Hip anatomy and description of inferior conformation of the femur

Hip anatomy and description of inferior conformation of the femur

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Title: Hip anatomy and description of inferior conformation of the femur
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Article_Title: Hip anatomy and description of inferior conformation of the femur
Authors: Sergiu Laza, Gheorghe Ciobanu, Calin Ciobanu
Affiliation: „Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad, Department of Radiology
Abstract: Anatomy represents a cornerstone in the field medical research. The human anatomy serves in the medical practice as a teaching science, it researching a unit, an entirety of forms which must be properly learned and understood in the sense and for the benefit of patient treatment, as well as for the benefit of the practical medicine.
Keywords: anatomy, hip, femur, bones
References: 1.Baciu, I. – Physiology Treaty, Medical Publishing House, Bucharest, 1985.
2.Bucholz, Robert W., Heckman, James D., Court–Brown, Charles M. – Rockwood & Green’s Fractures in Adults, 6th Edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, USA, 2006.
3.Cuningham, I. – Manual of practical Anatomy, 1st and 2nd volumes, London, 1975.
4.Diaconescu, N., Rottenberg, N., Niculescu, V. – Practical Anatomy Handbook, Facla Publishing House, Timisoara,1988.
5.Dinulescu, V. et al. – Human Anatomy, course, 1st, 2nd and 3rd volumes, I.M.F. Publishing House, Timisoara, 1975.
6.Gray, H. – Applied Descriptive Anatomy, 1st and 2nd volumes, edited by Susan Stanbring, Elsevier Churchill Publishing House, Livingstone, 2005.
7.Hoppenfeld, Stanley, De Boer, Piet – Surgical Exposures in Orthopedics: The Anatomic Approach, 3rd Edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishing House, USA, 2003.
8.Ifrim, M., Niculescu, Gh. – Anatomy Compendium, Scientific and Encyclopedic Publishing House, Bucharest, 1988.
9.Ifrim, M., Niculescu, Gh., Frandes, C. – Topographic Anatomy Atlas, 1st volume, Vasile Goldis University Press, Arad, 2008.
10.Ifrim, M., Precup, Cris – Osteology and Arthrology, Vasile Goldis University Press, Arad, 2008.
11.Milcu, St. – Introduction to Anthropology, Socialist Republic of Romania’s Academy Publishing House, Bucharest, 1975.
12.Moraru, I. – Pathological Anatomy, Medical Publishing House, Bucharest, 1980.
13.Niculescu, Gh. – Traumas, Medical Publishing House, Bucharest, 1975.
14.Papilian, Victor – Human Anatomy, 1st volume, Educational and Pedagogical Publishing House, Bucharest, 1974.
15.Ranga, V., Teodorescu Exarcu, I. – Human Anatomy and Physiology, Medical Publishing House, Bucharest, 1969.
16.Silaghi, C. N., Crăciun, A. M., Cristea, V., Matrix Gla protein: the inhibitor of vascular and osteoarticular calcifications. Human & Veterinary Medicine 3(3):178-190, 2011.
17.Simionescu, N. – Handbook for the Practical Study of Human Anatomy, 1st volume, I.M.F. Publishing House, Bucharest, 1960.
18.Sobota–Becher – Atlas der Anatomie des Menschen, Urban–Schwarzenberg, Wien, 1982.
19.Sull, Richard – Atlas of clinical anatomy, Little Brown Company Publishing House, Boston, 1986.
Read_full_article: pdf/22-2012/22-3-2012/SU22-3-2012-Laza2.pdf
Correspondence: Sergiu Laza MD, PhD candidate Department of Surgery, Hanau, Germany
Phone: +49-6181-5073130, dr_lazasergiu@yahoo.com

Read full article
Article Title: Hip anatomy and description of inferior conformation of the femur
Authors: Sergiu Laza, Gheorghe Ciobanu, Calin Ciobanu
Affiliation: „Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad, Department of Radiology
Abstract: Anatomy represents a cornerstone in the field medical research. The human anatomy serves in the medical practice as a teaching science, it researching a unit, an entirety of forms which must be properly learned and understood in the sense and for the benefit of patient treatment, as well as for the benefit of the practical medicine.
Keywords: anatomy, hip, femur, bones
References: 1.Baciu, I. – Physiology Treaty, Medical Publishing House, Bucharest, 1985.
2.Bucholz, Robert W., Heckman, James D., Court–Brown, Charles M. – Rockwood & Green’s Fractures in Adults, 6th Edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, USA, 2006.
3.Cuningham, I. – Manual of practical Anatomy, 1st and 2nd volumes, London, 1975.
4.Diaconescu, N., Rottenberg, N., Niculescu, V. – Practical Anatomy Handbook, Facla Publishing House, Timisoara,1988.
5.Dinulescu, V. et al. – Human Anatomy, course, 1st, 2nd and 3rd volumes, I.M.F. Publishing House, Timisoara, 1975.
6.Gray, H. – Applied Descriptive Anatomy, 1st and 2nd volumes, edited by Susan Stanbring, Elsevier Churchill Publishing House, Livingstone, 2005.
7.Hoppenfeld, Stanley, De Boer, Piet – Surgical Exposures in Orthopedics: The Anatomic Approach, 3rd Edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishing House, USA, 2003.
8.Ifrim, M., Niculescu, Gh. – Anatomy Compendium, Scientific and Encyclopedic Publishing House, Bucharest, 1988.
9.Ifrim, M., Niculescu, Gh., Frandes, C. – Topographic Anatomy Atlas, 1st volume, Vasile Goldis University Press, Arad, 2008.
10.Ifrim, M., Precup, Cris – Osteology and Arthrology, Vasile Goldis University Press, Arad, 2008.
11.Milcu, St. – Introduction to Anthropology, Socialist Republic of Romania’s Academy Publishing House, Bucharest, 1975.
12.Moraru, I. – Pathological Anatomy, Medical Publishing House, Bucharest, 1980.
13.Niculescu, Gh. – Traumas, Medical Publishing House, Bucharest, 1975.
14.Papilian, Victor – Human Anatomy, 1st volume, Educational and Pedagogical Publishing House, Bucharest, 1974.
15.Ranga, V., Teodorescu Exarcu, I. – Human Anatomy and Physiology, Medical Publishing House, Bucharest, 1969.
16.Silaghi, C. N., Crăciun, A. M., Cristea, V., Matrix Gla protein: the inhibitor of vascular and osteoarticular calcifications. Human & Veterinary Medicine 3(3):178-190, 2011.
17.Simionescu, N. – Handbook for the Practical Study of Human Anatomy, 1st volume, I.M.F. Publishing House, Bucharest, 1960.
18.Sobota–Becher – Atlas der Anatomie des Menschen, Urban–Schwarzenberg, Wien, 1982.
19.Sull, Richard – Atlas of clinical anatomy, Little Brown Company Publishing House, Boston, 1986.
*Correspondence: Sergiu Laza MD, PhD candidate Department of Surgery, Hanau, Germany
Phone: +49-6181-5073130, dr_lazasergiu@yahoo.com