Determinations of the neutral red vital dye accumulation in the roots of castor oil plant (Ricinus communis) compared to the extra-radicular absorption recorded in the aerial parts of the plant

Determinations of the neutral red vital dye accumulation in the roots of castor oil plant (Ricinus communis) compared to the extra-radicular absorption recorded in the aerial parts of the plant

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Title: Determinations of the neutral red vital dye accumulation in the roots of castor oil plant (Ricinus communis) compared to the extra-radicular absorption recorded in the aerial parts of the plant
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Article_Title: Determinations of the neutral red vital dye accumulation in the roots of castor oil plant (Ricinus communis) compared to the extra-radicular absorption recorded in the aerial parts of the plant
Authors: Andreea Ioana Rusu, Aurel Ardelean, Violeta Turcuș
Affiliation: “Vasile Goldiş” Western University Arad, Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry, Romania
Abstract: These studies and the obtained results have beside a practical value as “investigative tools” in phytophysiology, also a theoretical one, since they allowed the identification of differentiation of seedling organs, tissues and cells capacity during sprouting , of the transformations undergone in the course of physiologic processes that take place at the stage of germination, to accumulate in varying amounts the neutral red dye, depending on the type of cells found in the structure of tissues and organs, and their degree of differentiation.
Keywords: castor oil plant, total absorption, specific absorption, vital dyes, neutral red
References: Cosma-Cachiță D., 1967, Capacitatea de absorbție a cotiledoanelor de ricin (Ricinus communis), St. și cercet. Biol. Ser. Bot., p. 19, 6, 525.
Celan M., 1942, Câteva considerații asupra coloranților vitali. Rev.șt.V.Adamachi, Iasi, p. 2 8, 23, 154.
Gherghiu C.V., 1947, Colorantii organici. Iasi, Ed. Stiintifice “V. Adamach.
Martos L., 1958, Kisérleti adotok a gyökérrnek a földfeletti rédzre gyakorolt hatásáról, (Date experimentale privitoare la efectul rădăcinilor asupra părţilor supraterestre), Kandidátu si értekezés tételei.
Pop E., Soran V., 1961, Cercetări privind natura fizică şi chimică a substanţelor vacuolare responsabile de formarea corpusculilor cu coloranti vitali bazici. In: Studii şi cerc. Biol. Ser. Biol. Veget., 13, nr.3, p. 313-336.
Pfirsche E., 1954, Influence du cotyledon sur la development de son bougean axillaire. Etude de quelque cas nouveaux, Bul.Soc.Bot. Fr., p. 101, 124.
Pop E., 1959, Coloranţii vitali la Potamogetan col., Omagiu lui Tr. Săvulescu. Bucureşti, Ed. Acad. R.P.R., p. 617.
Pop E., Soran V., 1961, Cercetări privind natura fizică şi chimică a substanţelor vacuolare responsabile de formarea corpusculilor cu coloranţi vitali bazici, Stud. și cercet. Boil. Ser. Bot., p. 1 3, 313.
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Correspondence: Andreea Ioana Rusu, “Vasile Goldiş” Western University Arad, Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry, Romania

Read full article
Article Title: Determinations of the neutral red vital dye accumulation in the roots of castor oil plant (Ricinus communis) compared to the extra-radicular absorption recorded in the aerial parts of the plant
Authors: Andreea Ioana Rusu, Aurel Ardelean, Violeta Turcuș
Affiliation: “Vasile Goldiş” Western University Arad, Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry, Romania
Abstract: These studies and the obtained results have beside a practical value as “investigative tools” in phytophysiology, also a theoretical one, since they allowed the identification of differentiation of seedling organs, tissues and cells capacity during sprouting , of the transformations undergone in the course of physiologic processes that take place at the stage of germination, to accumulate in varying amounts the neutral red dye, depending on the type of cells found in the structure of tissues and organs, and their degree of differentiation.
Keywords: castor oil plant, total absorption, specific absorption, vital dyes, neutral red
References: Cosma-Cachiță D., 1967, Capacitatea de absorbție a cotiledoanelor de ricin (Ricinus communis), St. și cercet. Biol. Ser. Bot., p. 19, 6, 525.
Celan M., 1942, Câteva considerații asupra coloranților vitali. Rev.șt.V.Adamachi, Iasi, p. 2 8, 23, 154.
Gherghiu C.V., 1947, Colorantii organici. Iasi, Ed. Stiintifice “V. Adamach.
Martos L., 1958, Kisérleti adotok a gyökérrnek a földfeletti rédzre gyakorolt hatásáról, (Date experimentale privitoare la efectul rădăcinilor asupra părţilor supraterestre), Kandidátu si értekezés tételei.
Pop E., Soran V., 1961, Cercetări privind natura fizică şi chimică a substanţelor vacuolare responsabile de formarea corpusculilor cu coloranti vitali bazici. In: Studii şi cerc. Biol. Ser. Biol. Veget., 13, nr.3, p. 313-336.
Pfirsche E., 1954, Influence du cotyledon sur la development de son bougean axillaire. Etude de quelque cas nouveaux, Bul.Soc.Bot. Fr., p. 101, 124.
Pop E., 1959, Coloranţii vitali la Potamogetan col., Omagiu lui Tr. Săvulescu. Bucureşti, Ed. Acad. R.P.R., p. 617.
Pop E., Soran V., 1961, Cercetări privind natura fizică şi chimică a substanţelor vacuolare responsabile de formarea corpusculilor cu coloranţi vitali bazici, Stud. și cercet. Boil. Ser. Bot., p. 1 3, 313.
*Correspondence: Andreea Ioana Rusu, “Vasile Goldiş” Western University Arad, Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry, Romania