Vitrocultures of Drosera rotundifolia L. preserved in Suceava gene bank

Vitrocultures of Drosera rotundifolia L. preserved in Suceava gene bank

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Title: Vitrocultures of Drosera rotundifolia L. preserved in Suceava gene bank
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Article_Title: Vitrocultures of Drosera rotundifolia L. preserved in Suceava gene bank
Authors: Violeta Turcuş, Dana Constantinovici, Dorina Cachiţă-Cosma, Adela Halmágyi
Affiliation: 1 “Vasile Goldiş” Western University, Arad, Romania
2 Suceava Gene Bank
3 The Institute for Biological Research in Cluj-Napoca
Abstract: We monitored the evolution of Drosera rotundifolia L. vitroplantules regenerated from propaguls, consisting of leafs rosettes, inoculated in fresh growth media that we produced. The phytoinoculs
of D. rotundifolia, maintained in a “slow growth” conditions, either on Murashige – Skoog (1962) basic media, supplemented with manithol 30g/l or using daminozyde (B9) 30mg/l, kept their viability to subcultures, regenerating new plantules, and the colonies directly transferred to a septic media, in casolettes, being planted in an non sterile substrate made of flower soil and black peat managed to survive. Macroscopic investigations carried out on stereomicroscope as well as those on the scanning electron microscope favoured our encompassing of the regeneration phenomenon produced at the level of the superior epidermis of some leaf lamina of the microrosettes of new leafs, especially those situated at the extremities of the propaguls colony.
Keywords: Drosera rotundifolia, preserved vitroculture, propaguls
References: Cachiţă C.D., Zăpârţan M., & Grigoraş S., „In vitro” cultured Drosera rotundifolia a now biotest,
The IVth-Nat. Symp. On Plant Cell and Tissue Culture, Cluj-Napoca, Ed. West Side Computers
Braşov, pp. 42-43, 1991
Cachiţă C.D., Beleş D., Barbu-Tudoran L., Studiu privind aspectul epidermei frunzelor de Pistia
stratiotes L., normale sau provenite din vitrocultură, examinată la microscopul electronic cu baleaj, Analele Societăţii Naţionale de Biologie Celulară, Vol. XI, pp.462-472, 2006
Darwin Ch., Insectivorus plants, Ed. John Murray, London, 1875
Grigorescu E. M., Ciulei I., Stănescu U., Index fitoterapeutic, Ed. Medicală, Bucureşti, 1986
Kawiak A., Królicka A., Lojkowska W., Direct regeneration of Drosera from leaf explants and
shoot tips. Plant Cell Tissue Organ Cult 75, pp. 175–178, 2003
Murashige T., Skoog F., A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tabaco tissue culture
in Phisiol. Plant, 15 pp. 473-497, 1962
Pietropaolo J., Pietropaolo P., Carnivorus plants of the world, Timber Press, Inc., 1997
Stănescu I., Cercetări citologice şi histo-anatomice asupra unor specii de plante carnivore, PhD
Thesis, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University Iaşi, 2008
Read_full_article: pdf/18-2008/SU08Turcus3.pdf
Correspondence: Violeta Turcuș, „Vasile Goldis” Western University, Arad, Department of Plant Biology,

Read full article
Article Title: Vitrocultures of Drosera rotundifolia L. preserved in Suceava gene bank
Authors: Violeta Turcuş, Dana Constantinovici, Dorina Cachiţă-Cosma, Adela Halmágyi
Affiliation: 1 “Vasile Goldiş” Western University, Arad, Romania
2 Suceava Gene Bank
3 The Institute for Biological Research in Cluj-Napoca
Abstract: We monitored the evolution of Drosera rotundifolia L. vitroplantules regenerated from propaguls, consisting of leafs rosettes, inoculated in fresh growth media that we produced. The phytoinoculs
of D. rotundifolia, maintained in a “slow growth” conditions, either on Murashige – Skoog (1962) basic media, supplemented with manithol 30g/l or using daminozyde (B9) 30mg/l, kept their viability to subcultures, regenerating new plantules, and the colonies directly transferred to a septic media, in casolettes, being planted in an non sterile substrate made of flower soil and black peat managed to survive. Macroscopic investigations carried out on stereomicroscope as well as those on the scanning electron microscope favoured our encompassing of the regeneration phenomenon produced at the level of the superior epidermis of some leaf lamina of the microrosettes of new leafs, especially those situated at the extremities of the propaguls colony.
Keywords: Drosera rotundifolia, preserved vitroculture, propaguls
References: Cachiţă C.D., Zăpârţan M., & Grigoraş S., „In vitro” cultured Drosera rotundifolia a now biotest,
The IVth-Nat. Symp. On Plant Cell and Tissue Culture, Cluj-Napoca, Ed. West Side Computers
Braşov, pp. 42-43, 1991
Cachiţă C.D., Beleş D., Barbu-Tudoran L., Studiu privind aspectul epidermei frunzelor de Pistia
stratiotes L., normale sau provenite din vitrocultură, examinată la microscopul electronic cu baleaj, Analele Societăţii Naţionale de Biologie Celulară, Vol. XI, pp.462-472, 2006
Darwin Ch., Insectivorus plants, Ed. John Murray, London, 1875
Grigorescu E. M., Ciulei I., Stănescu U., Index fitoterapeutic, Ed. Medicală, Bucureşti, 1986
Kawiak A., Królicka A., Lojkowska W., Direct regeneration of Drosera from leaf explants and
shoot tips. Plant Cell Tissue Organ Cult 75, pp. 175–178, 2003
Murashige T., Skoog F., A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tabaco tissue culture
in Phisiol. Plant, 15 pp. 473-497, 1962
Pietropaolo J., Pietropaolo P., Carnivorus plants of the world, Timber Press, Inc., 1997
Stănescu I., Cercetări citologice şi histo-anatomice asupra unor specii de plante carnivore, PhD
Thesis, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University Iaşi, 2008
*Correspondence: Violeta Turcuș, „Vasile Goldis” Western University, Arad, Department of Plant Biology,