Growth response of red galangal towards different water levels and mycorrhizal inoculation
Read full article Article Title: Growth response of red galangal towards different water levels and mycorrhizal inoculation Authors: Setiawati T, Saragih I.A., Nurzaman M.,...
Ragged robin (Lychnis flos cuculi L.) aerial parts – botanical characterization, phytochemical screening and antioxidant activity
Read full article Article Title: Ragged robin (Lychnis flos cuculi L.) aerial parts – botanical characterization, phytochemical screening and antioxidant activity Authors: Costea T.,...
Dietary supplements – bioactive principles: regulatory aspects, in vitro release profiles – coenzyme Q10
Read full article Article Title: Dietary supplements – bioactive principles: regulatory aspects, in vitro release profiles – coenzyme Q10 Authors: Buciuman C.A. , Vicaş...
Assessment of exposure wheat Triticum aestivum L. to zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZNO): Evaluation of oxidative damage
Read full article Article Title: Assessment of exposure wheat Triticum aestivum L. to zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZNO): Evaluation of oxidative damage Authors: Yahyaoui A.,...
The issues of the implementation of an environmental management system ISO 14001 in the Algerian companies
Read full article Article Title: The issues of the implementation of an environmental management system ISO 14001 in the Algerian companies Authors: Trirat T.,...
Historical records of Colias from the region Crişana
Read full article Article Title: Historical records of Colias from the region Crişana Authors: Bálint Zs, Katona G. Affiliation: Department of Zoology, Hungarian Natural...
Soil invertebrates- an usefull tool in biomonitoring of heavy metal pollution. A review
Read full article Article Title: Soil invertebrates- an usefull tool in biomonitoring of heavy metal pollution. A review Authors: Manu M. Affiliation: Romanian Academy,...