Ascertaining the water quality of the Sasar Basin through the Normalized Global Biologic Index (NGBI)

Ascertaining the water quality of the Sasar Basin through the Normalized Global Biologic Index (NGBI)

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Title: Ascertaining the water quality of the Sasar Basin through the Normalized Global Biologic Index (NGBI)
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Article_Title: Ascertaining the water quality of the Sasar Basin through the Normalized Global Biologic Index (NGBI)
Authors: Oana Mare Rosca, Monica Marian, Lucia Mihalescu
Affiliation: Department of Biology, North University of Baia Mare, Romania
Abstract: The NGBI method allows the evaluation of the general quality of a water course through the
macrofauna analysis that is the synthetic expression of general biology. This method allows including the global biologic quality into a general typological range. A NGBI grade can be obtained for every station, whose value shows the water quality level within the analyzed water trunk. Thus, it could be considered that there is pollution when the value of the index is less than 5; for an index value of 6 the toxic character is probable, yet for a value of 10 we could say that the water quality is good, and for the value of 19 the quality is very good.
Keywords: Normalized Global Biologic Index, monitoring biologic methods
References: Gheţeu, D.; Neagu, A. N.; Miron, I. The use of bioindicators in the assessment of water quality
în the catchement area of Bicaz reservoir for the lake ecological diagnosis, Suistainability for
humanity & environment in the extend connection field Science-Economy-Policy, Ed. Politehnică Timişoara: 172-176, 2005.
Tachet, H.; Richoux, P.; Oournaud, M.; Usseglio- Polatera, Ph. Invertebrates d´eau douce.
Systematique, biologie, ecologie. CNRS Editions, 590 p, 2000.
*** AFNOR NF T 90-350, 1992. Essai des eaux. Determination de l’Indice Biologique Global Normalise I.B.G.N., 9.
***2000, Directive 2000/60/EC of The European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2000 establishing a famework for Community action in the field of water policy.
*** 2001, STAS SR EN 28265/2001, Proiectarea şi utilizarea prelevatoarelor cantitative pentru
macronevertebratele bentice de pe substraturi pietroase din apele dulci superficiale
Read_full_article: pdf/18-2008/SU08Rosca1.pdf
Correspondence: Mare Roşca O. E, Northern University Baia Mare, Romania Faculty of Sciences, Dep. of
Chemistry-Biology, no. 76 Victoriei St., 430122, email:

Read full article
Article Title: Ascertaining the water quality of the Sasar Basin through the Normalized Global Biologic Index (NGBI)
Authors: Oana Mare Rosca, Monica Marian, Lucia Mihalescu
Affiliation: Department of Biology, North University of Baia Mare, Romania
Abstract: The NGBI method allows the evaluation of the general quality of a water course through the
macrofauna analysis that is the synthetic expression of general biology. This method allows including the global biologic quality into a general typological range. A NGBI grade can be obtained for every station, whose value shows the water quality level within the analyzed water trunk. Thus, it could be considered that there is pollution when the value of the index is less than 5; for an index value of 6 the toxic character is probable, yet for a value of 10 we could say that the water quality is good, and for the value of 19 the quality is very good.
Keywords: Normalized Global Biologic Index, monitoring biologic methods
References: Gheţeu, D.; Neagu, A. N.; Miron, I. The use of bioindicators in the assessment of water quality
în the catchement area of Bicaz reservoir for the lake ecological diagnosis, Suistainability for
humanity & environment in the extend connection field Science-Economy-Policy, Ed. Politehnică Timişoara: 172-176, 2005.
Tachet, H.; Richoux, P.; Oournaud, M.; Usseglio- Polatera, Ph. Invertebrates d´eau douce.
Systematique, biologie, ecologie. CNRS Editions, 590 p, 2000.
*** AFNOR NF T 90-350, 1992. Essai des eaux. Determination de l’Indice Biologique Global Normalise I.B.G.N., 9.
***2000, Directive 2000/60/EC of The European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2000 establishing a famework for Community action in the field of water policy.
*** 2001, STAS SR EN 28265/2001, Proiectarea şi utilizarea prelevatoarelor cantitative pentru
macronevertebratele bentice de pe substraturi pietroase din apele dulci superficiale
*Correspondence: Mare Roşca O. E, Northern University Baia Mare, Romania Faculty of Sciences, Dep. of
Chemistry-Biology, no. 76 Victoriei St., 430122, email: