The response of the species of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera of the Sasar River basin to the anthropogenic alterations

The response of the species of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera of the Sasar River basin to the anthropogenic alterations

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Title: The response of the species of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera of the Sasar River basin to the anthropogenic alterations
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Article_Title: The response of the species of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera of the Sasar River basin to the anthropogenic alterations
Authors: Oana Mare Rosca, Lucia Mihalescu, Monica Marian
Affiliation: Department of Biology, North University of Baia Mare
Abstract: The species of Ephemeroptera as well as Plecoptera can be used as a bioindicator group in the evolution of the flowing water quality, du to their increased sensitivity to the anthropic pressure. In most cases, the zoobenthic communities respond to the action of disturbances by re-adjusting their specific composition and numerical abundance, respectively by changing the spatial distribution of the most taxons (Relyea and colab, 2000; Tudorancea & Tudorancea, 2002; Tudorancea, 2004). The diversity of the fauna of ephemeroptera and plecoptera undergoes important changes for the stations located especially downriver from the industrial centers within the Baia Mare industrial surroundings, thus the most affected stations, in the decreasing order of the intensity of the impact, are Valea Firiza, downriver of Baia Mare, upriver of Baia Mare, and downriver of Baia Sprie.
Keywords: Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Saprobe Index, EPT Index, anthropic pressure
References: Arrscott, D. B. R.; Glatthar, K., Tockner; Ward, J. V. Larval Black fly (Diptera : Simulidae)Distribution and diversity along a floodplain river in Alps (Tagliamento River, Italy). Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol., 28: 1-8, 2002.
Aubert, J., 1959. Insecta Helvetica. Fauna, Plecoptera. Imprimerie de la Concorde,Laussane: 140.
Haybach, A.; Schleuter, M.; Tittizer, T. Current distribution of mayflies (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) in German Federal Waterways, Ephemeroptera & Plecoptera, E. Gaino (Ed.), University of Perugia, Italy: 313-315, 2003.
Hilsenhoff, W.L. An improved biotic index of organic stream pollution, Great Lakes Entomol.20: 31-39, 1987.
Hughes, S. J. Temporal and spatial distribution patterns of larval trichoptera in Madeiran streams, in Hydrobiologia, 553: 27-41, 2006.
Johnson, A., White, J., Huntamer, D. Effects of Holden Mine on the Watter, Sediment, and Benthic
Invertebrates of Railroad Creek (Lake Chelan), în Enviromental Investigations and Laboratry
Services Program Olympia, Washington 98504-7710: 42-45, 1997.
Leşan, M. Pădurile de la Baia Mare, Edit. Casei Corpului Didactic, Baia Mare: 172-187.
Mălăcea, I., 1969. Biologia apelor impurificate, Edit. Academiei R.S.R., Bucurşti, 1969: 23-25,
Relyea, D., Minshall, G.,.W., Danehy, J.,R. Stream insects as bioindicators of fine sediment, în
Watershed Management Conference, 2003.
Beisel, J.-N., Usseglio-Polatera, P., Thomas, S., Moreteau, J.-C. Influence de l’echantilonnage
des communautes macrobenthiques sur l’evaluation de la qualite biologique d’un cours d’eau, în Annls. Limnol., Vol.34 (4): 445-454, 1998.
Tudorancea, M. M., Tudorancea, C. Are chironomid larvae bioindicators of the water quality in
running waters under urban impact?, Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol, 28: 417-421, 2002.
Tudorancea, M. M. Ecologia unor populaţii de Chironomidae (Diptera) din râul Someşul Mic şi bazinul de drenaj al râului Crişul Repede, Teză de doctorat, Cluj Napoca: 62-64, 2004.
Winquest, A., MacLean, M., Wright, L., McDavit C., Marx, A. Volunteer Stream Program, Data Report, Department Of Enviromental Services, Arlington, Virginia, 2005.
*** AFNOR NF T 90-350. Essai des eaux. Determination de l’Indice Biologique Global Normalise I.B.G.N., 9, 1992.
***1992, Cercetări privind determinarea impactului ecologic datorat activităţilor antropice în zonele “fierbinţi” pentru stabilirea posibilităţilor de reducere a poluării, Studiu de caz-zona Baia
Mare, Contract de cercetare Ştiinţifică nr.429/1992 din planul I.C.I.M.
Read_full_article: pdf/18-2008/SU08Rosca2.pdf
Correspondence: Mare Roşca O.E., Universitatea de Nord Baia Mare, Facultatea de Ştiinţe, Catedra de Chimie-Biologie, Str. Victoriei Nr. 76, 430122, email:

Read full article
Article Title: The response of the species of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera of the Sasar River basin to the anthropogenic alterations
Authors: Oana Mare Rosca, Lucia Mihalescu, Monica Marian
Affiliation: Department of Biology, North University of Baia Mare
Abstract: The species of Ephemeroptera as well as Plecoptera can be used as a bioindicator group in the evolution of the flowing water quality, du to their increased sensitivity to the anthropic pressure. In most cases, the zoobenthic communities respond to the action of disturbances by re-adjusting their specific composition and numerical abundance, respectively by changing the spatial distribution of the most taxons (Relyea and colab, 2000; Tudorancea & Tudorancea, 2002; Tudorancea, 2004). The diversity of the fauna of ephemeroptera and plecoptera undergoes important changes for the stations located especially downriver from the industrial centers within the Baia Mare industrial surroundings, thus the most affected stations, in the decreasing order of the intensity of the impact, are Valea Firiza, downriver of Baia Mare, upriver of Baia Mare, and downriver of Baia Sprie.
Keywords: Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Saprobe Index, EPT Index, anthropic pressure
References: Arrscott, D. B. R.; Glatthar, K., Tockner; Ward, J. V. Larval Black fly (Diptera : Simulidae)Distribution and diversity along a floodplain river in Alps (Tagliamento River, Italy). Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol., 28: 1-8, 2002.
Aubert, J., 1959. Insecta Helvetica. Fauna, Plecoptera. Imprimerie de la Concorde,Laussane: 140.
Haybach, A.; Schleuter, M.; Tittizer, T. Current distribution of mayflies (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) in German Federal Waterways, Ephemeroptera & Plecoptera, E. Gaino (Ed.), University of Perugia, Italy: 313-315, 2003.
Hilsenhoff, W.L. An improved biotic index of organic stream pollution, Great Lakes Entomol.20: 31-39, 1987.
Hughes, S. J. Temporal and spatial distribution patterns of larval trichoptera in Madeiran streams, in Hydrobiologia, 553: 27-41, 2006.
Johnson, A., White, J., Huntamer, D. Effects of Holden Mine on the Watter, Sediment, and Benthic
Invertebrates of Railroad Creek (Lake Chelan), în Enviromental Investigations and Laboratry
Services Program Olympia, Washington 98504-7710: 42-45, 1997.
Leşan, M. Pădurile de la Baia Mare, Edit. Casei Corpului Didactic, Baia Mare: 172-187.
Mălăcea, I., 1969. Biologia apelor impurificate, Edit. Academiei R.S.R., Bucurşti, 1969: 23-25,
Relyea, D., Minshall, G.,.W., Danehy, J.,R. Stream insects as bioindicators of fine sediment, în
Watershed Management Conference, 2003.
Beisel, J.-N., Usseglio-Polatera, P., Thomas, S., Moreteau, J.-C. Influence de l’echantilonnage
des communautes macrobenthiques sur l’evaluation de la qualite biologique d’un cours d’eau, în Annls. Limnol., Vol.34 (4): 445-454, 1998.
Tudorancea, M. M., Tudorancea, C. Are chironomid larvae bioindicators of the water quality in
running waters under urban impact?, Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol, 28: 417-421, 2002.
Tudorancea, M. M. Ecologia unor populaţii de Chironomidae (Diptera) din râul Someşul Mic şi bazinul de drenaj al râului Crişul Repede, Teză de doctorat, Cluj Napoca: 62-64, 2004.
Winquest, A., MacLean, M., Wright, L., McDavit C., Marx, A. Volunteer Stream Program, Data Report, Department Of Enviromental Services, Arlington, Virginia, 2005.
*** AFNOR NF T 90-350. Essai des eaux. Determination de l’Indice Biologique Global Normalise I.B.G.N., 9, 1992.
***1992, Cercetări privind determinarea impactului ecologic datorat activităţilor antropice în zonele “fierbinţi” pentru stabilirea posibilităţilor de reducere a poluării, Studiu de caz-zona Baia
Mare, Contract de cercetare Ştiinţifică nr.429/1992 din planul I.C.I.M.
*Correspondence: Mare Roşca O.E., Universitatea de Nord Baia Mare, Facultatea de Ştiinţe, Catedra de Chimie-Biologie, Str. Victoriei Nr. 76, 430122, email: