Composition of useful and harmful mobile fauna of corn crop from the surface Vlasiei plain

Composition of useful and harmful mobile fauna of corn crop from the surface Vlasiei plain

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Title: Composition of useful and harmful mobile fauna of corn crop from the surface Vlasiei plain
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Article_Title: Composition of useful and harmful mobile fauna of corn crop from the surface Vlasiei plain
Authors: Georgeta Costea1, Grigore Mărgărit, Victor Ciochia
Affiliation: 1* University of Bucharest, Faculty of Biology,
2 Research-Development Institute for Plant Protection
3 University of Bucharest, Faculty of Biology
Abstract: Interest invertebrate fauna of maize crop in the area Clinceni, Ilfov county, was due to less research on the structure and biology of entomofauna phytophagous and entomofagous. Results from our analysis of faunal material, collected in March and May 2007, is the subject to this work. Useful fauna has 303 copies, of which 129 specimens collected in March and 174 copies in May. Harmful fauna includes 158 specimens collected from the 68 March and 98 May.
Keywords: corn, useful fauna, harmful fauna, abundance, Vlăsiei Plain
References: Baicu, T., Hondru, N., Mărgărit, Gr., Gogoaşă, C., 1987, ELEMENTE DE COMBATERE INTEGRATĂ A BOLILOR ŞI DĂUNĂTORILOR PORUMBULUI ÎN PERIOADA DE RĂSĂRIRE ŞI INFLUENŢA LOR ASUPRA FAUNEI UTILE, Probleme de Protecţia Plantelor, Vol. XV, nr. 4, p.319-345
Cristea, M., Căbulea, I., Şarcat, T., 2004, PORUMBUL STUDIUL MONOGRAFIC, Vol. I, Editura Academiei Române, Bucureşti
Iamandei, Maria, Manole, Tr., Mărgărit, Gr., 1999-2000, SPECTRUL ŞI RĂSPÂNDIREA SPECIILOR DE ELATERIDAE ÎN ROMÂNIA, An. ICCP Bucureşti, Vol. XXX, p.89-99
Manolache C., Boguleanu Gh., 1997, ENTOMOLOGIE AGRICOLĂ, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică Bucureşti
Mărgărit, Gr., Manole, Tr., Iamandei, Maria, Teleman, Mariana, 1999, FAUNA SPECTRUM AND SPREADING OF INSECTS FROM ELATERIDAE (COLEOPTERA) IN ROMANIA, Romanian Agricultural Research, nr. 11-12, p. 45-51
Read_full_article: pdf/21-2011/21-3-2011/SU21-3-2011-Costea.pdf
Correspondence: Georgeta Costea:

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Article Title: Composition of useful and harmful mobile fauna of corn crop from the surface Vlasiei plain
Authors: Georgeta Costea1, Grigore Mărgărit, Victor Ciochia
Affiliation: 1* University of Bucharest, Faculty of Biology,
2 Research-Development Institute for Plant Protection
3 University of Bucharest, Faculty of Biology
Abstract: Interest invertebrate fauna of maize crop in the area Clinceni, Ilfov county, was due to less research on the structure and biology of entomofauna phytophagous and entomofagous. Results from our analysis of faunal material, collected in March and May 2007, is the subject to this work. Useful fauna has 303 copies, of which 129 specimens collected in March and 174 copies in May. Harmful fauna includes 158 specimens collected from the 68 March and 98 May.
Keywords: corn, useful fauna, harmful fauna, abundance, Vlăsiei Plain
References: Baicu, T., Hondru, N., Mărgărit, Gr., Gogoaşă, C., 1987, ELEMENTE DE COMBATERE INTEGRATĂ A BOLILOR ŞI DĂUNĂTORILOR PORUMBULUI ÎN PERIOADA DE RĂSĂRIRE ŞI INFLUENŢA LOR ASUPRA FAUNEI UTILE, Probleme de Protecţia Plantelor, Vol. XV, nr. 4, p.319-345
Cristea, M., Căbulea, I., Şarcat, T., 2004, PORUMBUL STUDIUL MONOGRAFIC, Vol. I, Editura Academiei Române, Bucureşti
Iamandei, Maria, Manole, Tr., Mărgărit, Gr., 1999-2000, SPECTRUL ŞI RĂSPÂNDIREA SPECIILOR DE ELATERIDAE ÎN ROMÂNIA, An. ICCP Bucureşti, Vol. XXX, p.89-99
Manolache C., Boguleanu Gh., 1997, ENTOMOLOGIE AGRICOLĂ, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică Bucureşti
Mărgărit, Gr., Manole, Tr., Iamandei, Maria, Teleman, Mariana, 1999, FAUNA SPECTRUM AND SPREADING OF INSECTS FROM ELATERIDAE (COLEOPTERA) IN ROMANIA, Romanian
Agricultural Research, nr. 11-12, p. 45-51
*Correspondence: Georgeta Costea: