Responsibility and ethics in health surveillance of workers

Responsibility and ethics in health surveillance of workers

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Article_Title: Responsibility and ethics in health surveillance of workers
Authors: Toma I*., Marcu Iulia-Rahela*, Bunescu M. G.*, Pătru Emilia* Mustafa-Şarlău Eugenia**,
Ecobici Carmen-Aurelia**, Mirea Elena***, Toma Florina**, Zavate Livioara****, Cicoş C.****
Affiliation: * University of Medicine and Pharmacy Craiova
** Emergency Hospital from Craiova
*** Clinic Tommed Craiova
**** Department of Public Health Dolj
Abstract: In any type of activity is necessary to respect the specific law. This is one of the conditions to work properly
and develop that field. Occupational medicine is a complex area and requires occupational health legislation. In
some situations you may encounter any difficulties or different interpretations of legislation, especially in individual
We present this publication with the desire to be debated and adopted a conduct or a uniform law applicable in
the situations presented.
We have studied specific cases from the practice of health surveillance of workers, where they have not respected
the law creating such failures, creating a tens work environment. He made a careful analysis taking into account of
situations arising in conjunction with legislation and work capacity of workers. Conclusions and recommendations
we believe are useful for occupational health physicians and to avoid conflicts between employees and companies.
Keywords: legislation in occupational medicine, diagnostic errors
References: 1. Hotărârea de Guvern nr. 355/2007 privind
supravegherea sănătăţii lucrătorilor.
2. Hotărârea de Guvern nr. 1425 privind Normele
metodologice de aplicare a prevederilor Legii
securităţii şi sănătăţii în muncă nr. 319/2006.
3. Toma I. (sub redacţia) Medicina muncii, Edit.
Sitech, Craiova 2008.
4. Toma I. (sub redacţia) Practica medicinii muncii,
Edit. Sitech, Craiova 2008.
5. Toma I., Toma M. B., Marcu Iulia-Rahela, Ecobici
Carmen, Mustafa-Şarlău Georgiana – Vârsta,
contraindicaţie absolută în munca la înălţime?,
Timisoara Medical Jurnal vol. 58, supl. No.3, pg.
129-134, 2008
6. Legea nr. 418/2004 privind statul profesional al
medicului de medicina muncii
Read_full_article: pdf/20-2010/20-s1-2010/SU20-s1-2010-Toma.pdf
Correspondence: Toma Ion,, Craiova, Romania

Read full article
Article Title: Responsibility and ethics in health surveillance of workers
Authors: Toma I*., Marcu Iulia-Rahela*, Bunescu M. G.*, Pătru Emilia* Mustafa-Şarlău Eugenia**,
Ecobici Carmen-Aurelia**, Mirea Elena***, Toma Florina**, Zavate Livioara****, Cicoş C.****
Affiliation: * University of Medicine and Pharmacy Craiova
** Emergency Hospital from Craiova
*** Clinic Tommed Craiova
**** Department of Public Health Dolj
Abstract: In any type of activity is necessary to respect the specific law. This is one of the conditions to work properly
and develop that field. Occupational medicine is a complex area and requires occupational health legislation. In
some situations you may encounter any difficulties or different interpretations of legislation, especially in individual
We present this publication with the desire to be debated and adopted a conduct or a uniform law applicable in
the situations presented.
We have studied specific cases from the practice of health surveillance of workers, where they have not respected
the law creating such failures, creating a tens work environment. He made a careful analysis taking into account of
situations arising in conjunction with legislation and work capacity of workers. Conclusions and recommendations
we believe are useful for occupational health physicians and to avoid conflicts between employees and companies.
Keywords: legislation in occupational medicine, diagnostic errors
References: 1. Hotărârea de Guvern nr. 355/2007 privind
supravegherea sănătăţii lucrătorilor.
2. Hotărârea de Guvern nr. 1425 privind Normele
metodologice de aplicare a prevederilor Legii
securităţii şi sănătăţii în muncă nr. 319/2006.
3. Toma I. (sub redacţia) Medicina muncii, Edit.
Sitech, Craiova 2008.
4. Toma I. (sub redacţia) Practica medicinii muncii,
Edit. Sitech, Craiova 2008.
5. Toma I., Toma M. B., Marcu Iulia-Rahela, Ecobici
Carmen, Mustafa-Şarlău Georgiana – Vârsta,
contraindicaţie absolută în munca la înălţime?,
Timisoara Medical Jurnal vol. 58, supl. No.3, pg.
129-134, 2008
6. Legea nr. 418/2004 privind statul profesional al
medicului de medicina muncii
*Correspondence: Toma Ion,, Craiova, Romania