Epipelon studies on the Upper Tisza River and on its tributaries

Epipelon studies on the Upper Tisza River and on its tributaries

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Title: Epipelon studies on the Upper Tisza River and on its tributaries
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Article_Title: Epipelon studies on the Upper Tisza River and on its tributaries
Authors: Erzsebet Krausz*1, Judit L. Halasz2, Marianne Szabó3 and Gyula Lakatos3
Affiliation: 1College of Nyíregyháza, Dept. of Environmental Science, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
2College of Nyíregyháza, Dept. of Biology, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
3University of Debrecen, Dept. of Applied Ecology, Debrecen, Hungary
Abstract: The role of sediment and periphyton is significant in the life of aquatic and wetland habitats. The recent sediment covering the surface of the bottom has a significant role in the process which influence on water quality. Investigation of the epipelon, the periphytic association can be found on or in the fine-grained sediment is our recent task which is a current topic in international view, because the organisms creating the epipelon have strong interaction with the physical, chemical, biochemical and microbiological processes of the sediment. As a result of the activity of the periphyton and the sediment organisms the metabolism pathways come into being in the aquatic ecological systems that can indicate or influence the habitat characteristics. For analysis of the epipelon the measuring of the ETS (Electron Transport System) – activity can be used. By this parameter we would like to increase number of the non-taxonomic periphyton index determining the characteristic ecological status of waters within the scope of WFD (Water Framework Directive).
Keywords: sediment, epipelon, ETS-activity, Tisza River

Christensen, J.P., Pacard, T.T., 1979. Respiratory electron transport activities in phytoplankton and bacteria: Comparison of methods. Limnol. Ocenogr 24: 576-583.
Felföldy, L. 1987. A biológiai vízminősítés. Országos Vízügyi Hivatal, Budapest: 1-258.
G. Tóth, L., Drits, A. V., 1991. Respiratory energy loss of zooplankton in Lake Balaton (Hungary) estimated by ETS-activity measurements. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 24: 993-996.
G. Tóth, L., Langó, Zs., Padisák, J., Varga, E., 1994. Terminal electron transport system (ETS) activity int he sediment of Lake Balaton, Hungary. Hydrobiologia 281: 129-139.
G. Tóth, L., Szabó, M., Bíró, P., 1995. Toxic effect of the mosquito killer, S-Deltamethrine, on the development and respiratory electron transport system activity of the embryos of bream (Ambramis brama L.), roach (Rutilus rutilus), barbel (Barbel barbus) and pike (Esox lucius). Lakes and Research and Management 1: 127-139.
Kenner, R.A., Ahmed, S.I., 1975. Correlation between oxygen utilisation and electron transport activity in marine phytoplankton. Mar. Biol. 33: 119-127.
Lakatos Gy., Kiss M., Tóth A., Szabó M., Braun M:, Borics G., Keresztúri P. 2002. Az EU szintű ökológiai állapot (statusz) követelményei felszíni vizek esetében. EU konform mezőgazdaság és élelmiszerbiztonság, Debrecen, 297-299.
Lakatos Gy., Kiss M., Tóth A., Szabó M., Braun M:, Borics G., Keresztúri P. 2003. Jelentés a Közép-Tisza vidéki Környezetvédelmi Felügyelőség, Szolnok és a DE TTK Alkalmazott Ökológiai Tanszék, Debrecen között létrejött szerződésről.
A szerződés tárgya:” A makrofiton sűrűség, illetve szabályozás hatása a bevonat mennyiségi és minőségi összetételére. A bevonat alapján történő előzetes minőségi vizsgálatok az EU VKI figyelembevételével „. Debrecen, 2-25.
Lakatos, G., Ács, É., Kiss, m. K., Varga, E., Bíró, P., 2004. The structure of epilithon in two shallow lakes in Hungary. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol., 29.
Lakatos, G., Kiss, M., Mészáros, I., 1999. Heavy metal content of common reed (Phragmites australis /Cav./Trin. ex Steudel) and its periphyton in Hungarian shallow standing waters. Hydrobiologia 415: 47-53.
Lakatos, G., L. Kozák, P. Bíró, 2001. Structure of epiphyton and epilithon in the littoral of Lake Balaton. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 27: 3893-3897.
Owens, T.G., King, F.D., 1975. The measurements of electron transport system activity in marine zooplankton. Mar. Biol. 30: 27-36.
Packard, T. T., 1971. The measurement of respiratory electron-transport activity in marine phytoplankton. Journal of Marine Research. 29: 235-244.
Packard, T. T., 1985. Measurement of electron-transport activity in mikroplankton. Adv. Aquat. Mikrobiol. 3: 207-261.
Packard, T.T., Denis, M., Rodier, M., Garfield, P., 1988: Deep-ocean metabolic CO2 production: calculations from ETS activity. Deep-Sea Research, 35: 371-382.
Pizzaro, H., Vinocur, A. 2000. Epilithic biomass in an outflow stream at Potter Peninsuls, King George Island, Antartica. Polar Biology, 23:851-857.
Simon, T. 1992. A magyarországi edényes flóra határozója. Tankönyvkiadó, Budapest, 791-874.
Span, A.S.W., 1986. Optimization of the electron transport system (ETS) method for natural phytoplankton assemblages tested with some species of freshwater phytoplankton. Wat. Res. 20: 1497-1503.
Span, A.S.W., 1988. Metabolic activity as refrected by ETS and BOD in a shallow eutrofic lake. Arch. Hydrobiol. 31: 141-147.

Szabó M., Kiss M., Keresztúri P., Deák Cs., Lakatos, Gy. 2002. Élőbevonat és üledék ETS- aktivitásának vizsgálata a Tisza és a Tisza-völgyi holt medrekben. Hidrológiai Közl., 82: 123-125.
Vosjan, J.H., Nieuwland, G., 1987. Microbiol biomass and respiratory activity in surface waters of the East Banda Sea and North West Arafura Sea (Indonesia) at the time of the Soult East Monsoon. Limnol. Oceanogr. 32: 767-775.
Vosjan, J.H., Tijssen, S.B., Nieuwland, G., Wetsteyn, F.J., 1990. Oxygen regime, respiratory activity and biomass of microorganisms, and the carbon budget int he Fladen Ground area (Northrn Nord Sea) during spring. Neth. J. Sea Res. 25: 89-99.
Yamashita, Y., Bailey, K.M., 1990. Electron transport system (ETS) activity as a possible index o respiration for larbval walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, L. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi. 56: 1059-1062.

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Correspondence: Krausz E., College of Nyíregyháza, Nyíregyháza, Department of Environmental Science,
Str. Sóstói nr. 31/b, 4401, Nyíregyháza, Hungary, Tel. +36-(42)-599458, Fax. +36-(42)-402485, email: krauszer@freemail.hu

Read full article
Article Title: Epipelon studies on the Upper Tisza River and on its tributaries
Authors: Erzsebet Krausz*1, Judit L. Halasz2, Marianne Szabó3 and Gyula Lakatos3
Affiliation: 1College of Nyíregyháza, Dept. of Environmental Science, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
2College of Nyíregyháza, Dept. of Biology, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
3University of Debrecen, Dept. of Applied Ecology, Debrecen, Hungary
Abstract: The role of sediment and periphyton is significant in the life of aquatic and wetland habitats. The recent sediment covering the surface of the bottom has a significant role in the process which influence on water quality. Investigation of the epipelon, the periphytic association can be found on or in the fine-grained sediment is our recent task which is a current topic in international view, because the organisms creating the epipelon have strong interaction with the physical, chemical, biochemical and microbiological processes of the sediment. As a result of the activity of the periphyton and the sediment organisms the metabolism pathways come into being in the aquatic ecological systems that can indicate or influence the habitat characteristics. For analysis of the epipelon the measuring of the ETS (Electron Transport System) – activity can be used. By this parameter we would like to increase number of the non-taxonomic periphyton index determining the characteristic ecological status of waters within the scope of WFD (Water Framework Directive).
Keywords: sediment, epipelon, ETS-activity, Tisza River
References: Christensen, J.P., Pacard, T.T., 1979. Respiratory electron transport activities in phytoplankton and bacteria: Comparison of methods. Limnol. Ocenogr 24: 576-583.
Felföldy, L. 1987. A biológiai vízminősítés. Országos Vízügyi Hivatal, Budapest: 1-258.
G. Tóth, L., Drits, A. V., 1991. Respiratory energy loss of zooplankton in Lake Balaton (Hungary) estimated by ETS-activity measurements. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 24: 993-996.
G. Tóth, L., Langó, Zs., Padisák, J., Varga, E., 1994. Terminal electron transport system (ETS) activity int he sediment of Lake Balaton, Hungary. Hydrobiologia 281: 129-139.
G. Tóth, L., Szabó, M., Bíró, P., 1995. Toxic effect of the mosquito killer, S-Deltamethrine, on the development and respiratory electron transport system activity of the embryos of bream (Ambramis brama L.), roach (Rutilus rutilus), barbel (Barbel barbus) and pike (Esox lucius). Lakes and Research and Management 1: 127-139.
Kenner, R.A., Ahmed, S.I., 1975. Correlation between oxygen utilisation and electron transport activity in marine phytoplankton. Mar. Biol. 33: 119-127.
Lakatos Gy., Kiss M., Tóth A., Szabó M., Braun M:, Borics G., Keresztúri P. 2002. Az EU szintű ökológiai állapot (statusz) követelményei felszíni vizek esetében. EU konform mezőgazdaság és élelmiszerbiztonság, Debrecen, 297-299.
Lakatos Gy., Kiss M., Tóth A., Szabó M., Braun M:, Borics G., Keresztúri P. 2003. Jelentés a Közép-Tisza vidéki Környezetvédelmi Felügyelőség,
Szolnok és a DE TTK Alkalmazott Ökológiai Tanszék, Debrecen között létrejött szerződésről. A szerződés tárgya:” A makrofiton sűrűség, illetve szabályozás hatása a bevonat mennyiségi és minőségi összetételére. A bevonat alapján történő előzetes minőségi vizsgálatok az EU VKI figyelembevételével „. Debrecen, 2-25.
Lakatos, G., Ács, É., Kiss, m. K., Varga, E., Bíró, P., 2004. The structure of epilithon in two shallow lakes in Hungary. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol., 29.
Lakatos, G., Kiss, M., Mészáros, I., 1999. Heavy metal content of common reed (Phragmites australis /Cav./ Trin. ex Steudel) and its periphyton in Hungarian shallow standing waters. Hydrobiologia 415: 47-53.
Lakatos, G., L. Kozák, P. Bíró, 2001. Structure of epiphyton and epilithon in the littoral of Lake Balaton. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 27: 3893-3897.
Owens, T.G., King, F.D., 1975. The measurements of electron transport system activity in marine zooplankton. Mar. Biol. 30: 27-36.
Packard, T. T., 1971. The measurement of respiratory electron-transport activity in marine phytoplankton. Journal of Marine Research. 29: 235-244.
Packard, T. T., 1985. Measurement of electron-transport activity in mikroplankton. Adv. Aquat. Mikrobiol. 3: 207-261.
Packard, T.T., Denis, M., Rodier, M., Garfield, P., 1988: Deep-ocean metabolic CO2 production: calculations from ETS activity. Deep-Sea Research, 35: 371-382.
Pizzaro, H., Vinocur, A. 2000. Epilithic biomass in an outflow stream at Potter Peninsuls, King George Island, Antartica. Polar Biology, 23:851-857.
Simon, T. 1992. A magyarországi edényes flóra határozója. Tankönyvkiadó, Budapest, 791-874.
Span, A.S.W., 1986. Optimization of the electron transport system (ETS) method for natural phytoplankton assemblages tested with some species of freshwater phytoplankton. Wat. Res. 20: 1497-1503.
Span, A.S.W., 1988. Metabolic activity as refrected by ETS and BOD in a shallow eutrofic lake. Arch. Hydrobiol. 31: 141-147.
Szabó M., Kiss M., Keresztúri P., Deák Cs., Lakatos, Gy. 2002. Élőbevonat és üledék ETS- aktivitásának vizsgálata a Tisza és a Tisza-völgyi holt medrekben. Hidrológiai Közl., 82: 123-125.
Vosjan, J.H., Nieuwland, G., 1987. Microbiol biomass and respiratory activity in surface waters of the East Banda Sea and North West Arafura Sea (Indonesia) at the time of the Soult East Monsoon. Limnol. Oceanogr. 32: 767-775.
Vosjan, J.H., Tijssen, S.B., Nieuwland, G., Wetsteyn, F.J., 1990. Oxygen regime, respiratory activity and biomass of microorganisms, and the carbon budget int he Fladen Ground area (Northrn Nord Sea) during spring. Neth. J. Sea Res. 25: 89-99.
Yamashita, Y., Bailey, K.M., 1990. Electron transport system (ETS) activity as a possible index of respiration for larbval walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, L. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi. 56: 1059-1062.
*Correspondence: Krausz E., College of Nyíregyháza, Nyíregyháza, Department of Environmental Science, Str. Sóstói nr. 31/b, 4401, Nyíregyháza, Hungary, Tel. +36-(42)-599458, Fax. +36-(42)-402485, email: krauszer@freemail.hu