Relationship between metal contents of soil and phyllospheric micro-organisms on Upper-Tisza area

Relationship between metal contents of soil and phyllospheric micro-organisms on Upper-Tisza area

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Title: Relationship between metal contents of soil and phyllospheric micro-organisms on Upper-Tisza area
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Article_Title: Relationship between metal contents of soil and phyllospheric micro-organisms on Upper-Tisza area
Authors: Márta D. Tóth¹a*, Sándor Balázsy¹a, Olga Terek², Ostap Patsula², Judit L. Halász¹a, Zoltán Dinya¹c, László Simon¹b
Affiliation: ¹College of Nyíregyháza, Hungary a Institute of Biology, b Department of Land Management and Rural Development, Nyíregyháza, c Agrar and Molecular Research Institute
²Ivan Franko National University, Faculty of Plant Physiology, L’viv
Abstract: The aim of study in 2007-2009 were investigated the relationship of soil-plant-metal content in dominant plants and soils on the Tisza river and flood-basin. Between 2007-2009 in soils of flood-basin 20.6-24.6 mg/kg Cr, 0.40- 1.15 mg/kg Cd, 28.4-66.7 mg/kg Cu, and 89.7-180.3 mg/kg Zn was found. The metal concentration range in roots of dominant plant species (Atremisia vulgaris L., Rubus caesius, Solidago canadensis) found in floodplains were 0.9-4.7 for Cr, 1.6-8.1 for Cd, 22.7-31.5 for Cu, and 106-186 for Zn in mg/kg. The leaves contained 0.7-3.9 Cr, 1.2-1.6 Cd, 0.6-42.8 Cu, and Zn 24.9-203.5 in mg/kg. Our study showed, that the high level of metals as soil contaminations and the high plants metal contents harmful in river compartment. Dominant bacteria were mostly Gram-negative micro-organisms: Pseudomonas, Enterobacter, Bacillus and Coryneform genera. The metal contents and number of bacteria showed positive correlation colonizing the leaves surfaces of plants.
Keywords: micro-organisms, plant surfaces, metal contamination, floodplain, Upper Tisza
References: Adriano, D.C., T. Németh, Z. Győri (2003). Natural Attenuation of Metals along the Tisza River– Floodplain–Wetlands Continuum University of Debrecen, Centre of Agricultural Sciences, Hungary. Lícium-art Kft. Debrecen.
Alloway, B. J., 1990. Heavy Metals in Soils. Blackie & Son. Glasgow–London.
Balázsy, S. Boyko, N., 2007 Contaminations, Pollutants, Impacts in the Ecologically Sensitive areas of Upper-Tisza Region. Published by: György Bessenyei Book Publisher, Nyíregyháza, Hungary. pp. 297-320. (ISBN: 978-963-7336-78-2) (in Hungarian).
Beattie, G. A. & Lindow, S. E., 1999. Bacterial colonization of leaves: A spectrum of strategies. Phytopahology. 89. 353−359.
Boyko, N., Chonka, I. & Koval, H., 2007. The Soil. In: Balázsy S., N. Boyko (eds.): Contaminations, Pollutants, Impacts in the Ecologically Sensitive areas of Upper-Tisza Region. Published by: György Bessenyei Book Publisher, Nyíregyháza, Hungary. pp. 297-320. (ISBN: 978-963-7336-78-2). (in Hungarian)
Brunel, B., Perissol, C. & Fernandes, M., 1994. Occurence of Bacillus species on evergreen oak leaves. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 14. 331–342.
Csathó, P., 1994. Heavy matal circulation in soil-plant system. Agrokémia és Talajtan. 43. 371−398 (in Hungarian).
Davey ME, O’Toole GA. 2000. Microbial biofilms: from ecology to molecular genetics. Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev. 64: 847–867.
Kabata-Pendias, A. & Pendias, H., 1992. Trace Elements in Soils and Plants. CRC Press. Inc. Boca Raton, Florida.
Kádár, I., 1991. Heavy metal investigation of soils and plants. KTM-MTA TAKI, Budapest. 104p. (in Hungarian).
Kádár, I., 1995. Chemical element contamination of soil-plant-animal-human food chain. (KTM−MTA TAKI). Budapest (in Hungarian).
Keresztúri, P. & Lakatos, Gy., 2003. Evaluation of possibility of phytostabilization of chromium by plants. In: Trace Elements in the Food Chain (Ed: Simon, L. & Szilágyi, M.) 34–46. György Bessenyei Book Publisher, Nyíregyháza (in Hungarian).
Kinkel, L L., Wilson, M. & Lindow, S. E., 2000. Plant species and plant incubation conditions influence variability in epiphytic bacterial population size. Microb. Ecol. 39. 1–11.
Krimm U, Abanda-Nkpwatt D, Schwab W, Schreibe L., 2005. Epiphytic microorganisms on strawberry plants (Fragaria ananassa cv. Elsanta): identification of bacterial isolates and analysis of their interaction with leaf surfaces. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 53: 483–492.
Lappalainen JH, Koricheva J, Helander ML, Haukioja E., 1999. Densities of endophytic fungi and performance of leafminers (Lepidoptera: Eriocraniidae) on birch along a pollution gradient. Environ. Poll. 104: 99–105.
Lindow SE, Brandl MT., 2003. Microbiology of the phyllosphere. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 69: 1875–1883.
Morris CE, Monier J, Jacques M. 1998. A technique to quantify the population size and composition of the biofilm component in communities of bacteria in the phyllosphere. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 64: 4789–4795.
Prokisch,J.,Z. Győri, T. Németh, L. West, S. Harper, D. Adriano, (2005). Trace elemenet contamination of Soils in Riparian Systems at the Tisza River Basin, Hungary. Book of Abstracts. 8th. International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. Adelaide, Australia, 3-7 April, 2005 pp. 615–617.
Simon, L., 1999. Soil pollution. In: Soil Pollution, Soil Remediation. (Ed: Simon, L.). Környezetgazdálkodási Intézet, Budapest. 3–27 (in Hungarian).
Simon, L., 2003. Study of cadmium rhizofiltration. In: Trace Elements in the Food Chain. (Ed: Simon, L. & Szilágyi, M.) 193–203. György Bessenyei Book Publisher, Nyíregyháza (in Hungarian).
Sucharev, S., Kozlowskyi, V., Romanyuk, N., Scundak, S., 2007. Hevay matal contamination of soil, reservoir, plants of Upper Tisza in Bereg county. Contaminations, Pollutants, Impacts in the Ecologically Sensitive areas of Upper-Tisza Region. Published by: György Bessenyei Book Publisher, Nyíregyháza, Hungary. pp. 297-320. (ISBN: 978-963-7336-78-2) (in Hungarian).
Tóth, M.D, Sz. Puskás G, Rene R, Balázsy S., 2005. Cadmium, copper, nickel and zinc content of ragweed (Ambrosia elatior L.) on ruderal sites. Agrokémia és Talajtan 54: 403–416 (in Hungarian).
Várallyay, Gy., 2001. The waterfarming of soil and environment. Hungarian Science. 7. 700–815 (in Hungarian).
Wilson D., 1995. Endophyte-the evolution of a term, and clarification of its use and definition. Oikos 73: 274–276.
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Correspondence: Márta D. Tóth, College of Nyíregyháza, Institute of Biology, Str. Sóstói 31/B., H-4400, Nyíregyháza, Hungary, Tel: +36 06 42/599-400, Fax: +36 06 42/402-485,

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Article Title: Relationship between metal contents of soil and phyllospheric micro-organisms on Upper-Tisza area
Authors: Márta D. Tóth¹a*, Sándor Balázsy¹a, Olga Terek², Ostap Patsula², Judit L. Halász¹a, Zoltán Dinya¹c, László Simon¹b
Affiliation: ¹College of Nyíregyháza, Hungary a Institute of Biology, b Department of Land Management and Rural Development, Nyíregyháza, c Agrar and Molecular Research Institute
²Ivan Franko National University, Faculty of Plant Physiology, L’viv
Abstract: The aim of study in 2007-2009 were investigated the relationship of soil-plant-metal content in dominant plants and soils on the Tisza river and flood-basin. Between 2007-2009 in soils of flood-basin 20.6-24.6 mg/kg Cr, 0.40- 1.15 mg/kg Cd, 28.4-66.7 mg/kg Cu, and 89.7-180.3 mg/kg Zn was found. The metal concentration range in roots of dominant plant species (Atremisia vulgaris L., Rubus caesius, Solidago canadensis) found in floodplains were 0.9-4.7 for Cr, 1.6-8.1 for Cd, 22.7-31.5 for Cu, and 106-186 for Zn in mg/kg. The leaves contained 0.7-3.9 Cr, 1.2-1.6 Cd, 0.6-42.8 Cu, and Zn 24.9-203.5 in mg/kg. Our study showed, that the high level of metals as soil contaminations and the high plants metal contents harmful in river compartment. Dominant bacteria were mostly Gram-negative micro-organisms: Pseudomonas, Enterobacter, Bacillus and Coryneform genera. The metal contents and number of bacteria showed positive correlation colonizing the leaves surfaces of plants.
Keywords: micro-organisms, plant surfaces, metal contamination, floodplain, Upper Tisza
References: Adriano, D.C., T. Németh, Z. Győri (2003). Natural Attenuation of Metals along the Tisza River–Floodplain–Wetlands Continuum University of Debrecen, Centre of Agricultural Sciences, Hungary. Lícium-art Kft. Debrecen.
Alloway, B. J., 1990. Heavy Metals in Soils. Blackie & Son. Glasgow–London.
Balázsy, S. Boyko, N., 2007 Contaminations, Pollutants, Impacts in the Ecologically Sensitive areas of Upper-Tisza Region. Published by: György Bessenyei Book Publisher, Nyíregyháza, Hungary. pp. 297-320. (ISBN: 978-963-7336-78-2) (in Hungarian).
Beattie, G. A. & Lindow, S. E., 1999. Bacterial colonization of leaves: A spectrum of strategies. Phytopahology. 89. 353−359.
Boyko, N., Chonka, I. & Koval, H., 2007. The Soil. In: Balázsy S., N. Boyko (eds.): Contaminations, Pollutants, Impacts in the Ecologically Sensitive areas of Upper-Tisza Region. Published by: György Bessenyei Book Publisher, Nyíregyháza, Hungary. pp. 297-320. (ISBN: 978-963-7336-78-2). (in Hungarian)
Brunel, B., Perissol, C. & Fernandes, M., 1994. Occurence of Bacillus species on evergreen oak leaves. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 14. 331–342.
Csathó, P., 1994. Heavy matal circulation in soil-plant system. Agrokémia és Talajtan. 43. 371−398 (in Hungarian).
Davey ME, O’Toole GA. 2000. Microbial biofilms: from ecology to molecular genetics. Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev. 64: 847–867.
Kabata-Pendias, A. & Pendias, H., 1992. Trace Elements in Soils and Plants. CRC Press. Inc. Boca Raton, Florida.
Kádár, I., 1991. Heavy metal investigation of soils and plants. KTM-MTA TAKI, Budapest. 104p. (in Hungarian).
Kádár, I., 1995. Chemical element contamination of soil-plant-animal-human food chain. (KTM−MTA TAKI). Budapest (in Hungarian).
Keresztúri, P. & Lakatos, Gy., 2003. Evaluation of possibility of phytostabilization of chromium by plants. In: Trace Elements in the Food Chain (Ed: Simon, L. & Szilágyi, M.) 34–46. György Bessenyei Book Publisher, Nyíregyháza (in Hungarian).
Kinkel, L L., Wilson, M. & Lindow, S. E., 2000. Plant species and plant incubation conditions influence variability in epiphytic bacterial population size. Microb. Ecol. 39. 1–11.
Krimm U, Abanda-Nkpwatt D, Schwab W, Schreiber L., 2005. Epiphytic microorganisms on strawberry plants (Fragaria ananassa cv. Elsanta): identification of bacterial isolates and analysis of their interaction with leaf surfaces. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 53: 483–492.
Lappalainen JH, Koricheva J, Helander ML, Haukioja E., 1999. Densities of endophytic fungi and performance of leafminers (Lepidoptera: Eriocraniidae) on birch along a pollution gradient. Environ. Poll. 104: 99–105.
Lindow SE, Brandl MT., 2003. Microbiology of the phyllosphere. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 69: 1875–1883.
Morris CE, Monier J, Jacques M. 1998. A technique to quantify the population size and composition of the biofilm component in communities of bacteria in the phyllosphere. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 64: 4789–4795.
Prokisch,J.,Z. Győri, T. Németh, L. West, S. Harper, D. Adriano, (2005). Trace elemenet contamination of Soils in Riparian Systems at the Tisza River Basin, Hungary. Book of Abstracts. 8th. International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. Adelaide, Australia, 3-7 April, 2005 pp. 615–617.
Simon, L., 1999. Soil pollution. In: Soil Pollution, Soil Remediation. (Ed: Simon, L.). Környezetgazdálkodási Intézet, Budapest. 3–27 (in Hungarian).
Simon, L., 2003. Study of cadmium rhizofiltration. In: Trace Elements in the Food Chain. (Ed: Simon, L. & Szilágyi, M.) 193–203. György Bessenyei Book Publisher, Nyíregyháza (in Hungarian).
Sucharev, S., Kozlowskyi, V., Romanyuk, N., Scundak, S., 2007. Hevay matal contamination of soil, reservoir, plants of Upper Tisza in Bereg county. Contaminations, Pollutants, Impacts in the Ecologically Sensitive areas of Upper-Tisza Region. Published by: György Bessenyei Book Publisher, Nyíregyháza, Hungary. pp. 297-320. (ISBN: 978-963-7336-78-2) (in Hungarian).
Tóth, M.D, Sz. Puskás G, Rene R, Balázsy S., 2005. Cadmium, copper, nickel and zinc content of ragweed (Ambrosia elatior L.) on ruderal sites. Agrokémia és Talajtan 54: 403–416 (in Hungarian).
Várallyay, Gy., 2001. The waterfarming of soil and environment. Hungarian Science. 7. 700–815 (in Hungarian).
Wilson D., 1995. Endophyte-the evolution of a term, and clarification of its use and definition. Oikos 73: 274–276.
*Correspondence: Márta D. Tóth, College of Nyíregyháza, Institute of Biology, Str. Sóstói 31/B., H-4400, Nyíregyháza, Hungary, Tel: +36 06 42/599-400, Fax: +36 06 42/402-485,