Plant diversity of Subuleasa canal (Kuncz) Timisoara

Plant diversity of Subuleasa canal (Kuncz) Timisoara

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Title: Plant diversity of Subuleasa canal (Kuncz) Timisoara
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Article_Title: Plant diversity of Subuleasa canal (Kuncz) Timisoara
Authors: Daciana Turcuş, Alina-Georgeta Neacşu
Affiliation: Department of Biology, B.U.A.S.V. M., Timisoara, Romania
Abstract: The study was conducted between June 2009 and May 2010 along the Discharge Canal 2 (CE2) linked canal, Subuleasa, and we identified a number of 135 species of cormophytes and 13 plant association. The conclusion of this study is that the vegetation is adversely affected by human activities and this activities are the clearing and the enlargement of channel, waste storage on the shore of channel. The ruderal vegetation we founded on the near leand is a consequence of large amounts of waste, this is in detrimental of local vegetation. Study area need protection because here we founded a protected species (Trapa natans), which is on list of Berna Convention.
Keywords: Subuleasa channel, biodiversity, flora, vegetation
References: Ciocârlan, V., 2009, Flora ilustrată a României. Pteridophyta et Spermatophyta, Ed. Ceres, Bucureşti.
Munteanu I., Munteanu R., 2002, Timişoara. Monografie, Ed. Mirton, Timisoara.
Sanda V., 2002, Vademecum ceno-structural privind covorul vegetal din România, Ed. Vergiliu, Bucureşti.
Sanda V., Biţă-Nicolae C., Barabaş N., 2003, Flora cormofitelor spontane şi cultivate din România, Ed. ,,I. Borcea”, Bacău.
Sanda V., Popescu A., Doltu M. I., Doniţă N., 1983, Caracterizarea ecologică şi fitocenologicăa speciilor spontanedin flora României, Studii şi Comunicări 25, Ştiinţe naturale, Muzeul Brukenthal, Sibiu.
Soran V., 1956, Câteva asociaţii de plante acvatice şi palustre din Banat, Studii şi cercetări de biologie, 1-4, Ed. Academiei R.P.R., Cluj, pp: 107-124.
*** Arhivele Administraţiei Naţionale a Îmbunătăţirilor Funciare, Timişoara.
Read_full_article: pdf/23-2013/23-2013/SU23-2-14TurcusD.pdf
Correspondence: Daciana Turcuş, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Biology, Romania, Calea Aradului, 119, emaill: turcusdaciana

Read full article
Article Title: Plant diversity of Subuleasa canal (Kuncz) Timisoara
Authors: Daciana Turcuş, Alina-Georgeta Neacşu
Affiliation: Department of Biology, B.U.A.S.V. M., Timisoara, Romania
Abstract: The study was conducted between June 2009 and May 2010 along the Discharge Canal 2 (CE2) linked canal, Subuleasa, and we identified a number of 135 species of cormophytes and 13 plant association. The conclusion of this study is that the vegetation is adversely affected by human activities and this activities are the clearing and the enlargement of channel, waste storage on the shore of channel. The ruderal vegetation we founded on the near leand is a consequence of large amounts of waste, this is in detrimental of local vegetation. Study area need protection because here we founded a protected species (Trapa natans), which is on list of Berna Convention.
Keywords: Subuleasa channel, biodiversity, flora, vegetation
References: Ciocârlan, V., 2009, Flora ilustrată a României. Pteridophyta et Spermatophyta, Ed. Ceres, Bucureşti.
Munteanu I., Munteanu R., 2002, Timişoara. Monografie, Ed. Mirton, Timisoara.
Sanda V., 2002, Vademecum ceno-structural privind covorul vegetal din România, Ed. Vergiliu, Bucureşti.
Sanda V., Biţă-Nicolae C., Barabaş N., 2003, Flora cormofitelor spontane şi cultivate din România, Ed. ,,I. Borcea”, Bacău.
Sanda V., Popescu A., Doltu M. I., Doniţă N., 1983, Caracterizarea ecologică şi fitocenologicăa speciilor spontanedin flora României, Studii şi Comunicări 25, Ştiinţe naturale, Muzeul Brukenthal, Sibiu.
Soran V., 1956, Câteva asociaţii de plante acvatice şi palustre din Banat, Studii şi cercetări de biologie, 1-4, Ed. Academiei R.P.R., Cluj, pp: 107-124.
*** Arhivele Administraţiei Naţionale a Îmbunătăţirilor Funciare, Timişoara.
*Correspondence: Daciana Turcuş, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Biology, Romania, Calea Aradului, 119, emaill: turcusdaciana