Strategii de colaborare a medicinii muncii cu agenţiile şi reţelele din sănătate

Strategii de colaborare a medicinii muncii cu agenţiile şi reţelele din sănătate

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Title: Strategii de colaborare a medicinii muncii cu agenţiile şi reţelele din sănătate
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Article_Title: Strategii de colaborare a medicinii muncii cu agenţiile şi reţelele din sănătate
Authors: Liliana Râpaş
Affiliation: Direcţia de Sănătate Publică Bucureşti
Abstract: The role of occupational medicine professionals and services involves a new approach linked with the social dimension of the health policies and, at the same time, with the sustainable development of the market mechanism. Work life is changing throughout the world, and nations are becoming increasingly independent. The workers’ health, safety and well-being is the key to improve wealth in all countries. The paper below presents the main Health Networks, from national and international levels, like Romanian National Institute of Public Health, I.C.O.H., W.H.O., E.A.S.H.W.
Keywords: occupational medicine, networking, well-being
References: 1. I.C.O.H. – Report on activities of National Secretaries, 2009, Cape Town Congress
2. W.H.O. – Healthy workplaces: a model for action for employers, workers, policy-makers and
practitioners, Geneva, 2010
3. D.S.P.B. – Rapoarte de activitate a departamentului medicina muncii, Bucuresti, 2009, 2010
Read_full_article: pdf/20-2010/20-s1-2010/SU20-s1-2010-Rapas.pdf
Correspondence: Liliana Rapas, Email:, Calea Dudesti nr. 104 – 124, sector 3, Bucuresti

Read full article
Article Title: Strategii de colaborare a medicinii muncii cu agenţiile şi reţelele din sănătate
Authors: Liliana Râpaş
Affiliation: Direcţia de Sănătate Publică Bucureşti
Abstract: The role of occupational medicine professionals and services involves a new approach linked with the social dimension of the health policies and, at the same time, with the sustainable development of the market mechanism. Work life is changing throughout the world, and nations are becoming increasingly independent. The workers’ health, safety and well-being is the key to improve wealth in all countries. The paper below presents the main Health Networks, from national and international levels, like Romanian National Institute of Public Health, I.C.O.H., W.H.O., E.A.S.H.W.
Keywords: occupational medicine, networking, well-being
References: 1. I.C.O.H. – Report on activities of National Secretaries, 2009, Cape Town Congress
2. W.H.O. – Healthy workplaces: a model for action for employers, workers, policy-makers and
practitioners, Geneva, 2010
3. D.S.P.B. – Rapoarte de activitate a departamentului medicina muncii, Bucuresti, 2009, 2010
*Correspondence: Liliana Rapas, Email:, Calea Dudesti nr. 104 – 124, sector 3, Bucuresti