Observational study on the role of interrupted exposure in occupational lead poisoning

Observational study on the role of interrupted exposure in occupational lead poisoning

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Article_Title: Observational study on the role of interrupted exposure in occupational lead poisoning
Authors: Mihaela Stoia1*, Simona Oancea2, Dorin Bardac2
Affiliation: 1 Occupational Medicine Dept., Public Health Directorate of Sibiu, „Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu
2 „Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu
Abstract: Lead poisoning continues to be of interest in current research. In the present study we sought to
bring back into focus the importance of stopping exposure to lead poisoning, as a first step in the therapeutic protocol of poisoning. We used the calculation of temporary work disability days and also we analyzed 40 cases of lead poisoning through an observational correlation study including 100 male subjects who worked at least 10 years in a non-ferrous metallurgy, between 1996 -2005. We concluded that the average duration of disruption of lead exposure calculated retrospectively / subject was 33 days, equivalent to half-life of toxic in blood – an important element in toxicokinetics, done by triad „hospitalization-sanatorium recovery-sick leave. Sanatorium recovery played an important role in achieving this goal.
Keywords: lead, saturnism, temporary work disability, recovery
References: Alessio L, Cortesi I. 100 de ani de studiu al saturnismului
prin lecturarea articolelor publicate în ” La Medicina
del Lavoro”. Med. Lav. 90(6), 791-807, nov-dec.
ATSDR: Case Studies in Environmental Medicine–Lead
toxicity no. 1, iul. 1990.
Bardac D, Muntean C, Florescu E. Program de sănătate
realizat pe calculator privind investigarea nivelului
de expunere la plumb anorganic şi impactul asupra
stării de sănătate a muncitorilor de la S.C. Sometra
S.A. Copşa-Mică. Revista Română de Medicina
Muncii 47(2), 897-901, 1997.
Chief Directorate of Occupational Health and Safety–
Draft Guide Lead Regulations 2001, Pretoria, 2002.
Cotrău M, Popa L, Stan T. Toxicologie, Ed. Didactică şi
Pedagogică, Bucureşti, 1991.
Crepet M, Saia B. Medicina del lavoro, ed. II, UTET
Torino, 1993.
Flahault A et al. Santé publique, Ed. Ellipses, Paris, 2003.
INRS-TJ 19: Les maladies professionnelles. Régime
général, sept. 2004.
Levin MS, Goldberg M. Clinical Evaluation and
Management of Lead– Exposed Construction
Workers. Am. J. of Ind. Med. 37, 23-43, 2000.
Mogoş G, Sitcai N. Toxicologie clinică. vol. 1, Ed.
Medicală, Bucureşti, 1988.
Mogoş G, Sitcai N. Toxicologie clinică. vol. 2, Ed.
Medicală, Bucureşti, 1990.
Niculescu T. Manual de patologie profesională. vol. 1,
Ed. Medicală, Bucureşti, 1985.
Niculescu T. Medicina Muncii. Ed. Medmun, Bucureşti,
O’Flaherty EJ. Physiologically based models for boneseeking elements. IV. Kinetics of lead disposition in humans. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 118, 16-29, 1993.
O’Flaherty EJ et al. Dependence of apparent blood lead half–life on the length of previous lead exposure in humans. Fundamental and Applied Toxicology 2, 49-54, 1982.
Ossian A. „Plumbul (saturnismul)”. capitol în carte: Medicina Ocupaţională vol. II, Cocârlă A (coord.), p. 966. Ed. Med. Univ. „Iuliu Haţieganu” Cluj-Napoca, 2009.
Pilat L, Gavrilescu N. Bolile profesionale. Ed. Medicală, Bucureşti, 1966.
Rabinowitz MB. Toxicokinetics of bone lead. Environ. Health Perspect. 91: 33-37, 1991.
SPSS Inc., USA, 2005.
Read_full_article: pdf/20-2010/20-s1-2010/SU20-s1-2010-Stoia.pdf
Correspondence: Mihaela Stoia, Occupational Medicine Dept., Public Health Directorate of Sibiu, no. 3 Ghe. Baritiu st., 550178, Sibiu, Romania, tel. +40-(269)-210071, fax. +40-(269)-217092, email: medmuncii@aspsibiu.ro

Read full article
Article Title: Observational study on the role of interrupted exposure in occupational lead poisoning
Authors: Mihaela Stoia1*, Simona Oancea2, Dorin Bardac2
Affiliation: 1 Occupational Medicine Dept., Public Health Directorate of Sibiu, „Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu
2 „Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu
Abstract: Lead poisoning continues to be of interest in current research. In the present study we sought to
bring back into focus the importance of stopping exposure to lead poisoning, as a first step in the therapeutic protocol of poisoning. We used the calculation of temporary work disability days and also we analyzed 40 cases of lead poisoning through an observational correlation study including 100 male subjects who worked at least 10 years in a non-ferrous metallurgy, between 1996 -2005. We concluded that the average duration of disruption of lead exposure calculated retrospectively / subject was 33 days, equivalent to half-life of toxic in blood – an important element in toxicokinetics, done by triad „hospitalization-sanatorium recovery-sick leave. Sanatorium recovery played an important role in achieving this goal.
Keywords: lead, saturnism, temporary work disability, recovery
References: Alessio L, Cortesi I. 100 de ani de studiu al saturnismului
prin lecturarea articolelor publicate în ” La Medicina
del Lavoro”. Med. Lav. 90(6), 791-807, nov-dec.
ATSDR: Case Studies in Environmental Medicine–Lead
toxicity no. 1, iul. 1990.
Bardac D, Muntean C, Florescu E. Program de sănătate
realizat pe calculator privind investigarea nivelului
de expunere la plumb anorganic şi impactul asupra
stării de sănătate a muncitorilor de la S.C. Sometra
S.A. Copşa-Mică. Revista Română de Medicina
Muncii 47(2), 897-901, 1997.
Chief Directorate of Occupational Health and Safety–
Draft Guide Lead Regulations 2001, Pretoria, 2002.
Cotrău M, Popa L, Stan T. Toxicologie, Ed. Didactică şi
Pedagogică, Bucureşti, 1991.
Crepet M, Saia B. Medicina del lavoro, ed. II, UTET
Torino, 1993.
Flahault A et al. Santé publique, Ed. Ellipses, Paris, 2003.
INRS-TJ 19: Les maladies professionnelles. Régime
général, sept. 2004.
Levin MS, Goldberg M. Clinical Evaluation and
Management of Lead– Exposed Construction
Workers. Am. J. of Ind. Med. 37, 23-43, 2000.
Mogoş G, Sitcai N. Toxicologie clinică. vol. 1, Ed.
Medicală, Bucureşti, 1988.
Mogoş G, Sitcai N. Toxicologie clinică. vol. 2, Ed.
Medicală, Bucureşti, 1990.
Niculescu T. Manual de patologie profesională. vol. 1,
Ed. Medicală, Bucureşti, 1985.
Niculescu T. Medicina Muncii. Ed. Medmun, Bucureşti,
O’Flaherty EJ. Physiologically based models for boneseeking elements. IV. Kinetics of lead disposition in humans. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 118, 16-29, 1993.
O’Flaherty EJ et al. Dependence of apparent blood lead half–life on the length of previous lead exposure in humans. Fundamental and Applied Toxicology 2, 49-54, 1982.
Ossian A. „Plumbul (saturnismul)”. capitol în carte: Medicina Ocupaţională vol. II, Cocârlă A (coord.), p. 966. Ed. Med. Univ. „Iuliu Haţieganu” Cluj-Napoca, 2009.
Pilat L, Gavrilescu N. Bolile profesionale. Ed. Medicală, Bucureşti, 1966.
Rabinowitz MB. Toxicokinetics of bone lead. Environ. Health Perspect. 91: 33-37, 1991.
SPSS Inc., USA, 2005.
*Correspondence: Mihaela Stoia, Occupational Medicine Dept., Public Health Directorate of Sibiu, no. 3 Ghe. Baritiu st., 550178, Sibiu, Romania, tel. +40-(269)-210071, fax. +40-(269)-217092, email: medmuncii@aspsibiu.ro