Occupational carpal tunnel syndrome in a meat industry worker. Case presentation

Occupational carpal tunnel syndrome in a meat industry worker. Case presentation

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Article_Title: Occupational carpal tunnel syndrome in a meat industry worker. Case presentation
Authors: Lucian Gabriel Tefas1*, Crina Petrescu2, Maria Opriţoiu2
Affiliation: 1 Occupational Medicine Department, Iuliu Haţieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca
2 Occupational Diseases Hospital, Emergency Clinical County Hospital Cluj, Cluj-Napoca
Abstract: We present the case of a male patient aged 31, who worked for 2 months in a chicken slaughterhouse in England, thus being exposed to repetitive hand motions with high frequency (21 operations per minute), gripping the skin of the chicken carcass with the first three fingers of his right hand and force-peeling it off in the context of repetitive profesional movement and skin contact with the frozen carcass of the chicken, in a working environment of 0 degrees Celsius.
Keywords: carpal tunnel, high frequency hand motions, compression, low temperature, musculoskeletal
References: Pop L, Tefas L, Bolile profesionale ale sistemului
musculo-scheletal. Editura Medicală Universitară
Iuliu Haţieganu Cluj-Napoca, 2004, 118-24.
Ayoub MA, Wittles NE, Cumulative trauma disorders,
International Review of Ergonomics,2:217-72.
Grigoriu I, Seracin M, Factori de risc în producerea
tulburărilor musculo-scheletale, Revista Română de
Medicina Muncii, 51(3,4):1479-1501.
Upton AC, Environmentally Induced Disorders of the
Musculoskeletal System, The Medical Clinics of
North America, 74 (2):347-359.
Niculescu T, Bolile profesionale şi bolile legate de
profesiune prin suprasolicitarea aparatului musculoosteo-
articular, Revista Română de Medicina
Muncii, 50(3):1285-6.
Cocârlă et al., Medicină ocupaţională, Editura Medicală
Universitară Cluj-Napoca, I:433-70.
Read_full_article: pdf/20-2010/20-s1-2010/SU20-s1-2010-Tefas.pdf

Read full article
Article Title: Occupational carpal tunnel syndrome in a meat industry worker. Case presentation
Authors: Lucian Gabriel Tefas1*, Crina Petrescu2, Maria Opriţoiu2
Affiliation: 1 Occupational Medicine Department, Iuliu Haţieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca
2 Occupational Diseases Hospital, Emergency Clinical County Hospital Cluj, Cluj-Napoca
Abstract: We present the case of a male patient aged 31, who worked for 2 months in a chicken slaughterhouse in England, thus being exposed to repetitive hand motions with high frequency (21 operations per minute), gripping the skin of the chicken carcass with the first three fingers of his right hand and force-peeling it off in the context of repetitive profesional movement and skin contact with the frozen carcass of the chicken, in a working environment of 0 degrees Celsius.
Keywords: carpal tunnel, high frequency hand motions, compression, low temperature, musculoskeletal
References: Pop L, Tefas L, Bolile profesionale ale sistemului
musculo-scheletal. Editura Medicală Universitară
Iuliu Haţieganu Cluj-Napoca, 2004, 118-24.
Ayoub MA, Wittles NE, Cumulative trauma disorders,
International Review of Ergonomics,2:217-72.
Grigoriu I, Seracin M, Factori de risc în producerea
tulburărilor musculo-scheletale, Revista Română de
Medicina Muncii, 51(3,4):1479-1501.
Upton AC, Environmentally Induced Disorders of the
Musculoskeletal System, The Medical Clinics of
North America, 74 (2):347-359.
Niculescu T, Bolile profesionale şi bolile legate de
profesiune prin suprasolicitarea aparatului musculoosteo-
articular, Revista Română de Medicina
Muncii, 50(3):1285-6.
Cocârlă et al., Medicină ocupaţională, Editura Medicală
Universitară Cluj-Napoca, I:433-70.