The evaluation of the resistance to antibiotics of the Escherichia coli bacteria from the infections of the urinary tract

The evaluation of the resistance to antibiotics of the Escherichia coli bacteria from the infections of the urinary tract

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Title: The evaluation of the resistance to antibiotics of the Escherichia coli bacteria from the infections of the urinary tract
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Article_Title: The evaluation of the resistance to antibiotics of the Escherichia coli bacteria from the infections of the urinary tract
Authors: Daniela Teodora Marti, Liana Mos
Affiliation: “Vasile Goldis” Western University Arad,Department of Microbiology, Arad, Romania
Abstract: In our study we followed the evaluation of the chemo-resistance of the E. coli stains isolated from the infections of the urinary tract with respect to different anti-infective agents. We used the mini API system to highlight the coli bacillus. We used the method of qualitative uroculture – the Kirby – Bauer diffusionmetric antibiogram, with the CLSI (Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute) recommendations for the interpretation of the results. We compared the diameters of the obtained inhibition zones with the critical diameters indicated by the company producing the standard antibiotics microcomprimates. We observd that the majority of the E. coli strains have the increased strength to cephalotin (1st generation of cephalosporins), 74.40% and to amoxicillin (wide range penicillin), 70.80% and moderate to ampicillin 54.47%, so that the clavulanic acid associated to amoxicillin to reduce its strength down to 36.39%. For the pacients with recurrent urinary infections we identified E. coli strains with multiple resistance to antibiotics. Once appeared, these micro strains, will select themselves and will transform into populations so the identification of the fenotypes of resistance mandatory.
Keywords: Escherichia coli, urinary tract, resistance, fluoroquinolons, cephalosporins, penicillin, amino penicillin with beta lactamase inhibitors, amino glicosides
References: Gluhovschi, Gh., Trandafirescu, V., Romosan, I., Schiler, A., Popa, L.1992. Nefrologie. P124-130.
Buiuc, D., Negut, M. 2008. Tratat de microbiologie clinica. Editia a II-a. 14:255-277.
Forbes,B.A., Sahm, D.F., Weissfeld, A.S. 2007. Bailey and Scott′s Diagnostic Microbiology. Mosby. USA, twelfth edition. 57:842-855.
Moldovan,R., Licker, M., Dan, L., Berceanu-Vaduva, D., Craciunescu, M., Brehar Cioflec, D., Branea, D., Hogea, E., Stanga, L., Popa, M., Linta, M., Horhat, F. LITO 2002. Microbiologie. Indreptar de lucrari practice. p. 141-148.
Read_full_article: pdf/23-2013/23-2013/SU23-2-14Marti.pdf
Correspondence: Daniela Teodora Marti, “Vasile Goldis” Western University from Arad,Department of Microbiology, Arad, Romania

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Article Title: The evaluation of the resistance to antibiotics of the Escherichia coli bacteria from the infections of the urinary tract
Authors: Daniela Teodora Marti, Liana Mos
Affiliation: “Vasile Goldis” Western University Arad,Department of Microbiology, Arad, Romania
Abstract: In our study we followed the evaluation of the chemo-resistance of the E. coli stains isolated from the infections of the urinary tract with respect to different anti-infective agents. We used the mini API system to highlight the coli bacillus. We used the method of qualitative uroculture – the Kirby – Bauer diffusionmetric antibiogram, with the CLSI (Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute) recommendations for the interpretation of the results. We compared the diameters of the obtained inhibition zones with the critical diameters indicated by the company producing the standard antibiotics microcomprimates. We observd that the majority of the E. coli strains have the increased strength to cephalotin (1st generation of cephalosporins), 74.40% and to amoxicillin (wide range penicillin), 70.80% and moderate to ampicillin 54.47%, so that the clavulanic acid associated to amoxicillin to reduce its strength down to 36.39%. For the pacients with recurrent urinary infections we identified E. coli strains with multiple resistance to antibiotics. Once appeared, these micro strains, will select themselves and will transform into populations so the identification of the fenotypes of resistance mandatory.
Keywords: Escherichia coli, urinary tract, resistance, fluoroquinolons, cephalosporins, penicillin, amino penicillin with beta lactamase inhibitors, amino glicosides
References: Gluhovschi, Gh., Trandafirescu, V., Romosan, I., Schiler, A., Popa, L.1992. Nefrologie. P124-130.
Buiuc, D., Negut, M. 2008. Tratat de microbiologie clinica. Editia a II-a. 14:255-277.
Forbes,B.A., Sahm, D.F., Weissfeld, A.S. 2007. Bailey and Scott′s Diagnostic Microbiology. Mosby. USA, twelfth edition. 57:842-855.
Moldovan,R., Licker, M., Dan, L., Berceanu-Vaduva, D., Craciunescu, M., Brehar Cioflec, D., Branea, D., Hogea, E., Stanga, L., Popa, M., Linta, M., Horhat, F. LITO 2002. Microbiologie. Indreptar de lucrari practice. p. 141-148.
*Correspondence: Daniela Teodora Marti, “Vasile Goldis” Western University from Arad,Department of Microbiology, Arad, Romania