The main considerations regarding the importance and range of uses of arilazopyrimidines

The main considerations regarding the importance and range of uses of arilazopyrimidines

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Title: The main considerations regarding the importance and range of uses of arilazopyrimidines
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Article_Title: The main considerations regarding the importance and range of uses of arilazopyrimidines
Authors: Dorina Ardelean, Florica Nicolescu, Corina Toderescu, Svetlana Trifunschi
Affiliation: 1 “Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad
2 University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” Bucharest, Romania
Abstract: The synthesis of arilazopyrimidines is accomplished most often either by coupling a pyrimidine with a diazoniu salt coming from an aromatic amine, or by coupling a diazopyrimidine with an phenol or with an aromatic amine. There are also a lot of indirects methods of synthesis and primary synthesis. The main purpose of the undertaken research was to obtain the characteristics of somes arilazopyrimidines. These compounds shows a different interest under the strucutral aspect, because the tautomerie phenomenon is very complex. The compund that were taken into account were done with barbituric acid and some substituted pyrimidines. The IR secrets of the derivatives obtained from the barbituric acid presents a group of bands from the region 3260-3080 cm, due to the valence of vibrations of NH groups in both from the pyramidines skeleton and the hydrozonic group. In order to obtain additional arguments about the adoption of azo or hidrazo structurre, of these compounds, we undertook a complex study HyperChem5.
Keywords: the arilazopyrimidines synthesis, the barbituric acid, IR spectra
References: 1. Tomohisa Magamatsu, Yugo Hashiguchi and Fumio Ioneda, J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. I., 1984, 561
2. M. Israel, H. K. Protopapa, S. Chatterigee and E. J. Modest, J. Pharm. Sci, 1965, 54, 1626
3. H. Rehberg, H. Behringer, Eur. Pat. Appl. E. P., 1987, 244, 687
4. H. Bredereek and H. Jentzsch, Chem. Ber., 1968, 93, 2410
5. T. Sakamoto, T. Sakasai and H. Yamanaka, Chem. Phar. Bull., 1961, 29, 2485
6. D. J. Brown, „The Pyrimidines”, Wiley and Sons, New York-Chichester-Brisbone-Toronto-Singapore,
7. R. M. Silverstein, G. Claynton Bassler and Terence C. Morrill, „Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds”, Ed. A V-a 1991, John Willey & sons, Inc., Singapore, 1991
8. M. G. B. Drew, B. Vikery, G. R. Willey, J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans, 2, 1982, 1297
9. F. Kabeira, B. Vikery, G. R. Willey, M. G. B. Drew, J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans, 2, 1980, 1622
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Article Title: The main considerations regarding the importance and range of uses of arilazopyrimidines
Authors: Dorina Ardelean, Florica Nicolescu, Corina Toderescu, Svetlana Trifunschi
Affiliation: 1 “Vasile Goldis” Western University of Arad
2 University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” Bucharest, Romania
Abstract: The synthesis of arilazopyrimidines is accomplished most often either by coupling a pyrimidine with a diazoniu salt coming from an aromatic amine, or by coupling a diazopyrimidine with an phenol or with an aromatic amine. There are also a lot of indirects methods of synthesis and primary synthesis. The main purpose of the undertaken research was to obtain the characteristics of somes arilazopyrimidines. These compounds shows a different interest under the strucutral aspect, because the tautomerie phenomenon is very complex. The compund that were taken into account were done with barbituric acid and some substituted pyrimidines. The IR secrets of the derivatives obtained from the barbituric acid presents a group of bands from the region 3260-3080 cm, due to the valence of vibrations of NH groups in both from the pyramidines skeleton and the hydrozonic group. In order to obtain additional arguments about the adoption of azo or hidrazo structurre, of these compounds, we undertook a complex study HyperChem5.
Keywords: the arilazopyrimidines synthesis, the barbituric acid, IR spectra
References: 1. Tomohisa Magamatsu, Yugo Hashiguchi and Fumio Ioneda, J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. I., 1984, 561
2. M. Israel, H. K. Protopapa, S. Chatterigee and E. J. Modest, J. Pharm. Sci, 1965, 54, 1626
3. H. Rehberg, H. Behringer, Eur. Pat. Appl. E. P., 1987, 244, 687
4. H. Bredereek and H. Jentzsch, Chem. Ber., 1968, 93, 2410
5. T. Sakamoto, T. Sakasai and H. Yamanaka, Chem. Phar. Bull., 1961, 29, 2485
6. D. J. Brown, „The Pyrimidines”, Wiley and Sons, New York-Chichester-Brisbone-Toronto-Singapore,
7. R. M. Silverstein, G. Claynton Bassler and Terence C. Morrill, „Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds”, Ed. A V-a 1991, John Willey & sons, Inc., Singapore, 1991
8. M. G. B. Drew, B. Vikery, G. R. Willey, J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans, 2, 1982, 1297
9. F. Kabeira, B. Vikery, G. R. Willey, M. G. B. Drew, J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans, 2, 1980, 1622