Growth in length of the embryonic radicles of sweet sorghum plantlets (sorghum bicolor subsp. bicolor), resulted from caryopsis germination on paper filter substrate, exposed to different types of light

Growth in length of the embryonic radicles of sweet sorghum plantlets (sorghum bicolor subsp. bicolor), resulted from caryopsis germination on paper filter substrate, exposed to different types of light

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Title: Growth in length of the embryonic radicles of sweet sorghum plantlets (sorghum bicolor subsp. bicolor), resulted from caryopsis germination on paper filter substrate, exposed to different types of light
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Article_Title: Growth in length of the embryonic radicles of sweet sorghum plantlets (sorghum bicolor subsp. bicolor), resulted from caryopsis germination on paper filter substrate, exposed to different types of light
Authors: Iulian O. Stana, Dorina Cachiţă – Cosma
Affiliation: ”Vasile Goldis” West University of Arad, România
Institute of Life Sience, ”Vasile Goldiş”, West University of Arad, România
Abstract: In this study, we used sorghum caryopsis (Sorghum bicolor subsp. bicolor), to investigate the radicle system formation developming of plantlets, as their germination and growth occurred on filter paper, iluminated with natural, or different colors of fluorescent light. Sorghum plantlets, generated from zygotic embryos, in the first 10 days of germination, can be used as experimental models in a series of studies regarding the plant physiology. The development of embryonic radicles exposed to natural light, continuous darkness or in fluorescent light – different colors – different wavelengths, mark an increase of radicles length, which is dependent on the applied light regime. The most significant increase of radicles length had occurred in samples kept in continuous darkness, or illuminated 16h/day with green or blue fluorescent light. Percentage values recoreded for this parameter (compared to white fluorescent light samples, considered as reference lot) are higher with 75, respectively 45%, exceeding the average increase of embryonic radicles in samples exposed for 10 days to continuous darkness. Obviously, radices dry weight biomass of these variants register an increase, but only by 27-28%.
Keywords: Sorghum, germination, radilcles, lenght, light
References: Iqbal A., Sadia B., Khan A.I., Awan F.S., Kainth R.A. and Sadaqat H.A., Biodiversity in the sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) germplasm of Pakistan. Genet. Mol. Res. 9 (2): 756-764. 2010.
Lynch J.P., Brown K.M., Topsoil foraging: an archtectural adaptaion to low phosphorus availability. Plant and Soil 237, 225-237, 2001.
Lynch J.P., Root architecture and plant productivity. Plant Physiology 109, 7-13, 1995.
Mehmood, S., Bashir A., Amad A., Akram Z., Jabeen N. and Gulfrazet M., Molecular characterization of regional Sorghum bicolor varieties from Pakistan. Pak. J. Bot. 40: 2015-2021, 2008.
Rajendran R.A., Muthiah A.R., Manickam A., Shanmugasundaram P. and John Joel A., Indices of Drought Tolerance in Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) Genotypes at Early Stages of Plant Growth Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, 7(1): 42-46, 2011.
Robinson D., The responses of plants to no-uniform supplies of nutrients. New Phytologist. 127, 635-674, 1994.
Singh V, van Oosterom E.J., Jordan D.R., Messina C.D., Cooper M., Hammer G.L., Morphological and architectural deveilopment of root systems in sorghum and maize. Plant and Soil 333, 287-299, 2010.
Singh V., Hammer G. and van Oosterom E.J., Variability in structure and function of sorghum root systems. In: Murray Unkovich, Global Issues, Paddock Action: Proceedings of the 14th Australian Society of Agronomy Conference. 14th Australian Society of Agronomy Conference, Adelaide, South Australia, 21-25 September 2008.
Singh V., van Oosterom E.J., David R.J., Hammer G.L.,Genotypic Variability for Nodal Root Angle in Sorghum and its Implications on Potential Water Extraction, European Journal of Agronomy, Volume 42, October 2012, Pages 3-10, 2010.
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Article Title: Growth in length of the embryonic radicles of sweet sorghum plantlets (sorghum bicolor subsp. bicolor), resulted from caryopsis germination on paper filter substrate, exposed to different types of light
Authors: Iulian O. Stana, Dorina Cachiţă – Cosma
Affiliation: ”Vasile Goldis” West University of Arad, România
Institute of Life Sience, ”Vasile Goldiş”, West University of Arad, România
Abstract: In this study, we used sorghum caryopsis (Sorghum bicolor subsp. bicolor), to investigate the radicle system formation developming of plantlets, as their germination and growth occurred on filter paper, iluminated with natural, or different colors of fluorescent light. Sorghum plantlets, generated from zygotic embryos, in the first 10 days of germination, can be used as experimental models in a series of studies regarding the plant physiology. The development of embryonic radicles exposed to natural light, continuous darkness or in fluorescent light – different colors – different wavelengths, mark an increase of radicles length, which is dependent on the applied light regime. The most significant increase of radicles length had occurred in samples kept in continuous darkness, or illuminated 16h/day with green or blue fluorescent light. Percentage values recoreded for this parameter (compared to white fluorescent light samples, considered as reference lot) are higher with 75, respectively 45%, exceeding the average increase of embryonic radicles in samples exposed for 10 days to continuous darkness. Obviously, radices dry weight biomass of these variants register an increase, but only by 27-28%.
Keywords: Sorghum, germination, radilcles, lenght, light
References: Iqbal A., Sadia B., Khan A.I., Awan F.S., Kainth R.A. and Sadaqat H.A., Biodiversity in the sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) germplasm of Pakistan. Genet. Mol. Res. 9 (2): 756-764. 2010.
Lynch J.P., Brown K.M., Topsoil foraging: an archtectural adaptaion to low phosphorus availability. Plant and Soil 237, 225-237, 2001.
Lynch J.P., Root architecture and plant productivity. Plant Physiology 109, 7-13, 1995.
Mehmood, S., Bashir A., Amad A., Akram Z., Jabeen N. and Gulfrazet M., Molecular characterization of regional Sorghum bicolor varieties from Pakistan. Pak. J. Bot. 40: 2015-2021, 2008.
Rajendran R.A., Muthiah A.R., Manickam A., Shanmugasundaram P. and John Joel A., Indices of Drought Tolerance in Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) Genotypes at Early Stages of Plant Growth Research Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences, 7(1): 42-46, 2011.
Robinson D., The responses of plants to no-uniform supplies of nutrients. New Phytologist. 127, 635-674, 1994.
Singh V, van Oosterom E.J., Jordan D.R., Messina C.D., Cooper M., Hammer G.L., Morphological and architectural deveilopment of root systems in sorghum and maize. Plant and Soil 333, 287-299, 2010.
Singh V., Hammer G. and van Oosterom E.J., Variability in structure and function of sorghum root systems. In: Murray Unkovich, Global Issues, Paddock Action: Proceedings of the 14th Australian Society of Agronomy Conference. 14th Australian Society of Agronomy Conference, Adelaide, South Australia, 21-25 September 2008.
Singh V., van Oosterom E.J., David R.J., Hammer G.L.,Genotypic Variability for Nodal Root Angle in Sorghum and its Implications on Potential Water Extraction, European Journal of Agronomy, Volume 42, October 2012, Pages 3-10, 2010.