal histopathology – a critical
substrate for dementia of the Alzheimer type, pp.
16-37. In: S Ulrich
(ed). Histology and Histopathology of the Aging Brain
(HP von Hahn, ed Interdisciplinary Topics in
Gerontology, vol 25). Karger, Basel, CH, 1988.
Blocq P, Marinescu G. Sur les lésions et la pathogénie de
l’épilepsie dite essentielle. Sem Méd, 12: 445-446,
Bonin-Guillaume S, Zekry D, Giacobini E, Gold G,
Michel JP. Impact économique de la démence.
Presse Méd, 34: 35-41, 2005.
Braak H, Braak E. Morphology of the human isocortex
in young and aged individuals: qualitative and
quantitative findings, pp. 1-15. In: J Ulrich (ed),
Histology and Histopathology of the Aging Brain
(HP von Hahn ed, Interdisciplinary Topics in
Gerontology, vol 25). Karger, Basel, CH, 1988.
Brookmeyer R, Johnson E, Ziegler-Graham K, Arrighi
HM. Forecasting the global burden of Alzheimer’s
disease. Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 3: 186-191,
Esiri MM, Hyman BT, Beyreuther K, Masters CL.
Ageing and dementia, pp. 153-233. In: DI Graham,
PL Lantos (eds). Greenfield’s Neuropathology, 6th
ed. Arnold, London, UK, 1997.
Esiri MM, Morris JH. The Neuropathology of Dementia.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1997.
Esquirol JED. Des maladies mentales considérées sous
les rapports médical, hygiénique et médicolégal.
Baillière, Paris, FR, 1830.
Fischer O. Miliare Nekrosen mit drusigen Wucherungen
der Neurofibrillen, eine regelmässige Veränderung
der Hirnrinde bei seniler Demenz. Monatsschr
Psychiat Neurol, 22: 361-372, 1907.
Forno LS, The Lewy body in Parkinson’s disease. Adv
Neurol, 45: 398-414, 1986.
Gibson PH, Tomlinson BE. The numbers of Hirano
bodies in the hippocampus of normal and demented
subjects with Alzheimer’s disease. J Neurol Sci, 33:
199-206, 1977.
Goedert M. Tau protein and the neurofibrillary pathology
of Alyheimer’s disease. Trends Neurosci, 16: 460-
465, 1993.
Hirano A. Pathology of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, pp.
23-37. In: DC Gajdusek, CJ Gibbs, Jr (eds). Slow
Latent and Temperate Virus Infections, NINDB
Monograph No 2. National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, MD, 1965.
Hirano A, Malamud N, Elizan TS, Kurland LT.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and Parkinsonismdementia
complex on Guam. Arch Neurol, 15: 35-
51, 1966.
Hirano A. Hirano bodies and related neuronal inclusions.
Neurophatol Appl Neurobiol, 20: 3-11, 1994.
Kraepelin E. Psychiatrie. Ein Lehrbuch für Studierende
und Ärzte, 8 Auflage, Band II (Klinische
Psychiatrie). Johann Ambrosius Barth Verlag,
Leipzig, DE, 1910.
Lennox G. Lewy body dementia. Bailliere’s Clin Neurol,
1: 653-676, 1992.
Lewy FH. Paralysis agitans. 1. Pathologische anatomie,
pp. 920-933. In: M Lewandowsky (ed.), Handbuch
der Neurologie. Springer, Berlin, DE, 1912.
Mann DMA, Neary D, Testa H. Color Atlas and Text
of Adult Dementias. Mosby-Wolfe, London, UK,
Marinesco G. La cellule nerveuse, vol 1 et vol 2, Octave
Doin et Fils Éd, Paris, FR, 1909.
Mayeux R, Stern Y, Spantos S. Heterogeneity in
dementia of the Alzheimer type. Neurology, 35:
435-461, 1985. McKhann G, Drachman D, Folstein
M, Katzman R, Price D, Stadlan EM. Clinical
diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease: report of the
NINCDS-ADRDA Work Group under the auspices
of Department of Health and Human Services Task
Force on Alzheimer’s Disease. Neurology, 34: 939-
944, 1984.
Nissl F. Zum Andenken A. Alzheimers. All Z Psychiat,
73: 96-107, 1916.
Racchi M, Govoni S. The farmacology of amyloid
precursor protein processing. Exp Gerontol, 38:
145-157, 2003.
Rewcastle NB. Degenerative diseases of the central
nervous system, pp. 904-961. In: RL Davis, DM Robertson (eds). Textbook of Neuropathology, 2nd
ed. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, 1991.
Riga D, Riga S. Lipofuscin and ceroid pigments in aging
and brain pathology. A review. I. Biochemical and
morphological properties. Rom J Neurol Psychiat,
33: 121-136, 1995.
Riga D, Riga S, Hălălău F, Schneider F. Brain lipopigment
accumulation in normal and pathological aging, pp.
158- 163. In: SIS Rattan, P Kristensen, BFC Clark
(eds), Understanding and Modulating Aging (Ann
New York Acad Sci, vol 1067). Blackwell, Boston,
MA, 2006a.
Riga D, Riga S, Hălălău F, Schneider F. Lipofuscin
and ceroid pigments – markers of normal and
pathological brain aging, pp. 213-221. In: R Klatz,
R Goldman (eds), Anti-Aging Therapeutics, vol.
8. American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine
(A4M), Chicago, IL, 2006b.
Riga D, Riga S, Ardelean A, Hermenean A, Schneider
F. Leziuni neuro-degenerative în boala Alzheimer şi
în patologia asociată îmbătrânirii. A 27-a Sesiune
Ştiinţifică Anuală a Societăţii Române de Biologie
Celulară, Bistriţa, 11-14 iunie, 2009; Buletinul
Societăţii Române de Biologie Celulară, 37: 25,
Riga S, Riga D, Hermenean A, Ardelean A, Schneider
F. Modificări neuro-degenerative în îmbătrânire. A
27-a Sesiune Ştiinţifică Anuală a Societăţii Române
de Biologie Celulară, Bistriţa, 11-14 iunie, 2009;
Buletinul Societăţii Române de Biologie Celulară,
37: 26, 2009b.
Riga S, Riga D, Pribac G, Ardelean A, Schneider F.
Neuropathology of aging. Relations with Alzheimer
disease. Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldiş. Life
Science Series, 20: in press, 2010.
Scholz W. Studien zur Pathologie der Hirngefässe. II. Die
drusige Entartung der Hirnarterien und Kapillaren.
Z ges Neurol Pschiat, 162: 694-715, 1938.
Simchowicz T. Histologische Studien über die senile
Demenz. Histol Histopathol Arbeit Grosshirnde, 4:
267-444, 1911.
Summers WK, Korneva HA. Alzheimer’s disease –
oxidative injury and cytokines, pp. 91-93. In:
MD Binder, N Hirokawa, U Windhorst (eds).
Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Vol. 1(A-C).
Springer, Berlin, DE, 2009.
St George-Hyslop PH, Tanzi RE, Polinsky RJ, Haines JL,
Nee L, Watkins PC, Myers RH, Feldman RG, Pollen
D, Drachman D et al. The genetic defect causing
familial Alzheimer’s disease maps on chromosome
21. Science, 235: 885-890, 1987.
Trojanowski JQ, Schmidt ML, Shin R-W, Bramblett GT,
Rao D, Lee VM-Y. PHFτ(A68): from pathological
marker to potential mediator of neuronal dysfunction
and neuronal degeneration in Alzheimer’s disease.
Clin Neurosci, 1: 184-191, 1993.
World Health Organization. The ICD-10 Classification
of Mental and Behavioural Disorders. Clinical
Descriptions and Diagnostic Guidelines. World
Health Organization, Geneva, 1992. Bucharest,
Read_full_article: pdf/21-2011/21-2-2011/SU21-2-2011Riga.pdf
Correspondence: Dan Riga, Department Of Stress Research And Prophylaxis, ”Al. Obregia” Clinical Hospital Of Psychiatry, 10 Berceni Rd., 041914 Bucharest 8, Romania, Tel. +40 21 334 3008, Fax +40 21 230 95 79,

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Article Title: Neuropathology of Alzheimer Disease. Connections with cerebral senescence
Authors: Dan Riga1*, Sorin Riga1, Aurel Ardelean2, George Pribac2, Francisc Schneider2
Affiliation: 1 Department of Stress Research and Prophylaxis, ”Al. Obregia” Clinical Hospital of Psychiatry, Bucharest, Romania
2 ”Vasile Goldis” Western University, Arad, Romania
Abstract: Introduction. Alzheimer disease (AD) becomes ”disease of the century” by its prevalence, morbidity, prediction and economic impact. Paper aims of present and our following studies on AD were represented by the achievement of a global and unitarian bio-medical research of this inflammatory-degenerative pathology, the description of AD alterations in brain structures and by the correlation with the same changes from cerebral senescence.
Materials and methods. Human brains from AD patients and old people, as well as aging brains from Wistar rats and guinea pigs were investigated by macro- and microscopic morphological methods.
Results and Discussions. In AD patients, gross, imagistic and sectional anatomy revealed severe diffuse cortical atrophy (gyral narrowing and sulcal widening), ventricular dilatation and intense atrophy of the hippocampus and amygdala. Using microscopic anatomy, histology and cytology investigations, as AD structural hallmarks, we observed neuronal loss, amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles, especially in cerebral cortex, hippocampus, amygdala and nucleus basalis of Meynert. In addition, we found neuropil threads, vascular amyloidosis, granulo-vacuolar degeneration, Hirano and Lewy bodies. All these neuropathological changes coexist with important lipopigment storages (lipofuscin and ceroid), landmarks of brain aging. The same modifications are presented in old human and animal brains, but much more reduced as number and intensity. Authors discuss the epistemological evolution of these pathological structural concepts and their pathophysiological significance.
Conclusions. This study is the first Romanian research, where AD brains were investigated from anatomo-histologico-tissual level to cellular-subcellular and extracellular pathology. Also, the authors achieved a comparative and correlative research between AD and old brains from humans to animals.
Keywords: Alzheimer disease, cerebral senescence, neuropathology, morphological correlations, selective brain atrophy, amyloid plaques, neurofibrillary tangles, ceroid and lipofuscin pigments
References: Akashi T, Maruyama N, Sawayama N. An autopsy case
of idiopathic parkinsonism with numerous Lewy
bodies in the cerebral cortex – diffuse Lewy body
disease. Brain and Nerve, 43: 175-181, 1991.
American Psychiatric Association. DSM-IV-TR.
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders. Forth Edition Text Revision. American
Psychiatric Association, Washington, DC, 2000.
Alzheimer A. Histologische Studien zur
Differentialdiagnose der progressiven Paralyse.
Fischer, Jena, DE, 1904. Alzheimer A. Über einen
eigenartigen schweren Erkrankungsprozeß der
Hirnrinde. Neurologisches Centralblatt, Leipzig,
DE, 23: 1129-1136, 1906.
Alzheimer A. Über eine eigenartige Erkrankung der
Hirnrinde. Allg Z Psychiat, 64: 146-148, 1907.
Anderson DM (ed). Dorland’s Illustrated Medical
Dictionary, 30th ed. Elsevier-Saunders, Philadelphia,
PA, 2003.
Ball MJ. Hippocampal histopathology – a critical
substrate for dementia of the Alzheimer type, pp.
16-37. In: S Ulrich
(ed). Histology and Histopathology of the Aging Brain
(HP von Hahn, ed Interdisciplinary Topics in
Gerontology, vol 25). Karger, Basel, CH, 1988.
Blocq P, Marinescu G. Sur les lésions et la pathogénie de
l’épilepsie dite essentielle. Sem Méd, 12: 445-446,
Bonin-Guillaume S, Zekry D, Giacobini E, Gold G,
Michel JP. Impact économique de la démence.
Presse Méd, 34: 35-41, 2005.
Braak H, Braak E. Morphology of the human isocortex
in young and aged individuals: qualitative and
quantitative findings, pp. 1-15. In: J Ulrich (ed),
Histology and Histopathology of the Aging Brain
(HP von Hahn ed, Interdisciplinary Topics in
Gerontology, vol 25). Karger, Basel, CH, 1988.
Brookmeyer R, Johnson E, Ziegler-Graham K, Arrighi
HM. Forecasting the global burden of Alzheimer’s
disease. Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 3: 186-191,
Esiri MM, Hyman BT, Beyreuther K, Masters CL.
Ageing and dementia, pp. 153-233. In: DI Graham,
PL Lantos (eds). Greenfield’s Neuropathology, 6th
ed. Arnold, London, UK, 1997.
Esiri MM, Morris JH. The Neuropathology of Dementia.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1997.
Esquirol JED. Des maladies mentales considérées sous
les rapports médical, hygiénique et médicolégal.
Baillière, Paris, FR, 1830.
Fischer O. Miliare Nekrosen mit drusigen Wucherungen
der Neurofibrillen, eine regelmässige Veränderung
der Hirnrinde bei seniler Demenz. Monatsschr
Psychiat Neurol, 22: 361-372, 1907.
Forno LS, The Lewy body in Parkinson’s disease. Adv
Neurol, 45: 398-414, 1986.
Gibson PH, Tomlinson BE. The numbers of Hirano
bodies in the hippocampus of normal and demented
subjects with Alzheimer’s disease. J Neurol Sci, 33:
199-206, 1977.
Goedert M. Tau protein and the neurofibrillary pathology
of Alyheimer’s disease. Trends Neurosci, 16: 460-
465, 1993.
Hirano A. Pathology of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, pp.
23-37. In: DC Gajdusek, CJ Gibbs, Jr (eds). Slow
Latent and Temperate Virus Infections, NINDB
Monograph No 2. National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, MD, 1965.
Hirano A, Malamud N, Elizan TS, Kurland LT.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and Parkinsonismdementia
complex on Guam. Arch Neurol, 15: 35-
51, 1966.
Hirano A. Hirano bodies and related neuronal inclusions.
Neurophatol Appl Neurobiol, 20: 3-11, 1994.
Kraepelin E. Psychiatrie. Ein Lehrbuch für Studierende
und Ärzte, 8 Auflage, Band II (Klinische
Psychiatrie). Johann Ambrosius Barth Verlag,
Leipzig, DE, 1910.
Lennox G. Lewy body dementia. Bailliere’s Clin Neurol,
1: 653-676, 1992.
Lewy FH. Paralysis agitans. 1. Pathologische anatomie,
pp. 920-933. In: M Lewandowsky (ed.), Handbuch
der Neurologie. Springer, Berlin, DE, 1912.
Mann DMA, Neary D, Testa H. Color Atlas and Text
of Adult Dementias. Mosby-Wolfe, London, UK,
Marinesco G. La cellule nerveuse, vol 1 et vol 2, Octave
Doin et Fils Éd, Paris, FR, 1909.
Mayeux R, Stern Y, Spantos S. Heterogeneity in
dementia of the Alzheimer type. Neurology, 35:
435-461, 1985. McKhann G, Drachman D, Folstein
M, Katzman R, Price D, Stadlan EM. Clinical
diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease: report of the
NINCDS-ADRDA Work Group under the auspices
of Department of Health and Human Services Task
Force on Alzheimer’s Disease. Neurology, 34: 939-
944, 1984.
Nissl F. Zum Andenken A. Alzheimers. All Z Psychiat,
73: 96-107, 1916.
Racchi M, Govoni S. The farmacology of amyloid
precursor protein processing. Exp Gerontol, 38:
145-157, 2003.
Rewcastle NB. Degenerative diseases of the central
nervous system, pp. 904-961. In: RL Davis, DM Robertson (eds). Textbook of Neuropathology, 2nd
ed. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, MD, 1991.
Riga D, Riga S. Lipofuscin and ceroid pigments in aging
and brain pathology. A review. I. Biochemical and
morphological properties. Rom J Neurol Psychiat,
33: 121-136, 1995.
Riga D, Riga S, Hălălău F, Schneider F. Brain lipopigment
accumulation in normal and pathological aging, pp.
158- 163. In: SIS Rattan, P Kristensen, BFC Clark
(eds), Understanding and Modulating Aging (Ann
New York Acad Sci, vol 1067). Blackwell, Boston,
MA, 2006a.
Riga D, Riga S, Hălălău F, Schneider F. Lipofuscin
and ceroid pigments – markers of normal and
pathological brain aging, pp. 213-221. In: R Klatz,
R Goldman (eds), Anti-Aging Therapeutics, vol.
8. American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine
(A4M), Chicago, IL, 2006b.
Riga D, Riga S, Ardelean A, Hermenean A, Schneider
F. Leziuni neuro-degenerative în boala Alzheimer şi
în patologia asociată îmbătrânirii. A 27-a Sesiune
Ştiinţifică Anuală a Societăţii Române de Biologie
Celulară, Bistriţa, 11-14 iunie, 2009; Buletinul
Societăţii Române de Biologie Celulară, 37: 25,
Riga S, Riga D, Hermenean A, Ardelean A, Schneider
F. Modificări neuro-degenerative în îmbătrânire. A
27-a Sesiune Ştiinţifică Anuală a Societăţii Române
de Biologie Celulară, Bistriţa, 11-14 iunie, 2009;
Buletinul Societăţii Române de Biologie Celulară,
37: 26, 2009b.
Riga S, Riga D, Pribac G, Ardelean A, Schneider F.
Neuropathology of aging. Relations with Alzheimer
disease. Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldiş. Life
Science Series, 20: in press, 2010.
Scholz W. Studien zur Pathologie der Hirngefässe. II. Die
drusige Entartung der Hirnarterien und Kapillaren.
Z ges Neurol Pschiat, 162: 694-715, 1938.
Simchowicz T. Histologische Studien über die senile
Demenz. Histol Histopathol Arbeit Grosshirnde, 4:
267-444, 1911.
Summers WK, Korneva HA. Alzheimer’s disease –
oxidative injury and cytokines, pp. 91-93. In:
MD Binder, N Hirokawa, U Windhorst (eds).
Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Vol. 1(A-C).
Springer, Berlin, DE, 2009.
St George-Hyslop PH, Tanzi RE, Polinsky RJ, Haines JL,
Nee L, Watkins PC, Myers RH, Feldman RG, Pollen
D, Drachman D et al. The genetic defect causing
familial Alzheimer’s disease maps on chromosome
21. Science, 235: 885-890, 1987.
Trojanowski JQ, Schmidt ML, Shin R-W, Bramblett GT,
Rao D, Lee VM-Y. PHFτ(A68): from pathological
marker to potential mediator of neuronal dysfunction
and neuronal degeneration in Alzheimer’s disease.
Clin Neurosci, 1: 184-191, 1993.
World Health Organization. The ICD-10 Classification
of Mental and Behavioural Disorders. Clinical
Descriptions and Diagnostic Guidelines. World
Health Organization, Geneva, 1992. Bucharest,
*Correspondence: Dan Riga, Department Of Stress Research And Prophylaxis, ”Al. Obregia” Clinical Hospital Of Psychiatry, 10 Berceni Rd., 041914 Bucharest 8, Romania, Tel. +40 21 334 3008, Fax +40 21 230 95 79,