The influence of different growth regulators on Araucaria excelsa L. vitrocultures

The influence of different growth regulators on Araucaria excelsa L. vitrocultures

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Title: The influence of different growth regulators on Araucaria excelsa L. vitrocultures
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Article_Title: The influence of different growth regulators on Araucaria excelsa L. vitrocultures
Authors: Liviu Pop, Cristian-Felix Blidar, Adriana Petruş-Vancea
Affiliation: University of Oradea, The Faculty of Sciences
Abstract: Araucaria excelsa L. is a well-known conifer, mostly used as an indoor ornamental plant. In this
experiment we have studied the reactions of Araucaria excelsa minicuttings, in the presence of different growth regulators, added in the aseptic nutritive media. We have prelevated apexes from a previous vitroculture and used them as biological material. The explants were inoculated on BM media, with and without growth regulators. This experiment, which lasted for 90 days, has brought forth the following conclusions: On V0 (control variant– BM without growth regulators), the inoculs have presented a very weak regenerative capacity; the best medium for Araucaria excelsa L. elongation was V2 (BM with 2 mg/l BA + 2 mg/l NAA); the most ramifications and buds can be obtained if using V4 experimental variant (BM with 0.5 mg/l NAA + 0.5 mg/l KIN); at any experimental variant the rhysogenesis wasn’t observed.
Keywords: Araucaria excelsa L., vitroculture, growth regulators, conifer
References: Cachiţă C.D., 1987, Metode „in vitro” la plantele de cultură. Bazele teoretice şi practice, Ed. Ceres, Bucureşti.
Cachiţă, C. D., Sand, C., 2000, Biotehnologie vegetală. Baze teoretice şi practice. Vol.1, Ed. Mira
Design, Sibiu, pp. 272-276.
Murashige T., Skoog F., 1962 A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissues
cultures. Physiologia Plantarum, 15, pp. 155-159.
Pop L., Cachiţă D., Blidar C., 2007, Araucaria excelsa L. vitrocultures initiation, Analele Facultăţii Al.I.Cuza, Iaşi (in press).
Preda M, 1979, Floricultura, Editura CERES, Ediţia a II-a, Bucureşti, pp. 231-232.
Read_full_article: pdf/18-2008/SU08Pop2.pdf
Correspondence: Liviu Pop, University of Oradea, Faculty of Sciences, 410051-Oradea, str. Aleea Ştrandului, Nr. 3,
tel. 0722.771.222, e-mail:

Read full article
Article Title: The influence of different growth regulators on Araucaria excelsa L. vitrocultures
Authors: Liviu Pop, Cristian-Felix Blidar, Adriana Petruş-Vancea
Affiliation: University of Oradea, The Faculty of Sciences
Abstract: Araucaria excelsa L. is a well-known conifer, mostly used as an indoor ornamental plant. In this
experiment we have studied the reactions of Araucaria excelsa minicuttings, in the presence of different growth regulators, added in the aseptic nutritive media. We have prelevated apexes from a previous vitroculture and used them as biological material. The explants were inoculated on BM media, with and without growth regulators. This experiment, which lasted for 90 days, has brought forth the following conclusions: On V0 (control variant– BM without growth regulators), the inoculs have presented a very weak regenerative capacity; the best medium for Araucaria excelsa L. elongation was V2 (BM with 2 mg/l BA + 2 mg/l NAA); the most ramifications and buds can be obtained if using V4 experimental variant (BM with 0.5 mg/l NAA + 0.5 mg/l KIN); at any experimental variant the rhysogenesis wasn’t observed.
Keywords: Araucaria excelsa L., vitroculture, growth regulators, conifer
References: Cachiţă C.D., 1987, Metode „in vitro” la plantele de cultură. Bazele teoretice şi practice, Ed. Ceres, Bucureşti.
Cachiţă, C. D., Sand, C., 2000, Biotehnologie vegetală. Baze teoretice şi practice. Vol.1, Ed. Mira
Design, Sibiu, pp. 272-276.
Murashige T., Skoog F., 1962 A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissues
cultures. Physiologia Plantarum, 15, pp. 155-159.
Pop L., Cachiţă D., Blidar C., 2007, Araucaria excelsa L. vitrocultures initiation, Analele Facultăţii Al.I.Cuza, Iaşi (in press).
Preda M, 1979, Floricultura, Editura CERES, Ediţia a II-a, Bucureşti, pp. 231-232.
*Correspondence: Liviu Pop, University of Oradea, Faculty of Sciences, 410051-Oradea, str. Aleea Ştrandului, Nr. 3,
tel. 0722.771.222, e-mail: